z THE UN1~IVERSITY 0F MICHIGAN DAILY. ., . ~j gj ~Team Off For r. 'i Pul'oisedai l (toodlat weptedid niui [Continued fronm First Page.]j Thle "00 1$3.00 Shoe iS the Sh]oe Coliege sear. atoundi11tiolliiithe nones of the tost de- o1 erw ntewete sser fiEIcVR~YO III A'dP. Wiccoti'sillaatonhas most of ;its; tain A t ttle rain doesn't huart it tANOFFC NHOFF 3e S ICE et.oldt11-11"bck. il~tdttplyiig tic il- while it a ads plenty of comfort on Argon BidgIlm t. 3 .SaeSre.tevam to as Beth 'Phoes 013 lNtwStaen'Phone 182. jiproveit verimo]iis(this yeair. At Nirh nacutofsrn aaio tela,-nCc-I olse as thei theBar t of d ew ays. ihtshe iliy cuopenis tpublitioti sitli to- the lest teesi ttitiis ever rresintedt the for lrieht days and heavy shoes for dat'issuoe uitil Tfucesday, April 2 . tulle. tied iiitiy lie hef Michigai rainy days if you prefer. wilt leiirowndiiwn tiaiitJiy Hltlis- Ii a lecilt iniiesi'is 7pritedin iithetir to' to il'st"Petit"GLASS'S SHOE STORE, Datlly. CiaichIiSexiton ii deoredthe spirit 'Ceethaiiies ookvr1sananO9S0. Main Street., nitifotct o Sihili ioeceltunCati. Mltituis sayse isttot seeuni ANN At3BCR, MICH dito -cii tainri exteiit our athleteo in tllthiiig tiett ertitan ill eveit hrecak. 8 P. M. getie-tl. WItites c iWiay tie said iif Ctech SextiontIefcl iii toeaywhat lie liimi-eic iaidlfooilltllt, we shell Ctiiiiglt theu(ilit"Itci-, would tie, sunt outl for itle tir'e-ni ilitt uinsut is ciallutardly llamue hint tifter seeinig the . . . . . . . . . . . ...WE BEG TO ANN to lii eio'seall inthe titiotiif sev- lieis-of ii llot few cdays. lihi *vtil of laitilyear's ' Varsity tun li iis ntl12 lieu. womuiCiaptain _AMed4lo1li-t abovne c ritic"ism. tiind we "believe it istheeliiscii Citethe Citrict': A~ttlewcs onl 2nd Annual SpI iuy f theie),olly tocalii tteltton ti Keairnis. cttichvrs;1tley, Sawyer, 1ha- O tet ftacitud stihatttile stuident lily sit intl fotelli. ptcfhers; Turdill ist frowit ii andildisi-uttictigs oh spirctt ir;Iilii t-ii tc ticotlaol i t > is terii;; Shoswi. W'ilittit d tan M- ciii:e;V'iber. hinSdbake; Stioss, left A L L N E W~X tiger Bal-ird ihad iiiliae tilltisluitig tfid 31c~iliiiiiio tefiir elt; Daiesu. tonwlies tiii the sprinigs utieile. r1It ivIelt.FOR Mtiehigait lid imitppiedti tifotrits item I laf teltinieniarei'nessatid initee- viit tlinti iidetal season-vsitaliganestuits ensity utiredinifast comupainy. t'rae-1en ,Boys arl bthl etasitidssi-C dtuoiily Asi~ ~l icaiilly th lilole iifielu ledti tht htigeo andui t-aistiio tf i-onic ~ict tttit' utit-li o sitionitate illed hy green slze taiii repuutatiou. Xcitnwhot ito ste iWtei. andu hots Cloy owill hlaig together Otr irhe is more complete than ever findi? With pirtospectse bieirighetest inil a fttot gititie io a question. arid styles of the season.. We most yetarstforc t eliupiuuuohiu Stasonit te7 7 our stock , complete line of iethdeplrleettdspectatile of atleat tel coi f toleiof hdytc V re- -i-Haberdashery, Hats, fittinli ttilpttear iiliegt isriliitni for The'CiteIl i liWhite'' t-it te pri'iinhuurtrinuinugutan othier'one k-tray tr illil it4tiotilli. it tCliiiB L E seftliig to icoiie outtiatll. 'These inien 0 ltiu n To'hea'tter' Sisurday. seintoittft'lc'htuth le - \ticall not - April I18. Prics 2i 5-0-75e. gel tlutig owithoutfteiti. tutu. bltlitig- ott thetircp s1 . i-t'alt- ioluis t' v i-thlu'- t - - o o - i 0 ' cetcitity fur thtani. 'Asti 'iset Ilellteiitiyiihourtti. Ordet' of BROGAN, 110 iiiiiilioi stprig i titi' i-gtiilaitCS.Main St.A weetk thielst- piirsi~osfontih eyi1,11ottiiioI'FRIDA~.Y, A cotueiirlelui' ii ol d- iltrinei'vigor irtut I''lee icieettlittelcs o ii i tt 11i i th oslil V* S h'~THE SOCIAtL EVEN'S'IN THE nis': St'e ouututiul'lii'cliii- tck's ic lojiiui.. i~ln~.w THlE GREATEST OF OPEN frm h sud~t oBase l^alo 4jFRANCIS oiC oitri-itxil-i imitit. be iiii iCii iiiiANt) HIS COMtIC ileus COMhPANYh prittiulliei i ii noututiiis i e i l G uide'" '' "I7IE M ONKS 0 inprc ititii i iiof triciie. Forth- Containing the official I?'QtE uttfiy ii'tiisi iteriseltit it llt code of playing rules ' SAl CEL.ESTI-',N xeittii slti hiwill i'lyear, ired tlese ule fori MRiEIAiIo nl'xiwh hae beIstltil e iiiiit ilii c rues 9or octogether EITH litlA i. tilI "cn hir"liostillils oilil il thatirIc with the annual statls- l CLARtA 1tAtI5,)J1 tttiiii'Osoul s icey ihoily Cal to appearonli tical record of the LOUD S PAWION, Ci'uiii ihiieprtg liitu- minor league and col- ?GAEtII ligililii. t ' :-taliiill d oeal ar let clubs of 1900 attd . And a Company of Sevi itliittl in I Ihilittith a IItl ttiiuiig be matter of interest to $ deli hy J. Cheeti od-wlin i,:lttiiidaeincii' neh tofavorftisiieI' every lover of liase lhit li'ilitho a'ehiiili'l it-lul i ii:;tohalt. 9PRICE~S: Gallery 50CI Iiliiiiccsits Aictliui-'t