i p
....Oar Special Line of.,.. FINAL DEBATE TONIGHT Coach Yost Arrived List Night
Foreign and Domestic Micigan] Will Meet HerOld Rival V. H. -ci, the new tobtlcah
-Close Contest Expected - llow op t trothth te tootball tti ctbasvethti
FABRICShave Defeated Chicago 4 tutu titt wih t1rtheititr c tio fth 0 teir
out of 5 Tines tt ct:1,1.11.icoachtts.. C(achic uttoioo 1i)
FOR SPRIN~k ti--1>-i-i I yo-eterIny ttvy viii ni t towI (tt
ba arve nd ~ ar ii ywu itc, tie-iii-i o i or Iet hoi t it ot tooall ity iv
Cicaio-i i iteoitly, d iette ined to r_. ic-ti i..to White ,tsiii coy c all iii
We leave te largest sa- o11thte oter hand, will ptt et herc ot
seort mnttitthCityiC, hot ii i li. tti the tolio i tiitiv m
i ei tr;11t il-iciy for thci 1ciilvi- COACH SEXTON IS HER E
"Ii IoI WIL i aCO. liCliPittiinerit.,4pItt one Tiotet taX
i©8 E. W i'ashington St. IN pii iie" etoii-ci---ttI(,n. CiIs Pst X',rt 'Vaisity -titaY
! C ica-o' 0nin r pl i ilc-iccl-i P itq Detroit Leagie
.to A N U TS' vr~llosdeo -i-c t iii i- titto ci or ii010 t iitltItti ii ipiilii
j-~~c-'~~,j tfre ite d.I_1 Itoleco etti nmv if i 1 li o ci ict. ci. 1icttc i-c
itLT E D h eec-i cc ti i- ii o D r.cii i ii t-i I i--1 i ith i - i ii' c-i1 ii1>t i----- -1 ( i-
exerlda(i .II(,_ i\ ccII'I. I ccIAI\( i-cciiiv 1( 1,11t lm il)et' 1 t
vile iii 1. Ielteli theIi.ii-itit.i lli i.t j111 Iorderto 1cli re.ciii i 1iii iS ciii t
Nit. 1413
Regenit Sutton Centpares t he Greatest
IUniversity of the East With the
I' Greatest University cf
the West
1 Ile ecii titttoti witec the I octnutit
1Etotitcv Nitiii pr ee-csicosof tOx-
C orci I tliiioioiiy. t-it0-titictand eColl-
l ri., t wctiiiith thulliesc cioto lici-
.i cucicil c t-iccci. Atci i t.-tf yin
aiinici curom actrill cci xiocit andittilt
ui cii 1cciiii t rive ycli oiti e ii tttii -i--
cih.2,I did.the cwill limietll titdeaof
liiiiiii~tsm 1oii iticilia, tie the
ti. t1f I i o c Inii - i 1a e 1)
s liii itrlt.or"li lii c iiicciiiil iii Cio
it, it-i Ii tiiii tccii l ldii ortittit
c'Yi"11 rmifr,l 1111 i i iiljtiit
ti-cl ihilti"-it iiliijawi:11it io oictieou
tempiic-td ti ttici hti-cu- i he-i ti--c-c cii cc O-
-ciii oi tf it-ct ccciii oli owncii tacic ilit-
YOU KNOW where to get...
it. L. Jolly, 308S S. State Street.
Cil InciiI I liiido- 0
QUAH 11Y DrugStore
Containing the official
code of playing riles
roles for 1901r, together
with the annual static-
tical record of the
minor league and col-
lege clubs of 0900o and
matter of interest to
every lover of base
al. c
IcI19 i h.t ' 'wi i ;lt-c Illitiiti ofliii i t-
hiol cii ei litit't ili itltd tti lcilithe
111 i ii t ii900 e ld i itticc- i t ll(eitlii.
