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April 11, 1901 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-04-11

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No. 148

..Our Special Line of....
Foreign and Domestic
has arrived and is ar-
ranged for inspection.
We have the largest as-
sort ment in the city,
6. H. WILD CO.,
ro8 E. Washington St.
received fresh
every day... .
YOU KNOW where to get..
It. t . Jolly, 30S 4. State. Street.

Tetel's Men CoetsDews For Pointers
and Get lheni-Today Lost Gamie
Before Team's Depart ure
by A 1l iilpis 1old1"reliable." (t'aytoii
i1'eetzet, (em iii'Iito towniyestiritay ind
ini three lIiiiliguheld(1Atieliioii (il down
to J7 111151 white th1eyilai iagoitoliimoll
01) -4. 'thel(,gaie itegeuteatiit it imle-
toa tled usy oif i-rriii-u mtl Mike Ns
hiu. l with '111 that 1rd4e a
ie Isiit e a o ufiis-aii. toI li,
1,]i ermli-i-itmi SUhlmt tu i s if) ' o t
e ila l Y i i t lfo i, h e Itch.-li
flayed iill at : Ii h <1i i t, show i t i
May irst Bos It mlii' *i I iI i-
ii.11i0 lin i s inyd y .Il ts (m
fo he i lindoe 1i-gi(itt ii rdt
-m t11i ico Iloiwi evii l.''l it, l i s l
si ii ii ' I-ua s ir loto ery tby lr
heIlii' tlimoftemIlsi' miimut showed
.1i few iof it l:I11;ii iii i-i- ssi l
esw n ly hiri iiitchicr h s- ~ pl((
-isi ilt) Iho l i f li-i- ii t r h r
Tol il s ' lui-. loiii ai mtr ie- li i'
an Ai n i l- A ;ii-ioui lliii iii tiiu iue lii'

S I I Q-iig t irv I 3i ii s-i " it I ' ?i i
luu , is tiiiIII liiiiiii'tiill1 l Imeis 1iK lu1u
C 41'r li n i'ti is1 i s it o ii".z
AND ssist
11 ?3I 1i)5
. 111 . .. .... .... . 1 1 1 1
uplles - 1 1 1. .. . . 1 l ii11
QUARRY'S tt111,iii... .... 1 1 10
AttItI C (1 N. ( i
R).I f.1. 0. A. J.
Officlial Is'uuus e --i i:0)1
B a e iutlt. 11' ........... 21 0 It
1Ittlloi. 2I --) 1 ) t 1 (l
G u id 1iluY. 1,..........1 01) it0t o
Containing the official iltie-u - -1 11 t
code of playing roles ru)iN-------1 7 90

