THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILYr NEW B OKS A. Kings Pawn, by D~rumosnd. Uncle Terry, a Story of the -Main Coast, bty Charles Clarke Munns. That lMainwaring Affair, ity A. 'Mayn- ard Barbour. 'ie Visits of Elizabeth, by E'linor (Glyn. Like Another Helen, by Gecorge Horton. £ihe Story of Sarahi, by Louise Ferns- lund. When IBlades Are(Out sanu Lore's Atield, by Brady. The Love Letters of the King. by LceiGalliennse. The Love Letters of Victor Hugo. All the shove at a diseount froim pub- lishers' prices. YOU cdan qet a HOT LUNCH AT TUTTLE'S is tOO SstaSte ;Si. Thesis Work We do thesis workc. Accui'acy guaranteed. Prices nmoderate. ypewriting. Mimneograpiting. ED'WARDS BROS.. -vrShe'S s'c) State street, .IAIIN '0).. DANCE NOTICE We have our most excellent line of seasonable WOOLENS, SERGE;S, WORS'TEDS and CHEVIOTS on the table waiting your inspection. We will show you nearly 500 different styles of trouserings. We offer you the finest line in the city. Truly Yours S. W.v Burchfield'. 106 E. Huron, Put a KODAK in UALKL"1. S your Pocket WE SELL THlEfl lncubler, the ihotogra pber Pres. Angell in Chicago You e-k 11 i1 0 h ieIen olietit."i1116 01 leshv t 11t ree- tllnell it- lide t e let 'ii Ii 1i~ tn )i r to teI1 i nultr l nt iin 'lii- advit There n 3)lic~spestent. The i\o i lit, tt'-slyt itlien ofthel e cvil- ill- wrethoe f Irlic-tetl -St ii, ini rititli Ihe ili--i-tilw the lii -ever I lviGe- i-i-il ti-itit hltholiii itt it'11ndlhtis ini atheGlilt- cric-en as a tcoutinelorlto Ci], liiit laci itit hIin od il-mp lDtil- lit. of ~i Ketike it-Iio ililivireds n i (-i- rin art i tri tetoIi 1 txe t ,.(Ohilt 1'4. I-i.Li. t'oit i te}it ofiiei-iof n nCilt-iler- TIII"IL ARlEOTHIERS, IPtT NONE IErr Elt., Secndiltati- ii tlei-little I-aiter gill, ItI A Iii Arbtic nittetir. IA hEllS Ilest $,; inn matte is the iHowatrd. 0 t i is, tyain & tise. stile ageAu-. hin u' I (' l itIt-i- t t l t- t ,I El:I R~lY tSTO~LE. titei-colleicltin of "Art tictues" 'tie suteoomut in cilvetach, its 2for '2,"-., nt I-ClI A.ElIlS Boiokstore. 3AlniiCloicts sold lby IIALLECI arc i pmrntt-le titloe year. Agents Agents 100 students wanted to canvass durstig vacation lor tine "A.A. Ismproved" gasoline lanips. Sells Onl Sight. SUPERIOR MFG. CO1lPANY 329 S. Main St. W A B AS H.. PAN=ANMERICAN EXPOSITION Buffalo, N. Y., May i-Nov. i. 90 Tie iWabashi, the 'N iagaraCnalsShort Line," Sas mude speciilrernemeis to sAccosmoate a arngoetelbtene - emitanti Batfatlottin the S-Epsitio 1. New en ipsiest and sdittlnnnl train ser- vice wl te pied. 't he "'aits-h is the only line operantigFre eIteiig Chair ties btwieen tttittet oti an- tina. Tick- ets silt he gnna inr stopiocer at Niagara Writeforeticniyiof Wasiith Pant-Aiccricaii l''ierco aiic alan ve icitlteor aponf lie Ex-Iitiosnt-ron sbatnu ihand om inicls riehitigs oithie trinel-alt,uilinvc-. Ticket Office, 97 Adams Stress, F- A.Palmer, A.Ii. PA., hicago. tier. Mainaild tacos Streets. Capitlo$,000te. hurplus, $35,os.Trasants glsa eeral. rliutossitte.