She U o(h- 94 PaiI0 VOL.. XL. ANN ARBORt,MICH., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1900.No12 Aninouncement I~Our special .line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Winter of -900 has arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The samec careful attention is given to th--. styles and finish of every suit, whether to he used for husilness. purposes or for full dress occasions. G, H. WILD CO., rob E. Washington St. 1 i 3 : ,i ,] . 1 OATH TOWELS AT ALL PRICES FOR YOUR ROOM OR THE GYM i ij 1 't t Wilder's Pharmacy 3260S. State St, EVERYTHING oar Splendidfn o PIPES, CIGARS and TO- NEW BACCO-even the store itself is new. We have remodeled the place and invite' all our friends to eall and inspect what we have. You can't heat our LUNCHES. R. E. JOLLY, 308 S, Sfate St. HISTOLOGY and BACTERIOLOGY SUPPLIES, DISSECTING INST'S., DENTAL GOODS... can all he had of heat qual- ity and at lowest prices ... QUARRY'S C.AMP'U'~S =)TO TG 8=0= COR. STAlE ST. and N. UNIVERSITY AVE. BOOKS aNJ 1500K l'IGIES ALL WE ASKjIS A .TRIAL Students will find either of our stores, Headquarters for Law and Medical Books, and all Uni- vesity'Text Books. We offer: some second -hIand books at Low Prices. A FEW PRICES. White Writing Paper 15 and 20c per lb Linen Writing Paper 20 and 25ec1 -j Ream" (250).... ...........25c Box of Envelopes (2.50) . ..25e 100 Cards engraving and plate.... $1.25 Best Student's Note. Book....20c First-class Fountain Pen...$100 We sell drafting instruments and supplies at Special prices. Sweaters and Athletic Goods. Before Buying Your Needs Try Us. War. IBooketores 1 $2296.50 RAISED. P1h ______5e Annual Mas Meeting Proved a Boon Jtt to Athletics. SiDe Evcerybtidy l(rti'med otic at 'eititg P1 to stintstheir itrest i t ittitti i iiC tettetl tand fotalil picitlr te gtyttutasitiniwusa filled to its tttttist Si -capacity coserative estimtates plt- Fr te crtwdl at 2.11011 Of these at Al. least 20(1) were yotug ladies iWhotwee (ic not to i' outtdott iitttheir Iystty to 911 feshmtein laws had arattt-tIpr-vious- Gt tiering the roomtiin ta. lasly. lT-ey t Aiowedi no little originality iin le yells K hey coutoteil an1d1evenitwtttfarther K' tn the(exte'nt of titbsetiitg s lass t4 50. The juioriuanid setior lawes quick- If ly fell in line andu ptsietl ittasrther a irrespostible way $t00 fronti eatit class. w Its the tisenseeOf Pres. Vertier of thieL. Btrookfieldl presided , aitu calling the pu nieeting t ordler introducedul['iof. A. D. 1. Pattentgill as teflinst cspeakler. 1'i Prof. 'Paucetgill has actetd for somte Jo funo or three ye-rs as theilisinittin of t 'te boatrt of coitrol,lhaig reignel RA withint te 1pasffew days. te ad- Di dlressedt the students fron thle faculty C; lssit of view oif athletics, lit-ne Pa Fistunrtricck folloiwedil withaicall tftelie,' stuetstto Ineti t ,iito Il ithe t5 saitlJ.1 Cheer the amntietisti thiydsterst-secit. NV goodtiuauounitf i'iiinsclts ttlti'teii tnecolistsif lthe studietittidtuusuiit ontly tie'its ctret. 311ttiis of Ilttthebscatutl cn otIk- -f alnch'aeItmeuts followed shy ti ~- ' ct-scily of ieavy mstialianttid t' .