w THRE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY NEW 0~S A lune .. tan i, by Drl)oood. Uncle Terry, a Story ortiteMail Coastl, by Charles 'locke M11n11. That ittainvarillg (air.i. by A. Mayn- ard IBarbour. 1Fhe Visits of L lizabeth., by Elinor Gilyn. Like Another 1 Cohn1, by Gleorge Dorton. The ;story of Sarah. by Louise torso- len1d. 'When Btlades Are (Oet4111Loes Atid. by Brady. Thle rone Letters o)f the King! by Le IGallienne. The Love Letterso (f Victor tinge. All the aove adittsIount from pub- Usbers' priceOs. Shehan& Co. You can get a HIOT LUNCH AT TUTrTLE'S 330 Soth State 0t. Thesis Work We do thsesis work. Accuraicy gnatranteed. Prices moderate. Typewriting. Mimecogr aphing. EDWARDS BROS. Over Stonhanol State Street LEARN TO.. DANCE NOTICE j We haveour moot excellent line of seasonable and CHEVIOTS on the table waiting your inspection. We wiltlestow yon nearly 5oo different styles of trouserirgs, We offer you the finest line in the city. Truly Yours S. WV. ur+chfield, 106 E. Huron, Oyster Cocktails LuALIKINs' IC For that hungry feeling 1RdutzcItev, the Pihotograpber, 91 'OI\tI0l' SEI-: Il There (will be aIneelillk (If t110;11o-d fTtI ENZEAIE OTtHERS, lBUT NONE 1\{I LAWS NOT1ItlO: BE1oTTER. 01 IInu-etherso (f lst1(101 asvn RioyaltTigers, lee; Tigerettes, 5c.* I te0 1 (5 111 111111 itlthe 'frollhy RIoom aI 1 01('coc ,. 11l. Satooloy1 STUDENTS NOTICE! cItIlIT. JOata-ee. The test launedryis tile Toled~o LaswIn- l cc (1011111s0 nt 101101 1 l dry. 'TryTR. OWok called for and de- t~l l- I 0Ile (.1 I 1 livered. Leove your order at 12t S Mlain at. to r (c001'mya lV aplicM hoa or 11111110- 0(Bita t1ou111 h-'Il. RISS CINiGI Agents Agents 100 students wanted to canvass durilng vacation for the "tA. A. Improved" gasoline laneps. Sells oilI Sight. SUPERIOR MFG. CO1lPANY 329 S. Main St. WA BAS Hi PAN=AINIERICAN EXPOSITION Bufalo', N. Y., May i-Nav, i, 190 The Wfahash, the "Niagara Fell. Short tine." has node special arrangeenets to accommodate a large travel hetween Do. troitad Buffalo darnge the Espositis- New equipmeat atnd additional train aer viee will he provided. The WOahash is the only line operating Free Rteclining thair Cart between Chieogo and Buffalo. Tick- etaR(will he good for ntop-orer at Niagara Write toe a00000 of Wabash Pllan-erican Folder eonrlinieg a large teve color moo of tke Exposition gro ndsandoadsomte zine etchings of the principal Oluildin(gs. Ticket 011ftee, 97 Adams Street, F. A. Palmer, A. GI. P.A, Chicago. Coo. Main and Huon Streto. Capital, $50te00. Surpluse, $35,00. Transact. geneal banking business. R, KnaP, rei . CE. OanNn Vice-Pr FIEDo.IH BEmcen. Cashier. ot Aen Ar'o- FIRST NATIONAL BANK Organood 151 Ctal Ia 1100 ho. opl. ooad Proo. 1',,030 Transacs a eneral110bankin. g bsnesse. ForoiLg excaellonl((ht an1:ol~~d. Foonishtte1s1n' E. n. KININEI, Pre. HARRhISuN 51001k. S. W. CLARtKSONCashier TH fAnH frbior'Saville M[a Capital1 Stork. 5,t0,ooo. Snrpico. $150,000 1(000(0000. $t1.500. tOganoize uner the Geneal la Biking Le oft(his St1t1. 1110 11vu'den0( ' . ando (( 01011 C 15110 1, x1111 ' 10 1110( ._i'000110 0100t deoieeho' 01(.00o .('re 100nt W.Aonf 1sz 0 iQ So , I TiATE J.V 01 000 :F1'2 E' I ,I A Wli o ill. ('S OI J oC. lCiOIlRR 'il'1111 1111'I I 'If o ethe «10010oof (he Toleo Toara-Ofrlesns rvtEI ~aq.l-lv II1YS I(LundryCo. you osill hee omicnlel 01- the oficie 01ftRANGFER'S ACADEMY 1111- - - 11011t u (5N' ii o other. Arelley 121 S. Maoynarll s(ree1. I Coo-lte te' 10"Adler" ostitsao ver~ 0-l Main. gVoato It 11111115, lRyanl & Renle. __________ BU C T F R A H tt0 I0 '- 1 110111"^1(1o'o f r l ti:'Isot BO G T F R rS 1II tfed fore 11year. ' 01(1 (III eullecrso (ftle-Atleic A-.-o Lookt p111y0(111 o0111CO lc~oan 0id -( 011111(1 0lllll ri hir II c o i Il turn i nto111d1 inney.010 P11omnpt 0A 1, 11.0 IILYSCATIU1DAY N III 01 ((111 1111111 1101,1.lh1. Cas Inrd (osod Pi ilou1 1'1. , t 1 dii Sottrl c 1-eiilol tt (00111 1 110111 11111 1(11(' link l t ((I uttons'1 THE M11Il1IGAN STAMP COMVIPAlY' V .I (11 11101 111111it Granger'-, 1 0 idem (II 111,1111'of them1l. (1000 1,ll.l4 ooehiid r~rlAl e .111011o 1W V XE. It morrooooe'f Importing t'ailorsa 121-123 S. Main. St. - © Fresh arrivals of Sgring Suitings await your inspection. ./flyLTE'S0 -' t be produced onlyI&w w0 VV a oManldolin. T HE NEi.tW iTh z Wa"shburn iaon" poss0esses the pure cre- .oo-9atone. V e fli Vc Y are cordiallyinvited to sT lie a st nseon.BeuilCaloFr. Stale r~ et hNoe Store 010lusi0eWashburnfa resare : od i NwadprctlyhaancdomodelI specil -allpocssofseanngall woodsnused;potet cons 0,ct onegge atsreth;,fin- '0 1}fe nO I s asltly cstocctdirectlfrom tsr, inlaying aldone by shilledwr-nabsok a edretfo mcnl ; patenahead arsupriortoordinar 1heads; design always in good tasts;per the factory and has all the fet systemonfnibbihing; olish seured hy ao ntsce andeg of ahe ve ighest laet spring styles. Not an old Soldi by Leadieg Maaic Dealers shoe on the shelves. Come in Everywhere, and look us over,whether you LYON & IIEALY, Chicago.wihtpucaeo n t Spalding's Official League Ball Is the Official Balt of the Nationial Leapene, thle lead inganor 41 league and alt the coliego A1 hAlidone Catatlogue of Blase Ball anid all Athletic S Sports tmaile 1 free to sny address. Spaldinlg's f'fleit lias Hall Guide for t1il.,Pedited by Htenry Chtadwick, really Matrch 30, 1901; prc o1)0ff11t0 A. 0i SPALDING & BROS. (INORPORATED)Ct~ New York Chicago Denver 1HE FINEST LIME OF SCOTCH AND ENGLISH S ITIN S I1 THlE C1Y 11 HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE NOBBY BROWNS --------------- 11 -------------------- v vv E .