THE UNIVERSITY OF 'MICHIGAN DAILY NEW BOOKS A.. ng's IPawn , by lDtuimwad. t-t Ir erry, a Story it tilt St imil toast, by Chiarles CtMakei iIlnn Tbatl ltajlis-aring Atfai tn IA-,Mayn- Ste dy Elpoyen 1wVstofEltwalietti y li1tno y.FO n r it~1 nohe Tela1,bForrg E eteic rto.h tory iof Sarafby Lou iisr- nd Wome When Itlades Are Out ianalIove's m n a d W lfe Afiel, by Brad. The Love Letters of the King., by Ile (allienite. 'The Love Letters of Vic-torRhgo. All thet tbove it a is nout fromi pub- Sheehan & Co. CLIS You canqget a - [lO-10T L U N CHFff' AT vllctschictth 3t8 South state St. Senid thomeiiatnice I tie Eas5er4giftt Thesis W ork ,Out Aim N;Tis s11 iiIIIti We do thesis wvork. One "Onion Shin"ti Wettin Pails beat Accutracy guiar-anteed. inytting, you eere sew for ttie mour-, Prices omoderate. Iii, at tI'IA L EICS lBook~store. ..ypewriting. Mitneographing.11 I)1'NBttN-iriitie EDW AR IS BROS. list F EIi a. Inia i-]tiwisittdtike tt err OtiohansI State Street lFrate-rnity iir (i1t11:; tuesiof cittyrefer- aANNTO..., once"-..hAddremss Irs. It. J. G't CO R C L 'e) ise P lr fr dcreTor arronge tor e l-sias,ptiviiate or Isai., C111 liii rpiiisi-n 111altlicoltois. plita Ill t i- _ t the, oftice of G(RANGER'S ACADOEMIY on uliii. at St 'ItS .tttBS. (itsiriitiiwnu. StaynarilSireet. ____ S t d i A I 1Pulul atta ti nd i o ti ros. Shirts Colectonsforsate at Wudtianus, Rtyani &Ietile. BOUGHT FOR CASH Best $3 list mun s the ) oward. Look np yottr old cotlecttti and Wadolts fRynn & Rettle, sole agents. tarni it itt ready money. Prompt - Cash and Gooud Prices. Mtt-:111,:1.1 WAXT1I-ll I-ltiatte) THE MICHIGAN STAMP COMPANY iii's toissilt sitr hu f-u Iliuaie Rooum a.146lWuiidwarud Are., lDetroit I ltrii-~uttint Oils,treaei. IPaints diiit \ruilsii-.Saaor ciii-s sin idrs li's'he lituuuii-Frautctil Ott Co.. (i te-eanu. it. st MICHIGAN SUBSCRIPTION BOOK AGENCY I' AGENTS WANTED 1t . oorbMgr. Over Ftirst Nattortal Battk 'ut a KODAK in your Pocket WE SELL flhEn e IIbotociraper, i t t' 1 s A v Asp B' c- : J 1 Agents Agenlts 100 students wanted to canvass during vacation fotr the <"A. A. Itmproved" gaisoline lamps. Sells in1 Sight. SUPERIOR MFG. COIPANY 329 S. Main St. WA BAS H PAN=AMIERICAN EXPOSITION BuffaloN. Y.,lay iNo,i, ,55 The Wahash, theu N ass aalls i.Shtin- Line." has made special seragements in aceomamodate a sargn travel bteen Dn- troit ad Bfflottsduring the Expositios New equiipsesh ad additional train ser- viewilt be provided. The Wasis the onlly line upeestiuld tree Iteelining Chair Cies berween ChieaoadBuffnlo. Tick- ets will he guod tsr slap-user at Niagara Write ruer a ps fatit-ish Pa-Aerican talder caiisiaing a lieeIace rotor math at lhe Exppitioini raads and biandsome rise ettihings of the prisciuat hilintii. Ticket Office, 97 Adams Street, P. A. Palmer, A. ti. P. A., Chicago. Cee. Stain and Huron Striee. Capital, $50i,(*.Sarpls, Saun,0.Teanaat- R, Kaxpr, tree. C. E. GREENE, Vint-Pe- FRED.OH nasaa.Catsi. FIRST NATIO NAL B3ANK t "u 6 Capital, $100,00.hSuplus.andPo tns, 1.1120 Trasaitsa gnalaing buiisians. Feieg4 excanebioighi and sol. Ftriselietiiis-ee credit. E. D. KI\NC.Pre. SAOIEISiiN SiiUL. S. W. CLABRiSIN iCauhiii The fAnn Arbor avlnas banh CaptalStock. 8509,000. Srplus,.6150,000 Rteoures, -,5.0w,~ii Orgasnaiedinilorthe (tinrniai tianingsLiaw aftis setaitei-n. Pcites oeosits,iburseand ;e1i Stains.Drefts shupo inproperlicetiiiOtitar, Saftyepsi boxeissto ruis tlr-eei.- (hiiianStick-. Ptee-.; Nit., b J ra mans, Vicetres.; Cha--,. E. Btisic. Ca-tiler St , J.tFrit, Ass.iit Casier -W.. Aeraas1, lt ielir~te .V HEA.2 kcp JoaaaC.WAL st.(iashlr StVINGS BAINK leransant it ageneat lRankinig Itiniesa NOTICE. illuill- lac. a xauiaio ~r iThiiie iiill lhe ci ii -ieil iliitiii. iiioJ clii ofeuoiiuii i t 4:15. in Itioom C. 1.II., to roteii oi lithequest-ain of iii- zoprtilistiAilitsea ntcethle ri(eiftli-toiiotie.i N rdr oIt rl -> ti'le-iu wiiittllihi a c i l l;", o!' ic if ' lii- lii[i) ban lll zit all thei ii-S.. .,I. li.s ' u iicuu ii 5IH) TIII-II r: AE OTItEI;S, BUT NONE1 L'n~ ETTII. floyrtt Tigurs. tile; Tig-rettes, 5r. l-ti0iY to l tb-tehuicuis Gamatus i ILIttl S. MAKE MONEY VACATION, Addresa J. M. Ctaytotu, Detroit. SPRING SHIRTINGS HATTER lHABERDASHERS Store .I. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, il9 W. Wastita ton St. T r f'te... .tlse19 NORTH SIDE " LAUNDRY 3'1305. IIOAWF, Prape. i 1. --tnDetrsil .t 511Bell thonue FUNERAL DIRECTOR Emnbtalming a specialty. No. 2119 S. 4th Ave. Ambulncsenight and day. Res- dence 302 Fifth Avs. rSMakers at - COLLEGIATE CAPS, -COLLEGE FPINS. - CtEG LL The above cut-, No. z IDEAL PATENT KID LACE, a beauty for cburch or dress wear. Between classes we sline our shoes free Spalding's Official League Bali Is the Oflicual Bail of the National Leag ue, the leading minor -et) eaua leagtue and ill the collegt stid atletic 55nocllt Oils. f1 ~~A llandaume Catalogue ofBae lina]IAhtc '. c0Sports mailea freetoIn ay as address. Spaldinigs tOflofial Blase SBualtl(4-ideo fur 11l01, -edited by letnry Chtadwict, reaidy Match 3A1 - S~O 1901; price 10 Celits 'gTRIc1N A. G SPALDING & BROS. New York Chicago Denver HAVE YOU SEEN TH-JSE NOBBY BROWNS M'l W RD "WE FINEST LINE OF SCOTCH AND ENGLISH SUlINGS IN THEfGMY