4 1
i V *> 3atliv,
VOL. X1.
..Our Special Line of....
Foreign and Domestic
has arrived and is ar-
ranged for inspection.
We have the largest as-
sort ient in the cit,
6. H. WILD CO.
io8 Ei. Washington St.
received fresh
every day... .
YOU KNOW where to get..
t. E. Jolly, 3i)s S. State- .Street.
Spaldi ng's
Containing the official
code of playing rules
rules for 190, together
with the annual statis-
tical record of the
minor league and col-
lege clubs of rgoo and
matter of interest to
every lover of brase
ANN ARBOR, MICII.. WED E6JAY, APRIL 1(1, 1901. Ngo. 14
Senior Litn Fly Their Class Pennent Thehit~a -,fIt itti-E.L.1. Stetber, ut For Gaduation in Conneqasnee of the
High and Dry-The Daring Deed thei corner of it. Stale -atd Paekurot Action Relative to A. B. Degree
DoeEal hi orig stet.wslatst eventing inta t klt'mte -Prescribed Work Only
toetaryihitorintglaerniitoo ootand.' Fire sopuito- Fr ryb e
s1rict e t s ttrttoo-the soesilltteceltar ForFreshme
Idl"isto tytt. telimiit to tlt- las, to nwtrit tthe retutro of the freottittet
coo tte ot of ttc irtty og ptie tooo iresoitelt t trtto atitocoo itoat -Mr. Otto ofthte tost itttortutt actions
1ii -ttttros. It wasthnteir itttnttiont to - tc tt iloeot ttot
thit otitritig.. Tflit-oittitt I t o nit(e ii tm iifr ou-u.tiesowathattt itt gmtttittg the dtegree of
coc<<thi-stt ittoiun rtitig. tttittil - ita it thettfrienoto otr tefresoltti tot- io cthelor tof art to ottlswho satisfac-
icowtdi tof etttti to ll. sthiletec1u dntwould no tteritthlirh- li-f t be trilt-itcompletote ticourse intthte titeraty
and hloe- iitiitciodtitty porillorestIIIoiil -> I';, te h . 'sitci ott i t het
lot wtthr to i c tiare ut b il-i t uunl-i o tit t-otti- t-utthatitfhio 1).itit sieittedtot teu t o thr
huitl a'd dut kiii ox l o t -i 11se iul wo - i t-itor o tttti ioui te itoi ttc
lthua-rtirflit- tist s--l-ni. t\11'1oI-i\'i c tititucnt ttttuiod ti to t-It ?tite ijuletic~ cto - omd it tahetIitt- sl
littt. it itttll iti ~tttlii- t it f1co Ottltltstsii tt l oito toitel 'i. o fi-antc iti ih u io ts-tihfurction takes
T.i1i0.sthofam uso.1)00"oteo.1ntilutel fet a d th ie ay su
Th oto tito ut breezisabt 0feIit iit E E O S B O - Ettheicpittitetwnso surorouotdedoib\utot tttti
its titiki itf iu-i lii- trot tttot liot suit-ic _________ fltitt\ u-o a itititt t o 0hott aittl i t
I tot irii- itti tstt oothsoi Itol- oct tIti - it-itii t ureh iltltt wt heraldti edinto otit
itle, ildtIheo sit;uA.; sthit-IIt D (ai-itt itlane s G tiletat'nigseinksmile 'Bdtshonc iorldti s i ti to outitputr so ttite0 ttte
I0.t h t.0 ctt rckitshot o 11Stu t t rtt: too Ploue'toT C r o HsCltic ocitt iuud ut-its t uocoot i-t iccit uoi .
