THE UNhIVERiSITY O0l MICHIGAN DAILY NEW BOOKS b Kiut's fawu. by Drummnond. Unc' Terry, a Story of tin Mlain 4.Onot, by Charic lasGbre Mun. hat Mtowaring Affair, by A. Mayn- ard IBarbour. the Viiso f Eli abet, hr Elior Like Another Helen by George Horton. t~eStory of Sara, by Louise Fors- WhoailMade., Are Out and Loes .Ailud, by -Brady. ':hu Lure Leters of the ing, by L e (allienue. The )Ao-'LekTlroof itr Ittgo. All Cto alone at a iscirout rin u- You can get a ITTT LE'S S838 out Stte lSt Thesis Work We do thetsis work Attcuratcy gurna tteed. Prices moderate. ,ypowrittttg. Miteographing. EDWARDS BROS. osee holnne State Sneel a.°l a-v fo tee--oiir,)priate or lai. gll =t t.fI oilfittRANEtR'S ACADMY eon iup Collections BOUGHT FOR CASH Lc up yorold011collection and tem it into ready nmoney. Prompt Cahi and Goodl Prices. THE MICHIGAN STAMP COMPANY dOOM 8.1. EllWoioaol Air.,tDelroit . STAEBLERS CYCLE 'EMPORIUM, 11 w. Wahingto SI. j §hIc... NORTH SIDE- LAU NDRY TIIOAS. i{OWE',. rop. 2a0 DetroitSt. 4c1 Bll ton a M. MARTIN.. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embtalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4h Ava. Ambulance night sd day e deneoe 302 Fifth Ave. TILORTG itI lr Prince TAILORING AT PRICES witlhin the reacit of ordinary mortals Your Suit to Your Mleasure And at a price titat will save yoti frott $5.00 1to $is.oo frota1 the price -charged-by -the ordittat-y terobtitt tailor. Wilt you investigate? We will do ille rest. GOODRICH Q UKE, ThleenatitonalTarilorin othicago Ed. .Price&Co of Chicago B.-tern &k-on tCtlea,,o SPRING LINESa NOW tiEADYNovrtt NionalnkIOo I ~ Put a KODAK in 1 your Pocket ,JIIIL IL)WE SELL THjE1 tlSEntscb a'"lcr,it._ r~y.rC9'4yTSY. tbc f l"to'wapc.+Y1.&!' J Brok Even Itbltiloto( fromli Thirdt tVi-d ONISICONSI N. i I t l . t LI I i"It .r . . . . 1) )1 U1 Wa e. 1 - --..... ..... O1 schol i er. :II - - -....1) 1 7 1 11 Itriftll. 21,) - - -.... 1 <7 j 1, , Ie. - - - I t)I ) () ti ot l. . ... .. .. ( I I 1 4; 1 1 2 Il 1 5 i .1;)ll _i 00"., 11 Il ()II 1 11 ( ) II I 1 It~et 1 ,t1 -11 Ir 11111 i 1:111(11l0 t 1111 S~lvbe , It II bill . rl i l I"Y1 IN C1 1 11 Y1 111111111 11111111 1111o1 111, B I e d 1 b Ioel - - 1 11 Pt AI'll Jo I )I 21 - 7.. . ..2 Il {? 1 I 111111 '11) . .....- 1)1 II 7 I 1 .I 1 - 1 II - 11 . 1 . . . . 0 t 1 1 0 FlIt' l,:el. 1 . . .. o- I 1. 1 i 10 1.1-11110 ..... .... 1 0 1 1 t 1 e"', ( .. .... ... 1 -, 0 .I \c 1111i II pl -rl -1 1 '- _1 1 - : 1- sIII ou011Y111olol Ill'.In v .l{ll1 1on 20111,,0 111111-111Tllt 1l5. 111.cy1n on ]) VII t' 2."110111 i~ Cl~t 1 trill--.110 01-1 li w tc . ln"l-,o 1 .1 1111' .