TEEpUNIVERS FY OF MiVCBiGAN DAILY o S .6 r .g. " .S". . "SK 5 6 K 2 ',5@ '+" "YrZ. ~ Y K ^^ 0 ~ c S"ts:L iS"K"CS CS. S"!f Q"K"V "!C. ^S B""Q.1S.65.Q S" "6" "6..s 6 6 "4"U G"6 6.Q 6.6.Q 15" "6"R"4.6"G"R 6 . 6. "6.4 R" "Q"4 -a 6. - cy "PR-O FIT BY THE EXPERIENCE OF OTHERS" pt &f Kt. ?T. !15 M5 All Styles $3.00 O0DSPEED'S 117 M3AIN STREET Os~OsOs ~ *Os . Os Os Os~.. OsOsOs::: ~Os':Os'9:~' T ~NIAGARA FLSROUTE' s F M.T IL R lIE SHOJRT i' .NE- SPRING IMPORTATIONS have ar- A NN ARBOR TO © rived and are ready for inspection CHICAGO BUFFALO B OS NEW YORK H E N R Y BR.0 Wth titreet contections.at Cicago tor St. Louis, Kansas City, St. Paul aind the tesot. Et' information andthttroutgttickhets calto nr wrtie tolH.W, HAYES, Agfrnt,inttAtrbotr. ANN ARBOR RAI LROAD LNtt 'S ..it. H.t ZNEo TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Sundsay, Alay 20, 08909. Tratas leave Ann Arbor by Central Stand- ard Tine. SOUTH NORTH *No. 6.- 7:25 A. a, No. 1.- 8:50t A. M. No. 8-11:15A. i. *Nu. 6.-12:30 °. a. Nu. 4.- 8:35sP. a. Eu. .- 4:50 P. a. *Run between Ann Arbur aad Tuledu unly Alt trains daily except Sunday. W. T. PV ILS. Agent. W H. HENNETT, 0. P. A- HOCKING VALLEY RY. +00++00++00++0+++000++0++00++00+ Broke Even Al t'IIlAN. It 11 PO) A Otozit ... .. . . 1 0 1 .0 Wbt', b t....t 0 7 1 D iesfr.:. 1.. 1 1 1) ltt't:o', ~o......2 2 t) '_ol itt 1 .... 0 2 f 0 .Xltttti'o,. .... ( 0 I1 2 Dlo,21) .... .. 0 )0 2 it t"ItenX's. ...... 1 Totittilt. lba...... t Dillotn. h ..... V It. ) ...... ... t) 0 0I t Ct t} 0 11 .> t I) t 11 t I: I, C} t )1 0 o' ii II Tbe JOSEPH BOHMTANN MANDOLINS & GUITARS ReceiedrstFet Prenitisa at the ParitExpo tion, 19100. They ste foeegase t= the Schaeberle Music Store, 116 WV. Libesty St., Ann Arbor, tidie Dental Gold We sell dental gold and solders We pay cashs for old gold an silver. Wmn, Arnold, Jeweler FIN EST RIGS IN TIHE CITY AT HnlmjtsCtI h'irjtav I. IL It)PO Brw. 21)......2 2 0I t 'lot to. . it .llorlti , 21)..21 lHltti, ;bll..... Hoovertt, 1 . ... tt . It t P() 12 t 5I~tt'r li ......2 2 4 oI 1 I l l l m E.L1ViY. IJ S1 1 5 1b1PHONE 106, 515 E LiESY I: loriul 11f 2......t It Moirt eyp t . .... > 1 1 I otl L11it (II .. .. . . t 1 0 1 (t () Metiril . ,.. .. . ? 