-: ee. FIHST NATIONAL IA~vA,. ~ .:it A tapiltal, nilitii- 5ttitn pitt 'd ' ire"30,00 Trassacts a gcnealtcbttki nsiusnjonteigte osetange ittittlil anditso l. toit-.rit etters at crec-it. E. 0. KINNi. iPres, HARISOiNSOULE. S. . CARKSONCa iuser Thf Fn Arbor avinas W~a CspiitlStowk. V,,0.C -tollits.,915inoS ne-tie-ceo.60ii.t.o us-n r0 itt tic c rtiletGeneraini laig toans eknt nt e pic cipaietiiof thi-n 'vit nSttuitcttateatledtl o 2per i l ci thy Cllo SaftdepOcosit cie to reni-st. trireoit- tt h titmtvk alc-. e. t. .One- sn, Vice-lreeft Ihas. -I. Itisceck, C i',It W' eot.iOT iiiR~, tic- AL I W. ANOLD 1st Vic-pre NK lilt) Orr ti~ttO -'ice-l"".s las.C.W.t.z sst. t it s-- H 5!Ac CORRECtt~iTLY Royatl Tigiero. ile; Tigerolten, c - WsT()arranosc,' leIsston, littti rolc o, vcall-c lii I em i-i -iit, A-'et-iiitl cIt at the otictetoif tGRANGER'S ACADEMIY oniivit-t c\-tiilt-ny t iiwieiIan Maynas re ect. Iii yn.tie oktri iit t'iii hu laying itc i- aei tt it110 0 1 6 Ia r t S t'l A L L E l S B o k s o r e ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ U 0118 I tti i- - tini-e v lt- In,-It lti-lil t iid, Slanip Colleclion 1,i (It I-it iANTEi-Iliaiih'le It',itill -itt-witi-v 'ciiI.,A IIl'S'' BOUGHT FOR GASH lilt-ii t wal Il.ite t'ofkhith-grid Lookc tp youri-olhS colltetion andii lilti °' tills. ii eloinf'. lTait's I' ( l i e'fcill pte il~st o scu turn it iuto ready money. Promipt i iii Virimi:-.lum' . Sit y m tirti 'trcni i I i i iii i i-i tit IIlI. I 'S Cash and (Tooch Prices. sin. Iti Ati I 'le t- Aloimo -'ettnlitt .lI':,I I I I ST0tEl THE MICHIGAN STAMPOCOMPANY 0tillIio. tlI-vi-,Lot0t.i. -____- toom 3.It46i ioocdilittictiAte.. tietroit iiti iolum luullu lii tiill mimi-i Ifot. Solui imult, nt icli ttle ltim- 'cli -1tills m mutic t i mimm c l iltlii cii W. 7p t in p all \A1111 ttlitt sumit ii 1101,11 5 mm il.,Itummm ?i V.II. i . lltl i-IS s1mm i-IE mum i'll E'etmmi a "' -- IaWA G NE(evnn) pig Vcto Importing Tailors" 121-123 S. Main St. ro5ic Frie0~sh arrivals of Spring . _s. Snittogi .awa~itvoireiis pecutin. Washburn aC tSes' the pre ce t atone. + s Kt r c are crbllyrinsitdtt e a vsit f na t 01Between classes ite sine outr ifffCatalog Free.sosfe le.:ushnes hone T Selus iaurn fentpct tar -c--candofcl alaimcedtmock u-c- - ii ior alooo scusd;;ct - - tulo lt gre S a te,".r f- 1 " iCI~q - -c t iyc orrc t i t i.Cots designs or churchgoor dress wear.r Spalding's OffiCli League Ball Is time (hilicit IlBall if the Nationial Leatuete eleodingmintir i leaigue tisdi tll tI letlege html al Ileti ie- otcit tits, A hA litistoc Calalogute of tBase lall taid tll Al tlelie QSporits maite ,tfcmf-I sian adduress. Spaling.'s I ItiashIBtse Btill Guide for I1901, edited )-v Hienry Chiadwiet, ready March Oil -M e 1-, cents A.G SP ALDING & BROS. Ne ok Chicago Denver 1H IETLIME OF SCOTCH AND ~HE HAVE YOU SEEN c WARD,