TIIF0IJNIVESITY OF MICHIGAN DA!LY Hats for Easter In wearing a Kinox, 'Varsity o can feel assured you are con ordinary hat styles at any sto 5 further with these hats. We the regular styles, but also a] exclusive styles. That is the our store and the ordinary s You're as welcome looping, t5..Rt5 , ...,t.~.,.o sasass "aS"" i"aAA~ i " i'A"A~::1"' ~ :':±<: :: Dr, Hawes $3 hat you rect. You can get the 3re, but we go a step not only show you all 11l the variations and edifference between store. as buying. OODSPEED'S 117 MAIN STREET V $ $ $ $ . Micbizan Central INIAGARA FALLS ROUTE THlE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON With direct connections, at (1 wcago for St. Louis, Kaneas City, St. Paui and the west. Etc information and through tickets caii on or write toi1. W. HAYVESAgentAnntArbor. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD TIME TABLE Takiag Effect, Sunaday, iay i21, 1899. . ..Traias leaee Ann Arbor by Central Stand- Us. M. MARTIN... FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a apecialty. Nio. 209 S. 4th Ave. Ambulance night and day. 'Res dance 302 Fifth Ave. ~CA rdGOWNSL le\)8Ci E) M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, 119 W. Wasition Si. Try The... NORTH SIDE LAUNDRY +THIOS.It OWF Propr. to Detroit:St 7Be lPhone Alarm Clocks $, U. Of M. Pita 50c to $1.00. Fine Watch Repai -ing a Specialty. 1, 1. CHAPMAN, JEWELER, 206 Main. Sauth. Dental Gold We sell deiital gold and solders We pay casih for old gold an silver. Wi, Arnold, Jeweler FINEST RIGS l IN THE CITY AT Prof. Adams Talks on "Social Settle 1w Nitik oft hitotlemntittstomeiiit' iat- the ~ ,rk 11)(1elisire t tttcto:,e;sitt. sad______Ti _____e. ____Pro___________ lt itt S. C. 0. ts Ieiti tt' slitows ard oitt ttiiti i tt i.ii l erit till no" lo t ie l v e y SOUTH NORTH tittt4t!11 tto t' ti lst titttttt c. 'lwIl, toll -iti1t t thlt, htttttt5ott Siu ittttti. t' h ON0, fEE IET No. s.-x1:35 A.sI . 'No. b.-12:3 P. M. wert d4, t itt nttttuii lttotite n thesbet,;tr. ti odie- tute it T et'o _____________________-______ No. a.- 8:35 r. n. No. 3.- 4:56 r.Ma. -.\ 1i\-ers~iuy o if liiniui i .0 iiI t it i ttti u.,t ititi Ne___ ______ 'tttit tttttiti." ititi for te suitlitt. 'Run betteeno A0n Arbor and Toledo tnly Prof.ti atitit. tol: 111) tet' ust All trains daily except Sund 00.Th 1w kin;}c r ta.he ok Ws H.BHONNP7TT.GI. tP. A- tltilutted ithtuu uiii ttittiity. srl l ri li,11b tre ~ d is HOCKING VALLEY B . rl~,0 Iriled111 trttt Se it4'.-ittt? ~txiie The Railroad that takea the 'lit-si- whi aritt l 1it I 11111t ' t rt heiili' tiio .iit t u tiii-i"O tE N X SOLIlD VESTIBULE TRAINS f iii-u tt iti's itti - iiii ititititi thosit i-itt-is suit itt-llI nS. zmi vt onesitf itosi etease tile toostdii'irilitnating. Yal 4 DAILY BETWEEN q4 iii I ii ir i ca l i )i i rit eri- i --- u theI Nty s stirilli liainve ist cii oits i-tutu ihe get the ibest tihert, een e l ietesaund TOLEDO , COLUM'BUS 4"-aril- i -li iti ftti tutu i. oyste'rs for' the elite,attbtotho store- an"LI1' N . ii liitliiiy sittg titic i lii i1i-iitt-i- 1eilt - ±.iiiiiii.t i i - li't20N W oiigoi: 0 S.Sae W. H.ish-er, L.IW. indmnS +)ilciilot o toeiIien;r- G. t. A. Ot. Trav. Agt. .1 itttttli o ii it-i ttig tilt sittt i- ttl ii I ttt it- i titittatiti it'- --Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- H l