1 1=1 31 () Xditlti II1't II) Tatl1 12 27 i Ott, ig(Tlia . ... .1 It 2 ()It 1 it 11 t -lt tlt .... .00 ()020S -i 11 The Railroad that takes the -itntlia, ' s'lorl 000 0t I 1 1 : il o :'its itS-D[tis o.4 1later, Business In and Osut tCalhtount. p.... 01 1 0111 Stlen Ii ti XX1'i'ttt't'.lltttto (2). E "YOU RE NETT!" of Michigan - - - - 1-111wnI.I r5 ltti, iE. Slertilt,. A ar-Ie if not, try some or Haink's fOne cous SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS 'l'iitols . . ..7 1(1291 15 t ill. 91Stuk t -It ii-M ra; 2:;Iby l.fectionis. Always fresht and made to 4 DAILY BETWEEN1 2 2 " 4 5 Gi 7 tF- l _________________________________________ Sitow11. tlnit'. NXliii ild 2. lat'e'2 l11illI G 10T, Detroit, Ypslanti and Ann Ar- llarier. If. 1I.. smithi.Sidirtimril. tal-11 1110( A 11 bor Railway. hiol. tStirucikt ()lit -By Stittt2. 1by lic,11111:00 ... . 0 ( (i t t ) (Cars leave for Detrott asid Ypsilanti t0tlliiit 1;tii I l 1eN :13- 1tnititi os -.1:11 IfI....... 0 1 2 0 0 every boor beginlning at 7:15 a. m.uno- titcedit liv ;Smith t5; Ity (ttittln t XX iii 1 it ......... 1 i til 9:15 p. tm.; After thtat to Dtetroit at Easeont allt 1111110 li 9tit5: Islivtil I ioittl 11 It i..... 1 0 1 (1 _____________________ 11:15 p. to. Waiting room corner Asnn t ,b _.l''1 11 t ile ~ 11eiii 0, . it1I.1 and Main Sts.; Letroit,l1 Griswold sOt Cittiiittti. Tolltillt. IPA'-sdllf11 1:t1es .....0 00 0 1f alreeyhl orStrasadr t ~,rl.Pcwc ilui:adP C r ev y haf hn Sttidy a t Ictt . T1'tiil't. I 'i'l 1lt'ort i ner. ...lil()1a5it on Fridays from 2:15 to 5:15 spso. o ttt,24.1ttii H ...o a 1 Regutti '" tion Size Tables, MONEY LOANED 2:5lllt. Dlt , 1it .....i .0 (M)rctCtslp M N YL A E IIIIxl\ _oel,1 ..0 0 1 6Mo rcCshoson watches,;Iiasnonds~tives tid other P~e-h 1 '0 Al 11 s .. ~Everything Hey, and sonal Property. Office at residence, 33t E. , ' . tity t-ae Liberty street. All tiusinenss cuonfidentioal ttt ' 11,1. ..... . it0 i0 2 It 1 1111 . .tot271olSrclyV -n-ae Hours. S to 1:50 a. m. and I to 3:30 and 7 toil X'1tit't.:h1......2 1 2 1 01 It 1111tittd tntIloitrti Page. I 707 N. University Ave. -Ann Arbor p. M. JOSEPH C. WATTS nu rnunnIrjr ;r n1 r r rvn .zy r rvnj .ruvn nrnzr nnr rLnnt rtarttinnra ni cr P 1jg~rs j j New lot of Rope Stitch, Extention Heel 511 SOUTH MAIN' STREET z t SOUTH MAIN STREET BabrFc taigadEmbalmer and 613 Ecant William Street U. o ? maBarberaspecilNOCH IETERLE, Funeral Drectrls ies y iAf lnwhlngalf lkswesFine shop and Bath ty, dons by latest f Fwobuldhg.vll'knShoel methods. I(Berlis I 2 }{ p }} I , 'hoe n Sh p of ropas s a sllydou'ID E UI adars10. grhAe Dhep; y ' Rooms, 322STATE J.dR. Trlsnows1kI 1 . Bt hne )IP E. Lambert. . j (IPhoto WE PATRONIZE GOODY EAR'S DRUG STRE,!0M!N