- 1)h w~ Agents Agents 10(istutlents wanlted to canvass duritig vacatiott for the "4A. A. Itmproved" gasoline lanmps. Sells =II1 Siglit. SUPERIOR MFG. COIIPANV 329 S5. Main St. WA BAS Hi PAN=AMERICAN EXPOSITION Buffato, N.Y.,May i-Nov, t0 The Wabashlthiel"NauaaeallsSort Line."lohi- made spectilarron,rotnects to ncomnomodate a large travel betoreen no- troll and Itffolo dating the Exopsitio New eqauipment aid additional train ter- vice will 1heprovided. floe Wabasisiite onlyilinte operattigPree Rlitning Clonir cart hetweentChicagio and 00f1110. Tick- ets111wi e rood fr taop~-over at Niaira Fals. Write toera1cops at Wabash Panl-Amtoriaat foldernaititog a brge tfre rolor maotttf the Exttositiott reondi ottd handsotttrino elthigoth le 1101111pal kbuildlas. Ticket Office. 97 Adams Strret, F. A. Palmer, A. t1. P. A., Chicaga. Cor. Alind 011u0ronirets1 Capital, s .000. Sureplue, $35,. Tarct R, KExe rPret, CEO ooEENVict-Pre FIRST NAIOALRAKyrnn i Capital, tO100 loatuplusand Pooti- ,0 ,rran-acts a onera aking businese. FareegL eat o ug,.httandtsold. Furneshlleterao E. 0. KINNE, Pro., HARRISON SOU LE. 011e-Pes S. ;ICLARKtSON C(moOe The AnnD AflroorSavings Blak caital 01t11k. fI0.O0 .Surplus.t15Silo00 Reource,t$.500,1)00, Orgieidatndr eliGenrral Bainlg free of thir 01ate. RSlo e e- pos-itsll, Oarr aod e: exrhangeeonlthe10princialiesof thetablaed Statet. nrliftr ched uponlproperlr llo-aatior, Safety deposr oest o rent. ~ tOer-oo.s: Cl ioloa . es15.. ari- mn,Cie-Pe.,Cba-. E. ircockFh . At, J. Fritz. Asslstittk 1.11ier 00W J.OOTH, P110.ST E J. V. SnEeuata. NI lrc-Irer- JOHN. C.WaeeoZ, Ass. C.1OolllO lVIN BAINK Tranrsacts a generai BIanikig lttuoine-ss IA I tI I(III111.0N. 'r11,1 I. ... Ii 1II110 .A 1 - 1 1 2 I () t) I 7 2 1 [1 (t 1 I 1 1. 1 }1 a 7 (, 277 1-1 1111111 wofI....I.I . .. ... , E, Itl t[1 0 ...... 1 " " 7l Iti, I oIut,, -By II 11111 . 1. b lb Iciiz<1. .T h ti) l-1 G-, l 11l o ell Io l 1 bySawyer. 1. I NI?(T I - L iRl 1_\~ Royal TI-o..- 10 ; i-- rettes. 5e. ~jPING SHIRTINGS :WAG NER &CO. HATTER HABERDASHERS Matkers at COLLEGIATE CAPS, GOWNS and -OOGOS, Renting af CAPS ord GOWNS, (4 SPEClt4LTY. CLASS CANES, E L£RFLAGS, LASS, sad OLLIBOB HEATS and CAPS.. W.Cs KERN & CO. 4t1 X. Fifty-Sey rmnth St. tlHtCAGO, I LLB +, AGENTS F01. THE FAMOUS 3ROYAL AND CYGOLF SHOES FOR MEN + PATRICIAN SHOES FOR WOMEN ONE PRICE $3.50 + OUR SHOES POLISHED FREL OF CHARGE Spalding's Official _League Bell to Is the Oflicial Ball of the National * League, the leading minor league and all the college ° and athletic associations. A bandsonmc Catalogue of Base Ball and all Athletic 'o Sports mailed free to any address. Spaldingas Official Base Ball Guide for 1901, edited by Henry Chadwicko, ready March 30, 1901; price 11) cents A. G. SPALDING & BROS. (tSCOas'ORAoTD New York Chicago Denver 'SHE FINEST LINE OF SCOTCH AND ENGLISH SUITIMG IN THERCIIY #++goo 11146i llf++i HH114++1 Hi++1 I ifipol-i i1i Dili 6614 HAVE YOU SEEN ' NOSE NOBBY BROWNS MIL WARD IT