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April 03, 1901 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-04-03

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April mIni landrOt Twn rw AI N OR SHINF

+i_>tti C;1 F t fz I;; :a c :, t).- t ,mot;

Stg : :;i

'ItONAtti\Ci 01'DIOt,
B:11\_ . A. liii'

i'.i i.. 1S2.

iil 11111 l-' 11lIl~
ily 5 11111 ('11v,
if ('ila t1 i11 i

B1tt its '1Iiiw 11111 ijhe 'ii'$3.00 Sihoe is the shoe
The ii: I ill to(ea Bi" Ihell the weathis 1 ulcer-
; II tai'1'1 1 littlei e Itl in o t ' i: h rt it
weit affolds plenty atfrcomfort (in tewjmto as
S ill i i lE~~ i. <t i " l
t Vo orse ae Ihave light shoes
Ill' Ili ii I foIr VIIr i il lays indl heavy slots for
ri ainy day~ts if yott prefer.
,Iltr, il il idll GLASSS SHOE STORE,


AT] I011I
'.iss . K.
h. . Woo
W. A. Bt'i

1c , t11iL

The '4114ripltlun 1111ri(kt Ile )11,Y ist$2,l)U
ftc 1It11ie 1o 1 lge 1 ith nti 01111041 411iI'Irr
11011, 1111 011111 e l(Itd 11114 1e,11thlmt ulnil -
ilOtte' ll 1 a lothelmtter11 iti1t1udedtillr p4141 lal
Peirefesssl, r a11o5t A.eWssdrbefren :
1).1ll11 the (i'ltl.v 1111to thatcatt Oi
which he3 a (. et'eclu to1ppear
All cmn1esin I't'tilver11 il Ilimmerlmust. he
111111 11;jil i"ll12d t))il- i " i l' 'lii ii'se
ill 1I' 'im vi llth s11 1 11 .se l ]is It
llicltoigitft l atiislt s tory :i1i41t piytic"

11111 111
'I? ]1?,
t II ll y it
All lI' hll I
his 11111 iie1
it lliius
111m l : ' lt
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UIpen evening
woll i 11il . the ills1111si l' e - -
rc w til'11 i(-, ''I ll' ellt
iIi'i ~ llliitl'li lt I li ll1'
mid 1111 ii ll, Iiil i'i l L
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il Fi 1 . r l 1111 ti sli;
(hr lidie is
ii iti l 111 i ul (.molliii' I"tlti t}'les

ed Annual Spring Opening
Men, Boys and Children
s more compt~lete tthan eer and wes' hasve all the new shatde
1Sf thte seasoni. 'We most cordiatlly inisite y'outo inspect

I O9So. Main Street.'
otuntil ANN ArIBOR. MICH

k-l ldiwil] 1 Haberdashery,
It-ilh;0 iS 1111n1 , S A E B L E R

Hats, Caps for Spring.

ill(' " will ill1)'r'11dolilill'. iHo' 7 NIGHTS COMMENCING SUNDAY NIGHT, MARCH 31St
11 ll B n 11') 11E Bon Ton StocK C
ii('t ;ll (lli(;2 <t tll"111' '41'1( s ,si I'll( 11114;', IJE l 11"I RIN I )I il 1t I
tii'11il l l'I('1('i ill lilt 17ltT o n ig h t ti '
j i t t 1 1 I' I i l l i l ' i 1 11I 71 1 1 2 - ;/Iy
114 '1,ii111111'Rt1 111t1"1tc12.11Sleti oc'. lll11ttf'G1t 11111. tA
1 1114t111Al.1.112c 1t.s2ncttnstnnt1ltc11()tt\ntronocct oh etc4
)i1' I ~f'":li tt iI ii'ilill'1 i ' I C L T f
the \'iiii- i* i liii 'liii 'llill ChielirenPrMes:nees 200 and3oc. Wednee dayoand20
)2 ili ii.'Ihh i"1CoGining: ',THE SPAN OF LIFE"
21:1 1 11(i Ll''(t t 2 t i i li i i id, 114 ' ;11' l OA~

w id IE ;lI t ~ l: l( I t'i lrc (i' :\ ,m ~ t 1 1 ;} i t i illi + ;ll 'ii i ttiii .l I
M i "i, ';1l ,'lt ;l( Ch f d'oeuvre do
11 'Expesition Unriverse le
I'l~ .Ii!ti o~ i.trOI1111111 t I. WaltonSalin, and Cham1pier
. Ct llt Il) till'. All 11It11,141t 11111
Coll' lIil ii' 1 tliI'll ll I Iw "ii BiO id(1)4 ~t hd r4 th Pat:Ex
1hl is I Slit 4 t" cici liii.tSAli.\1542,1 old o
MiSt _ Wili;. .B 1s!" I'.1) -,1 teeNwYc ila d P r o
tS u . Tl lth iii ii Ili t Ii re 1111 1 is e titlt'tt'tK err C O~tllt . ,'ttil
1111 lB ill 11111 111111ililt i'lttltelsi11 111
Sea lter;1tw \ils Vet'ros 11(teit Cass IN 111GB-GRAE INSeNeTSEorTE.J "~ f~ l .141 141t ltNIt t111
1114 r . 'J ll ('4 Ili lll __..1.____,,II.
Ml 111 A'.tthilii'hl I '!: " ll T (lll , Irr t a e ea b n i~ ( i ee i l A"hr a
til'1.h. I 'it1 .1l I' 1 at11111 tl i O xfords=psi Tujet=Eo JliOENivANeid
_________to-Ropeleeeinand 218 S.edMAIN ST
SWE tlETSlo I fTlO I lilTe ~ sl sE F T isPF YndnOU WANTTe Tsueof B WE-SEBRGN I .

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