111% UNIVERS~ITY OF Wl1(IIJGAINIWILY $2.9 ('0ADSPE7D' 117!M; h STREE 'So...........'R'5 '55 Micbizan Central NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE. THlE SHORTtLINE- ANN ARBOR TO OH ICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON With direct cect'tios cat Chicagso torSt. Louis, Kansas Ct, St. Paul and the west. Fortsnformation sod thiroghitckets railo or write (o H. W. HAYES. Agent, Arai Arbor. ANN ARBOR RAI LROAD TIME TABLE Takinag Effecte, Suinday, May 21, 1899. Trains teate Ass Arbor hy Cental IStand- ard Tine. - SOUTH NORTH *No. 6.- 7:25 A. M. Ni. 1.- 8:50 A. 51. No. 8.-11::35 A. M. *No, .12:30oP. M. No. a.- 8:355P. M. N's. .- 4:555r. tM. *Ros betiween Ass Arbsor asd Toledosi isys Alltraests daily escepi Susday. \V '.VWLLS. Agent. W Y.it lNch T ,i'.5 A HOCKING VALLEY jY.I The Railroad that takes the Business In and Out of Michigan. f SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS 4 DAILY BETWEEN 4 TOLEDO, COLUM1BUS and ATHENS. W. H.lfisher, L. W.tLandmnss, G. P. A. G.Trav.Agt. Columbs, Ohios. Dtit. Mists. Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Ciara leave for Detrotit anid Ypsilanti every hour beginninig at 7:15 a. to. in- tii 9:15 p to.; After that to D)etroit at 11:15 p. mn. Waiting room cornier Ann soil Main Sts.; Iletroit,111 Griswold st Cars eve y half hour Sturdays anid on Fridays from 2:15 to 5:15 p.,tm. MONEY LOANED on Watches, Dttsmosds,Wbeerts asS other Pire- sonal Property. Office at ret3idence. 3 B vLiberty street. All busisess eonfidential Hours. Sito li:30 a.tm. asd 1ito .3:30 ands7 to lI P. ro. JOSEPH C. WATTS -t.+0+0+0+0+0+0+04-+++++++++++++++0'+0+0+1 U. OF M. TAILORS *. SPRING IMPORTATIONS have ar- rived and are ready for inspection HENRY BOS . dI *1* The JOSEPH H011MATN MANDOLINS & GUITARS Received st eetmisiat the Paris Expos lion, 1000. They are tot saeItite Sc haeherle Music store, lit W.V Liberty St .,Asn Arttot,Mih Dental Gold We sell deutal gold snd solder., We pay cash lor old gold an, siver. 4CS4.O+O+C,+C,+0+C,+O+0+O4.T)+L7+12+0+O+O+O+I 1) I Francis Wilson or Mosey Refutnted. A Visit From Michigan Wm', Arnold, Jeweler it ttn iti1' itit re l t i ssitig ol or tt i J i lci ciaittic s i the gh s i'is tt -R 'RHI GTSA l l i c l~ i l t i 1 e 1 t e 1 s '1 h e t r it-is stsg II viiststh e I i e rii'it II i d y ilin. sn tiz- o r i the slnallest, i ' cic.lll jJli I ~ H o ies lv r N,1 111i os llyty l re 11( aejtt Visite th e ) ;1 (lO t.AlosI l A 'tots 'isis 1u11ij~ s ss ureditithiit:' lits' ii sh'1sl---- cist t'ltnt IAi\l'selI'i sill'utustu. "YOl' EOTECT' h'it diii I lcsi it' aa t ' i' tttil ll1 ill' ii If tot, try sonteifteitoolHat tts ieL o a. Ita'itt 1'ti. ill lt'i' 1 iW ' i' ''ctt Isii'' it ils iais e'oto A Iy Itci1 E.!otL toole t i I. .\ l,.'I' . tM 'iis. _intere____edill oystes for ite elte, tikiots ttren liar "Ott11'1sTlhl r'. ou. Istit Skits" Xl iiiitg 'itS tal.1 20E t'stigoi li o tt All sitrits it tt'ti' t'th r s'ii is ltr siupiti y us i ttt itt'osswIi ' li ii' roostily tutlu11111. h iii-1isti10At it1' . 11115 Iii.t.511i .:1 . ' i tactt's .11Gt i .l'iI' t llllr i' S'd i) 71. __t____t_______________ ,'~l'is. 31'7'1 I{ it nusti?1t1t1t'(t;s'it t ii i'tc Ill' '10)5' Y'OTJI.T) lIE IS tti ll Yot ' 1(1'tl't W ilttt'ilsiy. th }cbllit. dat 7 tt. Slotse "1 I iaia d :011 se it'' a11 t . I~ "'. I. I'. X. 131)05shouytld 'erihactonis: igteetles.oe. Ni'' is attatit u Wl r.ills"O 'EN X ! Alli (aI t