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April 09, 1901 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-04-09

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6 Sig9ns of S rind
We feel like breaking into pc
see 'em, but we spare you. r
your conversation a minute
4i spring hats. We sell Knox, 'Va
ittHats. We sell them because V'
the best ever-we make a pra,
is "best ever"-anyone of these ti
is means something - we can sih
is mean in two minutes, and the
6s everything we say. You're ins
-- -- -- - -- -- - -G C- -

G"Q'"t"6 "S"G "5 4.6

oetry whenever we
Klay we break into
and remind you of
arsity and Hawes $3
ye believe they are
tctice of selling the
hiree names in a hat
Low you what they
ehats will back up
vited to call.

di diisdididididiSiisdiis ~ is~Sdididi .~: ~ ~ .

Micbizan Central
With diret,"onnectiont (,P(icaofor St.
Loots, Konsat City, fSt. Pool aod the west.
For ioformtonontotthrough tickets ol (,n
or write to ft. WV HAYES, Agent, Ann Arbor.
A40T~ ~ Zo' NI2TS;
Taking Effet, Sunday, 'Lasy 20, 1899.
Trains lrovr Ann Arbor by Contral Stand-
O'No. fr.- i:25 A. At. No. 1._ 8:50 A.iT.
No.58-11:.3_isA It. No. 5.-12:30L. t,
Not4. <335 .tt. No. 3.- 4:5 r. at.
'tioo betwoeeo Ann Arbtor ootd Toledo onty
All trotinsdallyseet Sundav.
'V. 1'. IttLLSAgent.

Last Vespers Today if i' tttrottoliidtl lcritc eto e t e-ft
lied uiotitrti s'teis Wilsont fits atdt ar
l csCTtlatt's tofe t' ttt' «, it't' ill lie oft' it llit' ot le t o itt l ong; b list.ttf etittite
spteeitl tote, otitt' it t ilt'11. tst ott"f it'tlera it ttttillitt"The Mtoko of MBala U. of Al. Pigs 54c to $1.00. 3' i
tte yte. 'Slit' ltt'ttpetttt-'alte ftcbf'art.''ttlthihtil ftp sekt theflit' ttetts Watch Repairing a Specialty.
li-nt' lenitt t haloontal sfntlt'it «itll otltto sti lt ItotIrit'2 luaa i ,LCHAP MAN, JEWELER,
he 1 Ittn; lawtooti ofth iiost slopsdtohe iltwet ol.tttof 206ee ~ N ounth.
p idt f ithfits yi'e'os ittttsil c''tilts. I11it it. sioreli' tt itto ttu t ' . ('Iteesee _______________________________
'Tt' piro-rloin tiltlIte'sottltig iliil t'
1.1ur o tl aser(.0 hwilt, o roe he)lok cn- Dental Gold
Ift is -lotit in"t o l et he Iit thei' it- ('1100lt' ldti ltl ii the 'bsl t ' liie'f it'e
'el e it iii' tll t'isteilylV I ti -lt' atio ofs nlestatrired ' o tiWe sell denttal gold acid solders
forithelist i's' slssiifIt itit' h eils an' S ptllSit ol ull's. 'hiiiWe pay cash for old goldfa-I
wlit'he1'111 -*fpltt'ttitl. Iit's I iiihe h, ~s.his VrttitttiieliiisrT'uits Wm ~iArnold, Jeweler
Io ti es-i1 t iltst'tplaceil'it tllt ii t~ttiii llsv rlityearsI. l Mr. il-lil
t i I th ilc t h ol d (.111t l11 w i'h' .0ll', idlelihitl l'tt'l. t os 'dis ti til °-
1\iv liii'l iii Iipitt ii lillistra t ' s 1:'0ttilt l' Alos 111titt i t 1t Alt ut liss A lt!'' I N E 5
11 l li' c ndltsiitt( tt' lt ii tit]f.e1s"r (1;1(t neis ( "til t I Iss ti1 tlht'l tird ainil
io s in w ich t ilett tilt~slio are ti tl ii'., i t An 11 Il's 11i I'tlthe islilles L i er
ti i f ire s lt .1 iii'thus its ltii i t o it'll' nilrPHONE 106, anted All..iFEiI'1N I
to the develo ment of ;l tht utupre A li wil lip estIll n ity c tp o'-
cini ol dit' " s lii liii . el 11s " 1 11 o lziy o tp o in t i ''.1111(!

B .usiness ...In ,.and O put , .v . ? 11 1' I!()t11it if ll.lt it i I I ' I'Iti(l'\ts.th1 "- , y f 10 ty oit P h l ' ~o ci
111 SO IDkiIEL4 -IN .. . .....4'tilt lt hfs'ii « r tiioh littlI'e toetir. t he ' te 111t tiltiltl'n o
DAIY11111414's1t1u-Is Ills. l - Ii'.Sl t i' 11 5ttil l pet this'111lust tilt-re'. us 'it lutist tlIs sold
TOLE O, C LUI1BUS ulo .11t it iiBAtflttli'lsOitil lit' h I - At,___ .11 st' ysesfrOt ele. ttot hct--
1illt hortntti i l's il. e i But y"oi ur i til 1r1111 :' 111d 05T'.W1 httgtutt Alt S. tnuj
Colutt~, l 1 & en ae oeo hi. i t M oelt. istith 1 111 i. .1 'cs..'ih'lI.lI't'I'I'htts.tAl ay' S'l'tiian't.
Deri, piania d n r- Sttit tti 1t . . i "hl l esfYsti$ant100 tul le ein Otto VETOULhtAuSov,.., iurl <s1t1 iotd~~iriail z
bor D AIL EWay. brtu'lt is tutuhuttI1. itUittitil1'.1 tititli' Watihis titu",tRthereA- h t-nelsuitetigeits.
Tar hese useI OLr U MBUSantisterihfo'piteelite,_a____t__
15:J . at, Watig ton Cmi A trm. .. .... t'' i i1h uu i uttt' it'ii tgt' ut
Cars leve uibor r o tudaypsi and tut11t1et<:1t's lii's ii i
eve 4T ho gNEY LO aNEDI a m u- ~ it 'S1 ,11 o tttir tiotn&o'C.. (li.,t' t..0.i ~ut~et Ctti
11:onot Pmur. tWaiti nromcreil nnutt , Ih N Y A. SlIiuE t 4t (t4 l 111e11 .ht) sellhu'lu'stti'. il hll 'i'11r1ty1'tolae
Horr Sosaleat td utatO uSI'tl Athdees..M.Oli t, t n &etrut 11C., i ttI 510)11K. U oac uh
Have all the finish and detail of the very highest
price shoes and are excelled by none.
See the "NEW DOUBLE DECKER" IIl South Main Street
U.c osMB rbr~nteaming and E61E le3ad Unvrit t East William Street W
.o M Bab r msaeaspecial- I OH II F un jEOmes-alfltnken
S pan Bah ty, dons by latens2tunra 1Dretoof taw building. All kinds
Rooms, 822 STATE. aJR.Trojanna! Lsjlol 'AP,,Boh lones lSo hp E'fmet .Ran a Pht

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