i the pliiilii \ -.it-.ithotoitusycitt ittilofcthiirflocks
iiii i t-ttu itscotto t to lg ~ --tilotilii itouuc ItThie- scr 1W " id 5 t 3 iltotitti whoo i oo- is-t foito Griee a d
lit tilt 'filetiotispottottue ttthetlsot i-lous i siit- ot. li iiiiiiu~ i55 o
la siiifol w di - 1 neihle fyo ftoil s pho m-ores. _u-Ic tit I t t ei tittlis tot ts ooorttvie the
totio-aot t itt-i-i ilt ttuotse fleelo sttt ig iii eit _n-l o la c r u
of ItI ' sil h I1.a1e o a es . iln iii i-it --i lt- e Bu i c nt he tetle botutu In d.iu t-hi t he u
iit-i t til, iifrom te itot o htsc -it tokes POti totutT ait ei--iarei-of i s Cliii--001111 l iteoil tiu hau s l no itet - eeni ma-ti
t itiit iitt f illii itl i itdown it p n -li ttut i ttu iittAi-tt Cott- ii ntiillsilb i tll1i1 11e i( elrt
mit ai iuttltpropoitliiotn, Disl utlesis l-il-iinestt uofiouthe lii -1111ilto- i t ouis atolto0th :
;~ p .o r i tt i ili-lt till ill Oto-ttRetetiie', tt itstuhupsitinot -dI..u tuit iti 5 i outt sei of iii l- liii olyt
de isssol toit ho l or rtt1 1li osststu ' iiite . 1;1en so ho to pe i il, ot~h ltli i-itoh n tieve-it hen0
ii io i-lul t ttin ltossesi so " i idthhs so-tuuonltsisdenti toi l-i C ty.N b.u t ue~- wl e-i 1o itll] i-itc oilie t
it s(. ith ta1o>he t u utotlis t-i- n'"I1 t ul h i - ine 0 o '_' i itet i s to t o u tin theis
o Iii likt ly. thetUnversityihospital p sith-too Astool toilil110111nisItile stt"1e hol tot eac
op i ot t lst utu 1111 tototo i-ol s ll~tO titi tit s tootitehi:tto (loti e ly cIii it 'tit it huiillicuu iti iuttZlie o
Fa o st eriii. lototNit i nirestoi l eiiott-t t s utit~o-le tuu-touuoioo 111 11to ,to lo i t u-tiois hus I coil dad-
le1i to toil-i ,111) nicey unti0l011 'i' o -eth of t hi ost1 cl i n lothe
it ~ ~ ~ 111 wel -- iu t- t- st iotitos tuu f tt ll totot 11111o1t011ronths f 1 il l-oilsui lit he o o lil tut
0tter-lb I outit ileut-too1u to upt i~tli )t 111ilv bn. 1~t h- wn o h e allr a n ilb
out Cii r1 5ouu-i 1: I r s 111 11 u-tsilk t hanuo he11 thoau"tpitdeuotit oild a ii I I i11) hostit oil loth s tt t 11
ii. iio-lli ii1 tl ii -it-ii )sl ili-li-totol ho howee.tee r itet i nt io tlicll-l dvotu sttefool
(Iittiti but it-ha ts t is-Ile 11 sti t-teo er o -- n iweek.itihsill 55 il tI.Itotaltlot
- c e 5 ih tipt1ile 001111 ii tltcs- 11'111tit oti
snlh il1;([t~ ot-it ll, "11 s e t ()riout.(, iotle uut ,Isn esa' fsoi l ar-01111 ot-It n o l".iii iio iiiiti smt er
smi inot h 1,t T e hn hd totike("woh fIAlttl% I - ndh-o ils -f. T ist ro ntouoiou 0iih ts coilo
"'~t:ltoth 1'o'I w th tit'Hght 1'l1itu it i h, .it-ti z.('1it-ti-i-a1'111heI m owi l ntlle(" ek a i,
senir--00 2 00 l oi Cit,0PI-. el- it m c. tuolnlitoi to ohio-lit- isttis
- - -01111 i1lloot --ithet tttoitt5ti i tc 110 lii luttttlolloii ttithutttot
the-ni - -anc -,i ver Post id- 01 i~o lt-itt111 out btithtui offrd Ii: ue itus ho tut .rllotiutguiuutoo
Ott-isiatutuml inl tutu-or--.w-- - - - - -lol .Atr h rs -ntra hr
in"u ouououoocs1010 i-tdoonset.r
lttttt . rt.... . . ..{
Ciottihol . 1 u .. ...- .tO
l.'ttY it-------------...0
P.> Afooote, so----------.0
00 ( ell i 111101 l'stis out oetics ytoutveut-tsick01
() '1 homete iuti o''sti Oh ~ thu -itoh1d ou tltits
ttokhe iIii-ut touhtsh witht h o
tl to iouiteotuill10 teilte illot
to1111:, ililutexpetsio heut to-itt totito-ut ttthou
l i ou#thLsitert etisoolltulhouttotSiou-ut
II) hutes u-'se" S x1too ,11otoIt itoo iNs-ot-tiis re-
I I ---- o-rust: r
() to tiotolINiefutoio Is hoist1iiltig
' to ti-is Stieys' sit soitit otofotilt roity
fI riettds. CirI- ititarotosersfourmerlt
0 frosiotont of the tathloe-tk' uooouaioetloi
Prof IEourland in Made Fitne Offer by
Western Reserve Univernity
fllit Sttritiil ot O1i~liE uigt o f(is-
iit?' ,ro ourtitu huueltud ili ti l teluu
in till 011115 t liPuoruthettltil tu s.E-u i
lttue Whil oltu soutu uuuotttuooil te lilli-
tti tuttlletitire(-( tilt211ix-elto fotor
from tomotuotherlitoll:otitu'otiut Co-yre- 4F
cetitly ISth ail lotth l titihig
offer mateteIo Prof. ltt-ttitoglioo ty
Leland tStaitfordottinisroty. Atotlier
tutle tffer ltts just beeolt t tiito 11011-
jutotiot P. Bourtuittt uttassistntpriofessoir
of Frot-ti trot.tBourlaiid has bees
asketd to accept the position of Stead of
the departme nt of odeen languages
at Western Re-erye University. He
htas as.;yet given no olellolte answer.
Toltls- - --......1 C1I) I6 3
"1itist s of Matabuir" at floe Attiens
Priday night.
utl ftutyed eliter hfalf or oftiufrter on
te 'vursiCC-football tsin or four
yetars.Ie ptaye- halfback in the fa-
nons ante with Harvard ini the fal11
of V4.