THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY NEW BOOKS. li in' awn, ty Driuoioid. Uncle Terry, a Story at the _Mallt ('oast, by Chiarles (Clikie Main. 'That M ainwvariag Affair, bty A. Mlayn- ard Barboar. A'he Visitsofal Elizabeth, by Elinoor ( hlyn. Lfike Another Helen, by Gerorge Ifartan. The Story at Sarab, )y Louise Farss- luil. "W' hen Blatles Are Oat anl Lotve's Afield, by Brady. The Lore Lettersofor.the King, by Ise tGallienne. 'Thle Love Letters at Victor tIuga. All the above at a disouasnt traonlub' aishero' prices. Sheehan &Co.- You can get a HOT LUNCH AT TUTTL'S 130 Sooth State St. TI hesis Work We do thesis work. Accuracy guaranteed. Prices moderate. ~.ypewriting. Minleographing. EDWARDlS BROS. Ieer Sheehansl State Street aAAN TO.. .....DANCE COltRltIiTY 'To arrasgelfor lessonsriat r rclass, ral at the office ot GRANGBR'S ACADEMY at Mayasrdstreet. Staip Colctions BOUGHT FOR CASH Look op yotur old collection and tarn it ito ready emseey. Prompt I MICHIGAN SUBSCRIPTION Stoady lplymeni 71 iC~' i. Fornretc AGENTS WANTED MenandWomen 1 ,C, Goodrich, Mgr, Over First National Bank ITIITP Put a KODAK in 1A1 I' your Pocket WE SELL TH IEPI 1Rentscbfcr, the lib'otoapbcv. lh iii ii l".lyofl''lielii", a}1 aII io eAn Arbor I. . .ill sell tickets Club twill ,tI' a liaityv at tbe Masonlic tias'uentslalireoenilt certifieates. at Tomlile Sallirime le 'ailt'.Ailll2., imlarIlldaetrIi o onir s 'rmofthl~ ora1lodiles. April 112 mat 1:3. goacl to 'eturnila I or 'Tietmt a Iaay er oiil 1.11111rom lni I altri' April 2:1. Student:-,ire slei - it. W110(111. Allit II,.smilh, Balall ly r uI111 tolituI'laltic tkets alone L.. toal~iield. ('liois.C. NWa11li, tro. E. traisu t . se 0 1 ato arl lv l u ('t'talu't Ky-t. oa nl Wliler'o il'11ao'y. delayr. T'eliceitfictea' ill h )il all forte no f1 ind atern'ooni.adticlks:t, lna - ho olita iied a an- Olie 'THEt~IRE :IARBEOTHERtSBUT NO5NE BETTR iil Hmatin ire litile Easier il tRoya-I Tigers, lot; Tigerettes, 5c. ;;.11 iror'airir t 'i ti' Agents Aet 10(0 students wanted to canvass daring vacation for the iiA. A. Improved" gasoline lamps. Sells uil Sight. SUPERIOR MFG. C01IPANY 329 S. Main St. W AB AS H PAN=AMERICAN EXPOSITION Buffalo, N.V.,May i-Nov', 190 Tie tWabash, the "N agera Falls Siots List."hbsae special arrangeetst to atasnitenodate a large teasel between De- trait andlBusfalos usisthlbs topoeltio New ea~tipmessand saiditional teals see- vice wil be provided. ThaeOWabash is the only lhoe sperating reeecelining Chair lotsbetiween Oittiss ssd Bsftalo. Tabk- reRsill he good toe stop-overe ntNiagara Falls. Write toera pteatfw'aab Pau-Amierican Folder coit sinina l sar fietcoraemap at he Expositon ea 'edo asidbaudsoame sins etebitits at the pstelell dins. Ticket Office, 97 Adams Street, F. A. Palmer, A. 0. P.A.,Chicago. Cot. Main and Huonrse ets. Capital, $50,000. Srplus, $3ose0. Treesacl R EMsa , Pre. C.N EsEE, Via .5're PusD.H BSE t'relo e.t FIRST IATIONAL bAN K tr isorro a Capial, St00,000.Srplesad Plest,,zt0t 'raesatseneraciakin but'sinss. Fortigi. aehagtbauihttsadafold. Furnish letterso' aredit. a, D. KINNE, Prese. HARRISON SOULE, Viae-Peon. S. W. CLARKSOiN Cashier ThIlan tm trpor Savings lBank Capital Stock. $50,000. Surplie, sitti0,s Organized undtheelearal Baekitg LeNr of thte State. Ruceivesdepsits, lisle sod stis exchange se the sprsipa iies af Ie'is Cale Staler. Draftstcashetdsuaoprapiuelrt iiratist Safty erdpositboas tent OtrtieEs1 t' ti nisMaes.ta;tW.'DOat.r man, Vita-Prem,; Chas. S. HliscocRm, t'hiae ,, J.Felts, AssiastaitCi W. J. BOOsT's.PRES. W. AssOLDtsesreye SfI J. V. OsHesas, iiiie ipCrse M S 'irantsats agerneral Banking lits tear s illuy youir Pater ('hils setd Playing Claruds at SCHALLEICS Booktotre, 'itAll 18 1181.1'WA N~THi Itulhible men toi isell or lineii'ofihigh-gride' lagbic.1n t ills. (Ireass. lait io..XiAddr'ess Thei'hAia -10lulukliil O)11 t'i..tClevelandi, 0. 83 IL \Vh't ttI S'TOtRtE. I-ii iiil ilii i i]'len N ii(1 ', h 11 "lit it I nd lit will oasĀ«' ii'''atI It_ .t P''s. Casih anti Goodtl Prices. SHE MICHIGAN STAMP COMPANY Room 3.1l46 Woodsaed Are.. Osetrolt 3 RIDE A ! FNlr ) X. STAE8LER S CY LE EMPOIRIUM, tBest $3 hat sisaae is the ititard. lWmihania, Ryan & Revule, sole ogests. IfiYOU 1,1ve ' lll're~i'il s toierai 111101,' 11 th fines111.0 t atl.\I.1'B' .1 1:0' l'181.tVSTOtt . A niiic'eallietioii ofi"Art t'letiireo", lier your rooati15i' earc,,iir 2 far 25i'., S1 I,'S hBuokstore. Ilf you ore tie work if the Toledot La'tndley Co. toutwill lii'conrinseOl eli t yo ant nt iher. Azesey 121 85 SPRING 'HATTERd 1HABERDASHER" ~geh% Stor-e l NORTH SIDE LAUNDRY THOtS. IROWE, Propr a i o eltrsit- St. 47 Bell Phos FUNERAL DIRECTOR 'Embsalming a specialty. Ne. 209 S. 4f' Ave. Amnhulane sight and day. Res. dencs 302 Fifth Ass. ' I , Maeresetof Tieso0 cN.' D A PAETKDLCaha0 orcuc r rs er Betweeti classes we shinte shioes free ourI P-Wd% ISpaldings official League Ball IIs the Offitial Ball of time Nationtal I League, the leadingmsinor I ~ .lesgue andt all lime cttllege an ti h nllletic is ucist elms. lase ball arid all Athletic OSports omaile 2Ifree to any address. Spalditg's tilliriai Base Ball (iside far 1901, edited hy Henry Citedwick, ready March 30, 190t; 'Price 19 rcenta A. G SPALDING & BROS. (INCORORATED) New York Chicago Denver THE FINEST INE OF SCOTCH AND ENGiLISH- SIIWIS IN T.HE Cliff WC1KERN & G( 45iE~ity8evrrtb5. HAVE YOU SPEN T I.SE NOBOBY BRO1A If. ~NSMIL WAR