Yin Will Lecture Tonight UNDER PROF. WENLEY
S. C. Y in. 'W Ieicie.i l give a Ite-
thmlin-ini(ttese imuste at Irtieze eiu- Students Electing Cootse01 itoPhioso-
iniial tillis eeingt. The tecture - x phy Now to Wok the Entire Tar
willie tilt llustrateud lue. Under the Had of Dept.
Pu-utle are seryt'sitoCi idiisoseof (111-
11111Music as t1. Patrick (it tir
snaesi Irlelmand by syiig 'Plots- is Au awaysru hapipens in te cseu-of
noi Chinese mic:-ii"'ithIis they are1-sunss wihtaouiuse iuteesS iiithe
il-ti liuttali. ,as "u.lu, throutiighi tidetiti ini 'ttsophi-5has ku-u-ute i
tutuis liftmni puiit~ilatins ofthei' iit ii' i- snilji'i-i of nt l i tle an-ttyIiiogy. It
i tnaets uitted the li'thiuuese or- li I be itfitelot.tetWoetutto state
151. -iiiConclsiveIy trove;. Ie althiast tie I'liiosotiuiat tacut-tit e tetir-
1111111n it l ls liitil l ileo' eillii iole, diei i itm e ' e e i n ifutltue.
and thelini- ii- 15is iof istuitioni ll i lit],mllgh theliipropiotioni' ofiiii i itties
vo ii Iin i(ia t in itm ie-t ieesti - isselln iiery smtltlitel i n iithis
ills. II IN-iilltt 115 oili htll, ilo iisio it or e "ny e euenu t p ss-ilm cn
m -u' ii ' toiifiin"1 m-nI" is roiu the 1 l iiiii ed ut of11 te157 e,-,, lsem eser. it
"timiiis Ctiittiitii. -his is anI'll-i arl 11h 111oine a li li-t mt t hec a g
mm- itp otltit 'iii. 'uh eili- is ismls lalct-lfo n e acher-11 1il ati h erwimllat t
;p inted iiw it ii'art.bothImil Ii e lnd midllei-fhu thei ill teu ter ite ntfao
mnorsiii' lifor we t5 l- iantve Ithe lie it resu ls iii uliuary, &ou-f Ii
oi)l p. (s i i-su hwll ci d -f e rm' nie witht - - - t i its u-inell of ne1111 tt
,ionsof ile su jec. s ows it livly 1illra inm ilt ale efect
MEDICS TAKE ON DIGNITY leelitie illtice.th ii tly m -
________lecliureiii' iloil al-inlii" iti
The Set.iot Doeto t o utWets Capls tttd ieutli 55willtt ii' i, lii to iscuIs ios ec 5-
OwnsiTht is Sptrli --l) tet- Deprt- Idoii 15. i'( tl lheVWitot
n ec io s f ll It+t i- l , l lc t
tnuos W ll Probably Follow tlii101i ' mosetilsl mliiieiiei ii ill i i
th -ose si-u-Itiis the s ut -isil ihia-i
hit am ee1tigl of i ii-seniiir 1mm-siat pp th i-it ihms of- liii'th
elctb lit "I iaut istnitlil liii's- Itumecursii'iofiii S oilil"ivs mm-mmhia(i"t
wear tim ~ paimdhutmiiliThits qietion ( i p insdwtiht 1, driii o-hriwar--s
is.'" hien a ittait ii iinearly 111T - 5s- of pr( so-ling ndsolituig; t -e-r ittim-
'tio m eda l cit lhss i-mit Iii 111' -il ne-h rs to of it,- - - r (ii]ill
nu, ishi ith m i t lmmil tosirp!1 laan h i or
r1 I"is.In tlc s lnc 1 i I I I l S il olo
Cocht 'ost Is MtatngI-pitt ds i ma n, °tC we"_yd~n hi'
,,'((d ll Yo. mis t iii footlball sills afet. ilear sg~it ou il 1
ttoiiil aical,, m mm tss h m Ii immmmmmmt ba i llit's sm'h ofstc , cali i,
m-ml otmi his I ntm liimthod iumThe m'u'miimer- (ilooks lm ~3 10"'di-Itlr lit t-I
clu l bm Iii' citiu cm pachim t.''a'ndlltill -i -__"________'r mm m ,.
up t e fed m r'ie ty ll-d o !a " w yinl i"i mm. n w l li -
'h otn ,,cos n w iln t r m i- ill hm inai-i - to I)
Orsi.( c-'t H,,la 5isird 11W v ire h . f o hil i i m'iii-' mu hm ummiIlu Itl
ohmsiim -m sls ther pariiithou tid st i ie, is
mmI mt ml i'siuus I ih-H'a'ihll timf~l r fe e c' iii' till h im i i i mi I' ii
- 'utsimi'. ti I i' tl l l li e pii -- a iii m tt i hts !mL'i s
iisat h Sok -r.i' mii' ,s a l- mi I ui-m tiltsui ti' u l t this.mIt 'ihowmu,
'ii hoard mill uhu'toml1' t he f tmliI it'ithttuOlsl t ill ull' th(we s- miu l e' and
mile t' lt' - ctiti li's td in'''thate html tute the dan iist o i (ittm u auu umitin i
mtimmlimi t thu ~dy. Tltse'smtsu'I. ttottted.t-i n ilis ui-tgo isl Itilts and 'i u -
at - it lltv Iidepat e ni't. ''and lllmtwere t uit hai l'orth putm o seitt mit.-
IIr t b 'm]i i a o i't ' tiimi i oui e 5 - tm t he si- i for l- deeit . T
an 't orm't a' llyI imieiem tetoii t ets- tlt on i II5 ig i notIIt(fes' he l'ii-t iteui
u -- a I'titg lt ttat tt e b eatoryi abitt' W i lu l t itttetie cl :" ist nn'flt' T heitti is t:-i
ofl 5'tt- ofi G e;lt' to m-. T'ttbot r ti haSot t - e'iof tiuila siltfa to 'ea l-
ihatiormp o t'd o tieroftiii'e'sti So ne- ie 'en-wl l IuO''likely i'ak isth tiafairtus
fl o u ivesit of\u,"hia I of i'sC-mrn 'tetotl lTh~e uiig rsitu mh ei a
Il i f Iy i t Iai rd u-ee Iui r P- ot ti- pS- t o 'ibe(tilth i e iiiit t a. n W s-
tiers oill tae a t nie chase. WThe.aof qite a ynurmilers oviiheoctwallpat
d-ist ofive isti 'llf gpet ous aiid jerrnedse e eolhngit eh ln oneis

r ules fr o r, togetner
with the annual statit-
tical record oif the
minor leagute and col-
lege clubs of x 900 and
matter of interest to
every lover of bait

111Eliil'sultmil hts Imitfutiotub 11111' i
Iitm'tihg'muuu thetie tilsitts l ilt
-u. onlytheIl. A.tli'1:h' Imuizttc tcsi-
theis' 'tii'l'ity 'ohut'tiuti'uiit m i 'ii'it 5amt
511-irs-tti'etls5. sittNsasoui ti tmu
tentit system.
"A iesunfrom Toiso to il tHts Ex-

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