2 THE UNIVERSITY ON MICHMGAN DAILY. 0! Yo.KnowThem Uo~swhm Take No Chances -________ Th__ eiditor of the lerzol( '-laollle. Published Doily lMondays excepted)d ti-ing now i l l ress Nvish5 tfo sQ(.ll* presents r , WIEN BUYING CLOTHES READY-TO-WEAR adds o Oi5tr alld 11o(1uititioii for the f'ollowv There is only one sort that will never disappoint tEUNIVERSITY OF' M'ICHIGIAN ili l, atolitr of tile Lilerary Detort- a o'l in the excellence of the fabric, correctness of MYAIOFI0 E BeRANCHOFFDE ue nt. If ally rotaer of the I)llly c tl andgera valtue-for-rc ano that sort bears ArgusBOlg, Main St. 336 S. aS~reet. ' syl gnealprc Bobh'Pboes13. INew State 'Phone 13. h11;10 , h ; t~o lrlii-tioir onrT'nlto' tie name of MANAGING iEDITOR, i-1-loftill jll'lolltl lllleltwilltreplortt 0. 11. Boo',,'01 t) Seretairy Wad1111atf once,'.the celitorff BUISINESS MANAGER, 11ittl'1110ls' I it, 0111 N ltiii'. 01(rle, A.tB. bilolers and have never heard anything bnt com- ______I 1-C lh 1l'0 W. 11i t. 'iter. A. It. A .M Dlrll'11. .I.11lo ,0 1' t 011111 1t I. 12i11ial 1.11t-. Ifeildations from the wearers. Miss L,, K. S.11101.'03 W.1. CKNIGHT-, 11 LI8, soil Alire Valil1looseil. Al3. We have just received the newest creations in Is. B. lwoolzoir', '04 w. P. Ctolors 'Ot, I 53'.l-iioiioAirtiur .111lsn t. Al.: BOKSMS AIINBESRN W. A. B.Nsilil 0. o '.13 I.10, ooST. '013 1ttmill l.1t1t'iero. 1.B..BL K 'S' ArIONBE PRN il.ltii -,dlm( L: dI .1E;_ln ,. Iii'oitta1. A.B.t. llro. i lor! e IL. sPyrtght 1a0s. L n e s h itIltle) __________________ ________________ '1T1lll3 Siliill. JItS. The ut~rcl~iiia vi.; ol re 1110 le50: 151 .1)111 1 l'te~j~ttlrl. .1. t.l~Veehave lost reivedt a tolllitne of.. fet the coiltge seartl ivi hacegua oo vr iry I" r111110 is . I ir1-or3',A.tB., 5111 1)1. je(lei t it-a at. Notcs,oiel;teuelra- PPE R ion,tild othie matt-intned fa~1r toelbi a- Lath11rop, A. PPIRMACHE ATREPRODUCTIONS] 110t 11 iol b~e uiat it10at lie BAILY illtire liS7--IGo )r-eT. Iti' ri'. 1.,.:.: 1111 ilDeByOtiii 011 ayol .Iir Sl SHOE~i'.r 5.. before s'p. mi., iio ~i'dt olithi~tibcfoi wh~icihtb el areeeeeiri oappeari. Ii ,trliI.St~ii 1.-. 2.htr ehieFe Sahleoriptiouo may be left atthe D11.Y If- 18-Amt 1.Aew,.k1.EdForFmiinFet ORNTLH DS fi'', Ntryee'sor 1'Stoittete 1,0 stanid, or with Irill12. Vi'iolltil.li..tra th sde lk Biieilleoiiloia-er.eribe1111 1 cr~rc 15 -C'bites . .iiricol, Pl.: TMlyl raI h tAMRShRINAeHAS ffrbyriiOeltinV promtily aibtisofftice ayo AnAb11n5., HAD, f'ailiitioa 0 ieillltoiir papeoliir. be el,.. SF IaalottoS orosis Shoe SERCED , C All chanlges nadets111 tarrmutb in the roificeeby 3plio 0il e doy p1r10evioiusii tio 11Campbll, 1. IS.: than ayother shoe that ot wichbibthey ate to atppeair. Hettl'ltbert S.8111N)..1 tyFor (Cosy Corners, lLirares anl 0r1en- -l- -iI r1E.-Ifil. ever designed for womten 1 tallims.The. ri jootowhait 1011 I.Slit 311111111' "rost. 1'11.11.: 'filml,3 All Styles. Drest or Street $3.50 Wvant. E.tSt(Bo): '%rrie M. Vilsol .lS (Geo. HI. M iller, DE FRIES' ART STORE, A circularllet l'ter h1s00 1 llhet to tIi hii of you1 t (felt-1i1'1 lig tll hillpulica-iii Il~ l~ yl l 1 vi ' 1Th 1111111 larei'1' lte o 111". to ] ti1n h ;1 'paper ofillei1111' 1 ree0 atv 1 of11 the' wholel l 11113 'ii E:it 1T1'e lticlil(iloaIlngrits1010 II 11 11in111 W'o haveilitycrompe t'for111111111 011I the111.1111 M. 11 olyl 1111' failed lIl h'l1s our11d1tor 1 1 l1 fer1h1110, II~is 111a11-1 11.1editorsh~tip l'of the i lso 111111 ,Iti l' t'illn 11 h 1111 11 lo] I ;- eou lu1. I 1113'11011l llilllllsth ,iI'll1 101 lu11 111 111 11 11 e l fl ih h 11 IIli 11o ' the 111iv i-it. This1' 1 i11 -1113 11111 1111'1i11 tlwlflll'l it11-et"11wet.i 1' 111r11111111of1 111lm Arbl'or' 11veii'fe11 ieas11of1the1' 'o\1'1 l ilv tlellI I tIc 11111 1111 o011 11 w I tcl'triioll rhhysun tulk Iii' . il 11 01111 1 ill tlil Iull -lt the11 lolI011i11 11t'iloiiir.;.111 Io)CIII 1 _v2125 . " M Ylnain Ast. 217 S 4th AVE. ANN ARBOR Viltilly. iaTt. ino._Cor_1_21_s._MinSt 12. I",uItI1is. .1h..12h, A31H11111 11 1 1ATHENS OTHE4 ATRE S Ini 1ot1 I I 1 "s 1.I3.: ll'1111dc, 187-iti.'I Ellll ItS"F'. 11111s nt1 11 . 1 Biruit)L . l 1 0litotrI THIli IOE GREATEST OF OPERATIC COrIEDIANS t 11110 111 I3. 111111i1 : II ii ioi 111cx,011 5. J1 1111 "oabrkr FRANICIS W ILSON P.i It~ ,In 1.L' .:_It 1111 '. 1 5 111 I 1i'il ro ,I:. Lowri I>.ti~: " H MONKS IVF MALABAI5(1 lIi .I lillill ti'. lii1I 0111 111.I8,:11111131 I t'nli'l. I)..It I 11111 1 1IllllioI 11101Ier, 10 11I112 CFE I'fE, AN E N s11 itt11E I.I. 1 11111 iII 0.It i. 1 3.:]VllC .I0 1IIfilII II tl I~l), IIAI.LE N IOSTX'N, L~lt c'VIn ooc._.I.:1(111 a ~l Iy A nd a Co mipany of Seventy , e ected A rtists I I n1 I lltlilI Il . -'ti' -NNIII Ill PRICES: (Vle ry 50c, $n; lower floor $I , I'SI I'lI lllI'lllll Il 111111111 1'SEE: 't he Girl in XXhte. Ill lIlll. T' 11-o lI Il II I t 1 Fie ld f lo O~O C e~ O ~ ~ O O O O ~ A ~ s g il 1!11"- i'onIloll do11113' 1 1 ,111wh yy I l Its' ni~ot 1111'll']tlt liil' 1 s "1,11'e; CA.0'.It. W. 1IIAY' NII'll{'Ii OLD II I (11II 1111 111 '1 IIIFNTS I11 1 I)(I"AI: 10t1 CS. Thr wllh noi110 I '. Ic N1 itlll111 i 11111 10101o11f1 NI ti1 fA.___________until IltN,1(ttI 1l I tilt i Nt h 1F011 Chef d'oeuvre do EI; Fj MONA RCHCUS IN DEiVD 'Exposition Universe le I1~ RD Walton, Saglin, and Chainpier 0 DDES,373SUT TAES''fSI , Tloe4 oojTepbihr fti okrcie h AL LI'N L, SCRING4EVET E Gran o Pr~ieiandtGolMeallitthle ParisFx poiattin otits11cuelletie.Althwotrks tsolion ElD A ND 'i tl i'oits QUTH ouisiltio l y. 71115 __ _-0 STATE Redmond, Kerr & Co, 1 ro1I4J...Cltliitb~~ 111111 111111 '11 ' 111'rldi n IlA 1111 Arborl. BvI"IERS un i' OI'ia'l 11110s11111 of, hill 110110 1" 41 Walt Street, New York "CF H SANITARY PLUMBING el'Ii lIT 0 f Ililti lli'l 1111 at lth U iver-' I bfl ELECTRtt Ilt C uO1RU ION01A'ND S jpI 1 city' lit 1111i' oll113it i souil rl l'uf1liu l 'cuutranuact ateneral Nbutkin businessl.T SEA AN HO W T R 1 TIG znl. If'lhe tltllbu 11111 t11 18 leceis c ldepoolsitubeetto dcuaft. tDivienuds1207 E.Washington Street. wi I A N l A1RCFYrIE grllll te anduin terest cllteted and lrettitted. Act uoAt''0'tas0 IN)F tttt i'pt~ ItIitc~ 'o l ohe utr ll 111 ll hiS Fiscual Agentlfuc attdneotiate the ioisu' of 1001G GADE rMANT'FLf AND tIRA 'tS. i 1.110railroads, street railwaye, gas ompantis t cfi' 'l. We are ed atr o vr ti l h ieo unsig o Ol11',at t 11' i Ildel. Secities bougt aneddsold on cotisloion.e haqtrer tteey 111 t he hteogtrtihtg o Members New Tartu IEtichange. ' ttitlttits' rooms, UNIVEIIITY OtF IIIIIIAN BAND- LAMPYS, OIL CANS, PHOTO ROACKS. SHADES ANDEIESIAIAL, IN WASTE PAPER BASKETS, CUSInDOIIS funishu iiiiasie for concerlts, parties 1G-RD NEIEISCRJE.Oar lPrices You Wtll Alwa~ys [ Fi/ld the Loosest. ,T List ot~rretierleea o0 aerl x~paiontl, AR H MS CA i etc. BURTON C. PrhPHSO, IHLADELPHIA CORRSPONDENTS.A K A 'S B ZA 1011 551 Churect St. GRAHAM, KERR & CO. 215 SOUTH MAIN STREET: NVW STATE 'PHONE462 -"WETS TO THE SWEET IF YOU WANT TO BE SWEET-SEE BROGAN. 110 S. MAIN