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April 02, 1901 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-04-02

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NEW BOOKS N 0 T I C EAgns get
'Unvt Stic a .S to)ry of th ", 31,01liWe have our most excellent line of 'seasonable 140 students wanted to canvass
,ntfl :1 ) li a ' W OES SREIVRT drsgvacation for the <"A. A.
d Barbour and CH EVIOTS Improved" gasoline lams. Sells
Tse ifs i ( Sll/tlxetfi. b li n fior on the table wasting your inspection. on Siaht.
Glyn.i We will show you nearly 500 different styles of trouserings. We offer SUPERIOR MFG. COMlPANY
Life Another Hoten. I)y Ofeorge you the finest line in the city. 329 .S. Main St.
SHor oforh I I Truly YoursW e
WEc le. S. W. Burchfield, 106 E. Huronz,W A B A S H
A ut 'iyor ny. . iv. .PAN=ANIERICAN
utbe SLove Letteis of thel i n--,iiby
Lei iffiocici. J O se octis EXPOSITION
Thet I aoiete i ofc iir Sf Iu 50. Oyt1 (o kt il BuffaloNY., May Not' , 90
Atlflit ilumoi i ; iit o Sc tt fr il 3 rhe Wasfash, the "Niagsri. ll; fSr
iactpi't ic i v' i i ha I~OC Line."ha ssade spcial r'ne e i Ottto
FLLA.thFor hungry feeling acco es sodts dife te betwinof
o . vic ifl he iaovided. She iihi othe
__-conly iie opertfin i'reeiieioeehsi
Youc~ qe c 1eut~c~cv Lc l~btovaper We ~irb goforfstohp-oe t iagara
etchngsoiiiiip ottualo ilvaml+Y o it{ o d i'i'vi'iids teian
Thesis W ork1 i I..C iii ,trofitr ilif1iI A.u. Pi .,i itt g
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t ;ll I istal 1 .t71Itti'flIte\' clil' Vii'Ic. ii B CiQ Csohiyv
;338fil:Th tttit~. li ti'ti iiI 'if'''tiv' ii'fc. f FRS AINA AN iAc 1
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1111(0f f1f f "Oef ~ f J O 0f fl
BOUGT FR WAGNE ji111Cocksl. IIAL l('W l .V
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.1iiftffafiteli is w,,!-itft ffn0.
A hlitiifsii ailogiieiif
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a Shorts uoile i free lid co
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1(Gidoefore191f euditedl by
tsr Chasdtuiltreacly Marfi 30,
1price f) ceits
w'York Chicasgo DIenver



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