~ geennsiscof It'he titi Aftrche lCe L -'1hthait santgtitittiuleltof pittcs lat- M itil lat-s. i-aittain tf t'itcteca, S speaing it~o f liii- isuc-es. Mii 'Slki-'II IBrgeni lstcto ali idLaanidI itelis - ritc, t-i' will hntheiibeitst tets in theliA wies. Not i'e ititicsi huth'eii'ote i- hutMi ii i mostisiinapi 'nd. v igo. u 1 itt-i lii fostihl.piulfyinciillitlida Wittili ihuir rsni cii atilit-litmispts l isaisii: totsatghtret i' itsillsp- 1. ioit sf 100 tiill clost' cibit 31 ic-iigtt i tlin'ainpions ofr ttialnthis itet- I tug is itlitlItto incitseinitionlyipbut t'e iltst ticstel. Yots hitit'gien ourI ioi'itlsupptot, Itowsigist' yurttiiniitic. l (heit' is nottihing ini it fisrte l1aers45 glotrp of Ithuit-I'lit'sity. -'nainit1, littly stit tinleclose of Acl.-Mtririu'c nrcttutrs sus-ciitis isri-ca~lldiIfor.1 _ts saituysc the ttmljocporinttof LteN tuiletis' Susii-tliott (tutu' ito-i t flu Creekc lettr fitaernilles,'ii mtouits giceis byt hemitaggreg-ating atoiittl ofJ $124a. 'Tue business lieti of the city comte net itt poit of geisu'susity ti'itls a ltattosutig io $50. Fle-retain-I dec of thei uoey sulsiclitilis li sett-D let-lug atuouttn'ts stve that giseiby te- lIast'clsses ad fte juiri denttss'witchlt togeher add $275 tot the list. BIletos te listtha giten c-utlet' s it st-its i'tiels Iat e etttKtterthelii'mass titeetisig. Shiotlithere tic sty 'rost or eaisslita the Daily siill ie ic-y 2 gladt to orect thttmttis sottntasodo-I ti, through le tioiecha-inniel, the .tttlleiic Asociat'icist lssire.- Ailptia Delta Phiii..... $;100 00 zea Psi---------------100 00( I Delta _Kappa Epilon ..-.100 0 Delta Ohi------------100 00 I BetaThtaPa... ...100 00 I Psi up lon ... o... . 10 0 ii Kappa Psf ...... nine -drtv Cass .. nior Law Class ..... el-ti Upisilon ...... 'gtis Chi . . . .. . . tli Delia Clii... i tDelta 'lieta..... ii PSI . . . . . . . . . i Delit Phi..... lgititiAllpts Epsilon ... esh Law Cla ttsa.... phatiSigma....... -o. Walic & Co...... iteliciti &'Co. .... tilts10Phi $ia.... :ailiPhi lta-Gma. 'itisic. . . Tea. itDpli iipts (anitits... oittes' Liery ... id 'NIlt-s........... auth & Spencer . L Kecugood ...... tufor Dental Cltss ... . A. Tinker &Sost.. etd Besimuec...... its Ptarker ...... thn Schnteider,'. I...... elAA-ltlesr ............ r. Effitngerc...... eno. Wild ....... cof. A. It. Pcttetgill ... F. tH. Salisbury . F-. Quiariy...... tCctiiitctcii.acy... itlititits' 'i'ransferu-Ltin -. - E. hI'lly....... cit-ic & C . . .. . ..' v, 1N. 'rttl ........ by- N ti .......s E . Cai nsi . ... ... I. n i tol . . .. . . . . 11 li eti r g o ... -n irbo 'M'utsisiciC. . V. . Sc-itz-c-te laNcn ltui....... W.t'oi-tti'.sit.....t..... . .1 tosits.e......... ir. Bauist........... Ore rowndc t........... 1".mScrtui............ t. ('M.srieu..t:........ Dr'.. Elia'ilt.lts.e... 'tgl Coltiti.ry.. 1 . S.rowchat.e.... oitti Brgert .... .iolnsttoCatet.&.Apfe... (icIsofiLswt.Phlps. ...... EI. S.totd Jr,..... Lei P. ShAlxt......-... F.. LWarec...... ddtolluraso ...&..Co - Inhn e .... .. .... I. ). ISkiner...... "'i. S. (if nero..... John C.Beer...... Unltnoivo.Son...... tOO 00 tOO 00 tOO 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 40 00 30 00 0 00 25 00 25 001 25 0 23 00 25 00 25 00 25 0( 25 00 25 00 25 00 2 00 25 00 1 00 13 00 15 00) 15 00 13 00 10 00 10 011 1(0 00 10 00I 10I 011 101 00i 101 (I0 11 l lt 101 (lt 10 0(1 10 00 5 lOt) it (1(1 5 lii 5 00i 5 001 5 001 5 00I 5 00( 5 00l 5 011 5 00l 5 00I 5011 5 00I 500 5 01 -5 00 5 ((10 5 ()() 5i () o 00 -501) 5 00 5 00 500 -5 00 5 00 5i00 50( -00 5 00 5 00 5 0( 5 00 5 00 500 o3O. -Plan to Make the Senior Laws God. Decasi telinsof thurMW l lpati- steut stuggestedct an15 to the senior listss listhler daty.