Ain wr 00' n r; VOnL. XI. ANN AR1113R, MICH., W EDN ES DAY, APRIL 24, 1901,Nu. i1o ....Our Special Line of.... COACH SEXTON COMMENTS New Gradluation R-quirements. NO MORE HAIR CUTTING bore n ad Do esti 'l'fe f~tily hed meetinllo st ovenh- Foegn nDmstcOn Spring Trip-More Fighting Spirit j One Sophunlore is Brought Up on the Nee-CiaoG eShould:..:. uo~ ~Carpet For Scalping-Underclass- AB I. Have BeenWon-TTan d il was ()t men Save 1-inm From Expulsion FO P IGMost Brace Up --v>1 liut for ptinhitiot le l di- nt by Stopping tile Scissors teriLasi 101l reerreutit I to-tf(,u-oily F O R SP IN111 exolli. !oibe n tolo-j0 'e1, l-o 1-andothey00will laveto stt eli- Wlliitottdu th t ol t the teas atrived andl is ar- liad i t("e t -ttiii o sat011-011101110lif fie iiiti e l iiipon t i iu tli li)1 ul 0ut itillnsolo u.ith ranged for itspection. sunoin trial: 11 1011 111111110 ui lil rwlo ut11 111111 ijlt I 11011101the nlter We have the largest as- "The resultso ofttrigo 1 were0 ot t1111 11)c s to he reired-it111(1it lou iiii 1 1erth In- litl 10oeut 0i10l sortinent in the city, 11 It lid orliy. 'Iliei 11,Pnon t ;11 e1o-otil te oho l Iii tei-l,,iiis 00- iiother hair. 'tihe 11101pir 1ofi so rs~ 0 51toiii tlit it i 111 iii ii- -loo. ;t'4 hon 11111 1to ltilt luoluof o ttipiuev ii 0lii io l ii 001 llo t'etth t o -or-0di ______________ i l i-i- o iu i '111 d roit t i iow on Ill0 r uria110tloo- :lur- ~Men t Work it - liii. Hntii 1111 ,uicanlt(.111un1edc(11 H . W L DiC . o lit -i- 111 itI.i ot 11 l olll 1--iio ololo. is t uc t I 110. i~e"ilt lo hloter otos LQ A PA 5 0oit1101 to luf o O Oitl.t,1(1ll- 0 Th- e traii ck iiI iii 0l ii i lihe outof1Re1- braveofs l ' il 0 ti to I()1wluoi wo - l -i-soit iou-it. -litng11110 l(toleisitu o- utl i .in I liii lsiFkl liii o~ fo11mv on i il;11tiilt ai l i, wllO 11, liie011 Soutfie - 0 tiiili iil I pl ill the i lay - 1 ir \vo rkii oi 111the -iwieather Ioii 11 10 liYiiedayhIll atlllth i toryiBi t 11e1111 11 ch1l1s- 11110. a 1t, w ich lia s ill li th1 h 1e'o ii. liu 1,011 111l o itlo loro. ioio -'( - ~uoul ,-,I veil w el .i 5Ols u- L ceived f esh I ii11.- l l iile ii11. The I iiiii1)-i:iiih o illiwere ut (lIteIu 1111 11 t11ll of savlil" I tudolen-t t \\-;Is up , 1 tc~~~iat 1( ,.Iii 0 lulii- iiiiuiou-o uISi-itiitlilrei P EA N-iiUTSi 1 i -01W it I * A1,111utilk.-l 11,11111 «hi n tt ii ii 1 p-uli- 1 -il ir ll1 luo-ou oit ll Io sle fpa - ollilli l a1 1 1l, iterl 1111is he 111, ees zii 10 ishotl 1 00frs111 lonhlli.- li l oo ii . Mleo. of theXV nhreoosgt of11 1 th ii ultiuli ii I ii liifori 1 111 iI 1o 0 t i iilness iflhisimoti er111111 111 t P> i lsiiii 1 11110rthe so ll l o-N -r1ec1eived1111 u- iluii ifresh--- liil ll i l ethl byI liii- er0At1he.tit le of ihe i-i- - tit.r (vas no.N .~ -Ilii em -u i ll.i -iitt l ii iiu 111meltlli. o oo-ii111p1to-i " Poachbuou 1(0 11 1B1eene iiil liili i l i 1. 1111 is f, ulil ill ' s.ll iii - -- tii-fit ti h fi sii iu i-ii-ilillii-n 111 tioililt10iia 1 t'oaolosuul lii ii a ,,li 111 Clet heuC.le fiet eto tie Jen. 305 S. Stat tteOfi wt10 101thlat i 111 : 111i(ilii-1 fadte ilsoi is airii i~ Slies, Covers AND Laboratory Supplies AT QUARRY'S Spalding's Official Base Ball Guide Containing the official code of playing rules rules for 1951, together with the annual statis- tical record of the minor leaguse and col- lege clubs of spun and matter of interest to every lover of bane hail. 10C WAH R'S Anooh~r i t-iiii ol i lb fnliitll o ilat is ltiii liliol ilShort10 loloio~totg11111- i lli ii il('' it ). l'wi --i-i i-t liiiovuan tliiue linlen ito lclt ;I lo 1-ii - 55luho ilsthowofli 1 ct, nii o i ,OO 01 11' ~l 0)l ncr' ,rc Ii tll '(h (lu r i; - l ( ,Ioi 1W. lo o il t -,111Y i.:) l'oet far1111 %liill i ztu 11 1 0 l edto01110 Ol iiiu Iti'loit ll ( si t ;l"-o .n tt.' 0-0I I o llt )'', )'tnl I t ii- Lu- 2Itou i 1 1io i o( ) L vitbll ;oo baroil-u- 1-110 101 ofil heli itiu - iia~o ii ni ol di li ololl uou . 