ce~lii 111i111th li ttiit it it Illtieii it iit
t'ic N cc ni ;-i Iit t iliild ii- i c illic--ct io
ci N lot iiici.,Iii ciii -cdl\.i tli "tlhl
ili-eianiilitei 11 ;111 loll htheI11;111
I,:~-r m leltlii is ;Ii ii iltii t or
-- cli ii illciiIi tto ld Iti i wo li ;11
;1ii iters l i0ltr- 11(1clii l
Ill wos ;1l io.itciicthe tIl-cl trtI1
r1 111 odicctthtit ltierarycii pII it l ciii de-
-c e i ad wolltItit cit as i Ii.te tll l iio
t'li that iiiii iii iii li 5- o, 'lii t l il
t 1iiic -( tifici t li- cccxi t titttf'";}'; ;?1ii
ltt-i i IlIltClsfi 1li lt -c 5ci t' tilt-e
.i ci 'lt- itdt co-c-licc i cI ;ti lli it 11t1( t I- I c de-ici
1 ilst.. lit-cl' illtoi'ti i i it Ii-ct to it t-c~;I
tit hc1 o n ~tii i ft 11;11 l c id o lcitt
(ctilc t31 1'1'1lit-c ccvcii i-. tickc-' l1i't'it v 1
cititt I ii ii t (,ti- er ! Lc 1 Il o l
i--c Iciiiti iv ciihocit-itct1,citi \vcIc I c a
11;1 iI t e l~o "(h10. II'i-c i Ct-c cciiti
ic s11I-it ti-c'1-i MI ti lli i '- it--c()t c'-
iy(;cecfnotIc le i t iccccc- t .1;1i 11i 1'\%i-is
F.Tii Cciolil cciisit L t .tciiCi-,citt
stit- mi- 11-1- thettc ty i :115 C on-
11 ei S.iL. be Choure wl eredn
i}FHoknson SilWlitCtioo
t'+ itclI 'Sox Iol; first (.;IIIIe Io AIioIIi:;ii, versity.
;I t. V ,,TItIII;Itill; fn)III Brow I1, 1. 111 the c"I1,1nicter of students, ox-
E.. u 6f i o v Ct 6zo. W.
t j' f 1
1 t r
' H£t ILY Y' F, .DAB 4 '
1xiC',t31{I.1 IfL',I3Ar." I:tif '1 y'.' :._.
pi I - i r i I cto ] l
1 . } cfi iI
- t C lt t i i
ftC il-ccf ~ ' lt'l
C 71 il ;
11;13 I,
t:1 t'-it: ,5 tj kt t I i : *x'*)' f i i' i i )" -lT. lii I X II.,
0 ii ;11ct~11.11~lt ilt i11-1)i 1w ldotiyo r~ 11,entl
it t l),c il 'dc t )ic 't°1i tl i cc 1 c 1cc c 111cc t 1 re l i Ill It 0 it (o-
s v l_ 1'')1 cci 1-,1t i 1;1' t t ic 51cr.-c e.l i i u Ii i tiCm.t31111I1i " ie'ccic I hut
i d i cit-il c tu tu cii i itit I ,iti ci l 1 1 1; 1 l ri- . l-c I iii. ii ir i -l
Itkeyitt i l ii ii ii oii1iii it c-c l iii it-co :il d 1 i 1- IF ci -11,) tc tc c ltc.1Tuf
c-utt c-eis. ii ctiiet, wil )i-i-o Di t to- it \St ii lticu111d iiinljt i-cc
lit-i-iwtrkiii ()cici-ic ndoiliti ciilice ipCov- from 131, tai ;i succi ltc c
inCn Atiti be c ot wnct tl citile uctitti ndt >.txford iiciiforcitmal,' It(l out-h
I v 1c c uu-.ticio.c tc ii Un-c -ci ivi t i ty o u ivcci~i l iii iicetic a-i
Ttti-cut-i-i -i-ii-tto s ntit evidntlyiiiit -,cm i tt I ii ii ntit ci ttii.
itie t- itooeitcuc-twti-i Sitt t u s t t a O cii ttttiil tie c tO it tlt itinglei 0
tIitetil o--cC-iit vlo a(;ile obtilt neote e, Itic-nciii..-ott cnite iii
lt n l tic d M i-ktte cant i t-sitt i t - - 1 zlltOxf-c coit hotit behi til1cit. nI t sc
t~cici- ciiitti«. Watins, iw o tw'-, te c utci t C t ch1 i e i c 1ii it tetibrary, cli or
ofithe licir lteterovetwi-bners.tit - t t ei ii -t-c- ll o it t oi madt1stl i
etet-i Nveretit steteralsitseuo-esnfelderst 1) xteu t tilIliest fAi"1ot
tuiti~ iepacC titceu-c e;n.Carns 4i Oeerybtitin= ittonirytt.11is1c tcuw tolt
It is e -ndore (Ice -liketsrta anCo-te .111111ori e t~o totot it alteee
owill tie played owithe the Detroit league Ste n-ct cinly nakes bt in terlrets aeed
Ctet to~neorroov at Detroit. executes Chelue svewhichtgoveree he