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April 12, 1901 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-04-12

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top and b(
and catcheic

ir inch steel frame
Atom, good locks
s, corners reinDforced

F4- .- -- - - - - --

Micbi~a Centrl e UGiiITARL
f-\ za Ce tra Received First Premsiuma at the Parte Expos O .T I O*
Uto,10.IIABARA FALLS ROITE- They are ftr gale at the
TxlE SHORT LINE- SPRING IMPORTATIONS have ar- SEilaeberle Music Store,
ANN ARBOR TO rived and are ready for inspection 116 vW. Liberty St., Ann Ac toi Mich
BUFFAO ~ , ~,Dental Gold
NEW YORK H wt :IN1R YII0B t We sell dental gold and solder
AND B STONWe day cas11for old gold an3
With direct connections at Cneags for St. W
Losuis, Kanseas Ciii, St. Past and the west. Kellogg Wins Cross Country Run Freshman Had a Good Itning Last Wm Arnold, Jeweler
Etc taftrmattesnadthrough tickets call in
or write is H. W.H AYES. Agent, AstnArhor, Night
yestrd~ayafternoon iithe tioss-totin-
ath 1 an thirfirsh-t catc ior ltii'AS-a aresult of last tnights fiehat ' FE4i
A NN A BWRit, Ka py &(').dcp.lTe eattil arty foIesecr nthe tarct ttincoilm N A
~ H'.iE~±d.H EIA- ~T1'~H; ascal tut 'cot. biu deiretd,-utfi at test ll I t'i'scta c i7it i av fat he
kIMERTAE tell i tnetat.ocathetthr ant-c s tie lii T-a- a tiat c gienab'}Iatieifresh-lR IG
1l' rol rh trty's 'oI s11a t acs ii git a t t ]igh ;5t' i o btc ei N rj I Y A
Takiag Effect, Sttaday, May 2t, 5899. tiiiiit latalivi5dcc tcoted andbt ccc fit-claiti-tif-llaifforet-
Trailav ersAssActor byC.ental Stand- hield Ito Slate tei.,silt State ta tfits'othler aI
aid Tins. cli- at'ide o tic T. & A. .tracks actics tlt'e i'aisaigis c-ti ih atlc '.
SOUlTHlN ORTH 'lii aaitacaticm'ltas t at' 1ie1i
No.6.-7:2 A.M. o. .--:50A. . S. a d bck lirtiahe 'al ittalat ie 'r'. \elatitentded.a itic. 1n ero llpl P O EI U es . BE - Y
No. $.-11:35 A. M. *No. 5.-12a30P MF ..a a-caettl fatati iat'itti l tis iii il1 tttici aa'prsista l Iohia.5-75 . . N.t-tc .S. ci atlaakist'ta iiiia ai-t.ut Pl 6dI~ E h
No. .- Sass P. a. No. 3.- 4tactP.r. - A- tr t- ' o-bo t ln<ili1 t tt I; laisli-e ate 'ci- claaaaaaaa clacs_________________________-_
Kelittag ca-Itsecoia-i 'ta our"and thlia
*Hut hetween sAnArbtr and Toledoc onalyaliataibodygardaa. thera-ac i a iesa
All tratns daily ecetSsndav. i-it-umicatl liiiiitaiif. lIe't'sca ni n iiiig iiaaat i .aaia'c ''a''-a'a lii t-
W. T. WILLS. Agent teasiciy'- eilixv tih icaialog yngiaag'stridea.
W5 Hi BEINNETT. 0.P. A.Ia temp la-a-f pc t snia a ils a tofaSe'lie ainiontit'leait'Paii-
IIcr ls d t eI Ii n t-a-'(, aveaay'-- -a at-
I . the iso hsig lyiii nttiaa'at ttdistanceti
st~N V G L E Illa:1i a'1tita ~ i if' f'ati'liic. iclt 'i'itt -tc ia liuti i. f''laia i-i
The Railroad that takes the scond- pai aica. T'elitrlst ltara-a-a-itt-iac- iiitit a"atf. ti fls'YOU'RE NEXTl"
Bulsiness In andi Oui t c at tirittna nd tatlilfci a---f t-ve i -i-' ai'lli- N tethe l ltbit c it-ha t iii l i-a-a atati