-ttilrt if adopteut tiill "esialilisit a precedesnt that is stdly needd -Ilifbi' ldepartmrssen. The lwst hIe aways ibeent looedutpon anui ccssu-tecl to bet' ie cemit-ictohiciasi of ltheUiversity, Ind to msistcamua- lditlstagainist theist as a bout)-hasusa- wasitpsbeesi cossideredt aboit s btrd t propotsitions ustt run tiltagaistT att- sintnyi. Te sseitr l~tus arett'supposedi' t rehresent the highest sttge of d-- st'ioiusest in this plitil astutress, 's tatit uhessltse geittrlel-tmseet as wcltuss to elect officers it muassn dict msondsut ut disiutosit. Polirictil decall" combsiunes, chugs, is faret, all the noodjerti shetilS lkao11-11 itot isntifiean. lucve beens used. The luetan s outilined iiy-Dc-t ut.luh chins is to iprctically conduluct fle elec- unit is outs iresent generl or state "lectionss tre cttnsut'tet-lthtjib O to ct11 ti elass meeting t wicht-insomsintions shall be sasade. Ples tpiit t acon- mittlee to 'act s cnusunisit-neu- of eec ticcns, to sVI10tos the tucuily s-il furnishs acertifiedt colty of the uuunes tsof ic chtss so thattwihen a memuuber hitc oted Iis sname cotldl is' chescktdoff. dl poingueplaceisouldtchelnttibe esttb- lished-l tunulsufict time un' gesn tl- lossII tisuesusi-suof te lssitcoto voic. 'T'his plaIs t usuhp ract ic-tlyintsurt til tontsiexpressionuuof liii- ulcss uandi wsousilhtc cpsld 0r1 1't is uu-i of lt'dirty ofa cii0l' hut lu1i itt tseplutis cutu-c'heist-i fion i'liiiiht[let'uth lme tfthe lccss ldiis5 probale il'thuat aci i ic-'tg- f theuthiss ill u'eicileu 'titt tsithelii qlu s t it i-i Freshmten Will "Rsl." Tt- treshmen tc'ss tt-i ctout the ncuca umeetinig iast einhg cit ittli rgcnizedl for ai curds thact itlt' oppotsiton wsi poit np ih tutu eiuVoctuferouspyountgster tunocktir spits' o(ut1inirusshing utalyp utuout the cuuuilpus ntlprintuthtgsimts ttiii Ifitook hr'-h it it' seitutitutrn whn t-ic ut built i nut' bonfiresn t tiiid huoft hiatil catracuksuuilt at5eii st. sltppiniuug ftrtsomuitills-tiute cll uticon- ttulits'line.'six arsts hieic tade uluuringthlii'etnigbitt aulsere tilt-csc-l uponututhutic-ir wnri'tgtitcute cudiu Ihet' promuieu' itthuescrtiwtito is- ErneIt Fcullruu - - 500 D.L. Sit-rut- - - -2...... ' I5 Ai. tuiebli- - - --..... 2 01 hs~ls KatetKott t- - otl Srtitlis- - - - -' 01 PV. tutadockic ...... 2 00 IR. O. Huasn- - - -1 0 M1is a lts uuccisuiuc ... 1I Ou H. Los - - - --....... 1 0) B. S. Ituu'rlctueisu - --..... 1 0)1 Aut. S. Mulrtits- - --..... 1 00 Ht. F. Bole- - - --...... 00t (toss 1razes' - - 1 00 1. lH. Schafner- --..... 17.Oil t. . Alilutte- - - - 1 00 1 .. 1.tills- - --...... 1 00 F'. A. Edsoni......... 1 00 B. i11uie- - - --....... 1 00 S. Wv. iell- - --...... 1 00 RatlithHlms .. ...... 1 00 1). I. Susihs- - - -I...... 100 C. A. "Stnuers- --..... 1 00 It. Pressmnu - - 1 0h Ihiss Bertha IRosenthal -.. 1 00 Guts ulitinger .... ... 1 00 II. IF. - - -... 1 00 . F. Budhluid- - --..... 1 00 J. ,S. Ciisslisotus..... 1'00 B. i. Clark- - --..... 1 00 (Grand Polish .. ..$2,290 50