TIEOUNIVERSITY OI IICiGAN DAILY,, % ~In wearing a Klnox, 'Varsity or Hawes $3 hat youV can feel assured you are correct. You can get the ordinary hat styles at any store, but we go a step further with these hats. We not only show you all the regular styles, but also all the variations and exclusive styles. That is the difference between 0 our store and the ordinary store. You're as welcome looping, as buying. (G OODSPEID'S 0 117 IAnN :STRIEET Mi ia eta S'FUNERAL ALAlarm Clocks$1 NHIAGAR.A FALLS ROUTE DIRECTOR RIDEA I3 fM is5ct 1OtT THE ~~lllFEmbalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th xCR~-'BCYCE I WthRpiigaSei THE SHORT LINE- ~Ave. Ambulance niht and day,tRes WthRpingaSealy dence 302 Fifth Ave.. iSABE' CCEEPRU, J. L CHAPMAN, EWELEt ANN ARBOR TO M-TAELE'S YCE6EPORUMin ~Suth C CAOCOLEGITECAPS, 119 W. Wshiog ton t. Dental Gold BUFFALO GOWNS ad IHOODS, Rpigo esl etlodadst . NEW YORK CAPS apd GOWNSW el etlgol n o AN OSO SPECIALTY. We pay cash fo old guil ANDBOSONCOLS ESAG S ~ -silver. Wihll Ir to naec tioni gifo COLLEGE FPIGS,. r h St v f alPand he o isf tOBTHLEE SIDETr 7/te, WmnArnold, Jewele Eoiinformat iona hog okt s-alrn aCLAS.ad NOT ar write oH.IW.C HA YSsAget AnnAbr.HAT aS CAPS. . LAUNDRY N Aaspe. i ER FIN ES R B ~JR411 E. Fifty5Seeth St. aiosDetri. Str . 467 Boll Passeo C1(A iLt NURA ILROA Di51Ai)IL. oiissaeisi s R G5 aN :1..7 2 _i~s =17=8 Prohibition Oratorical Contest Pieogm r Vespers Today INTECT ' TIME TABLEIN HECTVA' Tating ille lA Aor y S,18395. The - I riOtl it-itt itrtritl cointe st The - sti tit 1}- el"per S er tt-i Teste.sleaveeAna ArbribytCentralSitasd- ____d___T____e. _________________ ho_____ sI. i-ltttotlalt1sp . ~in illehldt I itts iut-olc}iitt.i 4:15e Liver NO'tt isRHo let is' re11(1 titil it e r It nvi iiitedito -ii t u is hi A ni h tt1 s H l e No. 8,11:15A, n,_No 5 -3 P . 111,1 I).-iihil t h-iitti i- otfti(.ti t iio- lt l- i-i- i' l inittit Iooi 1ania tetit e An Arbor aiitiToledo ioly .1. tStt,(i~t- l t s it. tsiattii Niittttnl 55 i- I l fltitret-t I itrt . iittlli All ctran.O-.y exiepi Sday. 'I'lls i-i-ito lttlts --. W oi1. itt-i-i- \t-ili-i"Pasioni iltit-tle.. -- tcis r W 1. BENNETT. .. A-HI. t .Ades 0.adE L(lr~ ........ .. .lre - it ttle. u. Hiii ittit i tI tt'S -yiurt lit he A i- r ( vI tiVALLEY C I1iii iti1' i IX I Siill.A-N IAN --u1 t li i ) a. ilol- The R~airoad tihat takes the li uh le il i otc. NC O. iT , itottlit -s-Briti ..lS SiltiYO 'R >L". Business In and Out 19055:1Out hurch St (Potpihle, ittirlIChorusofroi sit 71 I f noit, ty some of Hank's tine aow- of Michigan. I itc - L ii " ..lt ....-- - - -..... tRiihfet-tiois. Awa~ys resht tola n cte g SOLID VESTIBULE FTRAINS rj flit 1i1i , 1 71 SitiS. on Alu-i 'st-. IIract1 .G -,lcb. plesl teCiimnot dieli-tiaing. ' en 'r DAILYBETIW[EN 4j - 'fI1« aitlit iitiris 1Ii dttal irin ligt the tbst te, ev ii unei an TOLEDO, totsMBUS ti lsselpe -uti oa :li.etdit i ii titeouttit lolliozt iti ot oter00 't hes eCl: i lte, So.h s. y-" and ATHiENS. itt iii ifn110alliei.111S. lou i it fig-In N tl c ai i-ei. L slt?0E ahntn 7 o tie P0 Fl Ft-et, L. iW .adiman, - _______ ----ii -tsthe anal Io li this-ea . 'T'hii- l t 0. PA 0.iTa. Aol,. : ie olcino StPc~ s Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar-,lit SitS LLEIFSBootorit~e-. li-l tl l-lt tils itil. bor Railway. ______ C-rslav o is De tli-roit end Ypsilanti 1IMhttattt nd 11'Wilool Tos. 9Shirts 1 every hiour beginninog at 7:15 a. 1. tin- for slo aC Watitios. Ryin &tete. 11F tA C O CIC.OTLD lBE I.PPXT til 9i:15 p mu.; -After tihat to Djetroit at ___________ SOiti_________________ 11:1,5 . m. Waiting i-oem corner Ann Waha &Rya A e le esole Rtir Lib gi-os0: iigi-etles5. - anid ain Sts.; Set lGriswolido s liit.__________ Gas ~etsfo Ysiani___-'ar Pickwick Billiard Parlors (tr e: v% hlf hour Siturdays and aetl__t ps t lldrwa.-___ __ en Fridays from 2:15 to 5:1b1 p. m. _ HUSTLRS FOR THE SUI1flER Oar"it- i l an"C~t Writig Pds Tet tC Reulaio Sle Tbls, We ail amake eey liberal popsition tt ig lli.;' iit i-erosw o tis eu imotiiny iM oiach IC-ishlocs iscesliuao abetnO Bgmnyiaabeme.Tk taMONEY LOANED oir iulimited nmsber ofsticly aga gradesis ..n t C 1E Bo tr.Everthing New and soa arprciy. Offc t s llencee,3CIH, and be the FIRST one ts apply fr pesoa tat Stritly Up-to-Date Liberty sreit l.lXibusainessa ooaldentilol intervieaw. AdresaGea.It. Beach. t-rS..you .8to1:4am.ndIo330ndoy th t.-" ns rie." u~ lit 7o N University Ave. Ann Ar m p. ttJOSPHO . WATS ALL THE NEW COLORS WE REPAIR SHIOES FIRST CLASS r 'i SOUTH MAIN STREET U. o MBarer ace teaingand' 6. 13 East Witam Street U.otabr ~ EOC mamrado law balidiag. All kinds F Shop and Bath t Iely22,DETRE unrl Dret do I__II stes-alSle et d i P Rome5T t hos. (Bar in t} 2 Fourt oh ' Phones A of eebulz.A id p a nySadPrs10. u ~tS o o EsgLasbtlydi.,IR n h , Pho2 STShoe.Shop. E.oLambert. -I WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE, 107 MAINIZ5 ST