11 iiil 1101011010iu fl' Ii 1i~li ol- 10 1 (I01 1 11 W u l 1'i11' oul~ot 11010 i1uo It- iiiot oli-liwih 10 oit iit 1- ili i o.Llllo li tuio ii Lu-li i oo 511 111 u iu iioi l (it oi- l t)INiuo 1111l l 1 1-10v).: 11 t Ll r( )j'liclt, a d l iilicr ,lt 1.11ii l i l",II('I tII 2(10 ,0111 ilIo{ of Itt cl__________\vil _alit tol) h. 1(1 _'r __l f1)arei toi theLi Li -oo-uoo--- I I 1 -u-ltheir 111)Cn11o ttttnrufllL A 11 12Liii-- -(0 10 t idto l;,_Ie_ 11)_il the 111111y I)(nliiilit) Closnti-iberoo SoL.!i. -l j1110 1I\ olli1i 1 i-I "Il(i)llotLLu lull o (ittil1. 'It~ ; l''overtub lii- iii 101to1cat111 f + ih\liolLoI 1111111,11'.i Howell 1001 Ii -ov e1111 molbti s ihlo 100 e'(1" :'Oilj i i 01 oi. ii 0 thewarisoiioO oilO -othi oclll1i lc iio1 1 01 fC(t- 0 ouoooooouo ho liii illt hla Ills ull'- ulo}o{l 11111 11011110. Ii 10 liii ilililil,(i;I (I 0 o i 1-1 - , prl l_°) ifi% 1 t oo ll i 00010 i-- ilo l-li bol 0110oou-Il 1110l j1 t i ( 1i ;11 I -o- "li- i (iI 11 Lil Li l--ll iIolol li i 1 i~e tc 21l, I t i 112 i t ( t Ilull.)) Itol i I to11. c, 1 lV0 '__ 12 ___ol. 1h wi~i- I L~iL~iI~oIO liii iui of Ili(,- - i " Iioo {Lou os lob Iu 1colih'toou lo-ll - oi ll ii~t eel:ouou tiL h s- 1ouo1 0 t,11 1w io I - llI)b o112222ot.i-l t--toi ,o i io Ai l )I 1111. 1 2(ohi~o i- - 1 11111 Li- il-l i-lo Liii iouitulollo I 0 op 5 i ooor ll h s i l-I i l t Ilihoi o ;'tot ioio-1 oil Au-;11( oIl-( 0-lii osjh li- o iit ,u ohoiO his i-tu ii. bljlt~ol of, i)l iol( ItIi 15oli1. ii- loll: 101;I. l2 illu co ol lue, i for0 oh Ie- jL";111. o . il o i le I'm- t heli I cc utc . . loa- t11 ololtlliii I);l0001iio tjlir- ii I tli A ot I-JuI 101n1100.looiril 1.)oo ll ihowiuI0i oulo; ) it s 104 luou oh or-o-l-o. ii- iiiiuii Senili o-loii - le hool lil ~ IIii losiroalMy Pat io11~ll ou ti(tiroo - i ri-li- Luh-i fli iiu- 11lot1 ti. t o u- liA ll1.i 1h110iui ii oil 111(11 rllThito r outfhi lois ihootv 112 uliii~j> l')tti 11o tr t101111 lo 11110 1it. i u ttoioloi 11 1(1 li.ltoO wil- ()oili atlt1 i-i olt ll.'lt I; ti1110000 i oul'thioe itliol Lthlli t(' to.l l I--is fo I sto 1111u I ;oiitii 111(11 11110 0 1110 oll 11.ti i or wI. iltl2 itotil1).:t ,ouly. (,l'tl l~astil lig-oic, w i alothey 14al oololluothu it oul ouhti-itii o ti'hc"(111- belly-s111( 11 a.T heuotx. Pr Itloslo ii it u-lu-lit-i 011011 'ill'tl; 1t,)fr111+ 10% to tt o p,- tha1oiit~l itIt ie'Is 1oi11,N top , t~. 11110 llt1100t of t hefilr I'lt (tIyo- iillitl - rlun s- esto ll(]roo'gt h li;lito.l Itr to l illelotlutioss-ltoilni- tot h e 111111ilt ilte o lril S"II I t)( 111 1 f it' Illac'( 1 luoti, l ttig so ith tuu(ii(d-I Iulti. lu-ti 1ou ttu1lhitir t Itt l ;1n('('ui- ti te iii ;'i il 110-i 11111 t ill-its1I1 .il twjilllllulIhloi lt ht - 1)1 lilllone 11,1 ll l i iur. gl Tthe il'llv~illi #i o neii l iol Illlc:tO hi o r1111ityolol11(1 itr le Thce lll'( I i h s ollli t1) citi- 11a(\ 1. 1111 ( x =)i- l tlt'j1'lioii sol ill0 s-sSl oit-l;.I1lt swiI tll IlnIo r o t't r. StoeilaVe April10FooitilI~a t to wse eod 1 IIIo ath.;E. osrt na ely vist telo the lie to lo-. ouli~stru. Tart etrica~lltis t)hv be n o ,o th lotII 'otetI ' llltltion 1 ss-olrll l ssIotu lll ai 11 ~l - I lhillfor hl illb neft i .o h tile Coli-ild (tio ; 11 teI lli,.re trul010 lj1rIoss hlt. e-Otoin"ll l ois tl e Ws. (1111 Itoa1sclrd Itayes.1'rt. lsu'letnad The cnnlee i a etow hs Noot: v.era 121ea. 9ho radr-nd - erol- apty . in.sot ey