of Michigail. tit l t wa t-a e cla a - tc titlt a lt 01 At liheclose if I tth t ac lst'e iii fnt ty ta fH nksfn o
£ SOID ESTBUL TRINS lalcrs.'ilt' ic-t lft- ii'acta-a 1s aiiata's veittt'lia aaaaaalaa-cof --se fections. Alavays fresh and toads to
SOI DAIL ETENS 4 laigis. Theit''s Vtfre AlnIerehe ,c tedin5t ati sift iet li t cl-ti a 'f Please the most dasinsinafing. Yoiz
"'a e. Vo'le. Pry adjDIYBT ENl Ioiteldi es , .a l nt's tea.a thlirc if t-asgct the best fliers, even Ittitess and
TOLEDO, CO.l11BUS t.otti'. * '° olh sleyb} ,vnI tete.(oyster-a fortheitabohsre-
aneN. Illofsf witlit1,1 ta-'t iaho n ait' -ia - i' ttlas liiai fiea.hit 1ie'coritc 200 Ei. Wlashington;i01610So. State.
W5. H. Fisher, t.. Lt.tansdmanu, uttatiil ct iata tloantathe(11 -oated lit' t iast, t sittufli-i aaucta ah i~
0. P. A. 1G. Tray. Agt. IKayi &'C o . I't is a iii'iitict s o i d til lt'talpartes alt taft theii ,111ill :Iii i
C bsan hio. ts Detoit. Mick. sl--iNtl.Oittiaataittiiatt lis f stalrt-a-a t aluli f'y seineti feii tat'
Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Arf- at- Nill ra-a-i tt int s' c -cii ot'fth lnt i lit tigitlf' dJtittiitl tii ill a l
bor Railway. .tlti'l t-s.0 citiotaftr'tat' ltllf'inithe'aatt' casl~a iataai alatt's'att
Cars leave for Detroit aind Ypsilanti 'Tfp'aahy rtoom.il ttatai itatatat a lta
every hour beginoning at 7:15. a. nm. on- _____________lea'saffel. T'f w lt'alaa'aoftatlotath
fit 9:10 p tn.;t After thtat to Detroit at - cl___ aiss-a city aat-lcit riee It11.1s ipe'i
11:15 p. no. Waiting room ocornter Ann IF ) Ott WOTJLD TIE HAPPY 8."ateiff onl ltat til It'aaclosetfivat i n W. [
and Main Sts.; I)etroit,ll Giswotl st SMOKSI - __-,---i ckwick . l~r 1 }
Cars eve y halt hour Saturdaya anud Royal 'tigert, S1tc; Tigeretteo tic. (hic "fOnionaa Staia"Writing Pails beatBiladriu,
on Fridays from 2:15 to 5a15 p.no. - aittlttasyat y ta afsats'fccrthehe tuyRepoilatio Sloe Tables,
MONEY LOANED If you see the work of the Toteds(tt-. it Sc'ltItl.lIt- IWS Ioltaoct'. EMonarch Cushytoas
on WatcheslDianttndnWheeles d ther Per. Latuldary Co. you will tue convinced f'rtepeaTissute'Paperacforccolaarative EeytigNen
senar Property. Office at eiidrnce,331lE. thattityovant no other. Agency 121. 5. purcpoases ht inll fclrcs.plai aid fig. Strictly Up-tn-Date.
Liberty street. All business confidential
hoses. 8 tol113a. m, and 1tto 3:30sad ;toSyStain. tuteal.at SGH'lt.LtEII'S, clown town. 707 N. University Ave. Ann Arbor

1PurtanOxfodsAll Styles
1New lot of Rope Stitch, Extention. Heel 3
01 Oxfords and Shoes now in.. 47 $..5u I
Rjsg vhes Fate steamiang ad ~ , rrrn mamandnd u3 j'Si63EatWilliam Street
C. Emblme M yssb a an d fIV rkV jstaneahaif hunch "wool
muassage a spschal- RR ,, ITENL, FnrlDrector / of la hild a llined
t Shop and Bath mne y aes lw irn LAt insc n a
antds.a Bri I 2p , f repairing sesthy do*-.~Pht
adPrs1100.1 I. B fur h :s D#! Q Shoe Shop E. Lambert.{Pht
Ro 81~i 22 STATE. J' R, Trojanowatu a

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