; {: rTHlE UNIVERSITY :OF .l1;CWRGANt DAILY BAI BIJYERS AlR[ (OMIN-i OUR WAY N4ot because we ourselves are better than the other fellowis, but becatuse our hats are better styles, and more of them. We partieulavi'. pride ourselves on our "Varsity" Hat. This hat has gained its present popularttv thro' sheer force of merit. Wouldn't it be well to get in ahead of theEaster rush? G OODSPEED'S B~ .t~it it t it. i117t Alt iNT REET Michizan Central NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE THlE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON With (brect cnt onsat' at Cbtta-o for St. Louis, KansasCt4t. tPaul antdthetwest. Fat infotrttnantedthrattgthticket'. call on cr write to H.t. W HAVES, Acast ,A tt Arbor., ANN ARBOR RAILROAD 0. M. MARTIN... FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th Ave. Ambulance night and day. Res- dence 302 Fifth Ave. COLLEGIATE CAPS, I CAPS and GOWNS, A SPEC1ILTY. _ C LASS CAtNES, COLLEGE PINS, W, C. KERN &CO. 4f f. IttAGSacILt. ig M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, 119 W. Washittgtoni t. Try The... iADPTU ( ifl: w~ Alarm Clocks SI U. Of M. Pins 50actt $1.00. Fine Watch Repai-cing a Specialty J, L. CHAPMAN, JEWELER, 206 Main South. Dental Gold We sell detal gold attd so~lders. We pay cash for old gold and silver. Win, Arnold, Jeweler, DTHst OIHJ Propr'. I INEIiSTI' 2oDtotSt. 457 Ball Phanet Il~~tt~E~issist~lBEilR I US . .:. TIME TABLE IiIfI:ttc, t ''lttitIti I les( it' cisiltt.tist lit of andt 'IN 'HE CITY AT'r Tis ltae Att At'btrsby(CentralStand- (Icittic1 oI 'll i, .t'tdo ltt. L.n51" 1cf11t'tttt jthe ' lcc. '. i . e to atd Time. :11.11 will~~i _rtitt '11 li .e :1x I 111vte d r d h ti ;,.'c. I I well t2it P OEle"]1 C IL ~ Nt 4- 015a a.a- 'i t t'lltt1tt' 11(. houset.i'lttl tt'tit tiffkit I ll);11! T he TItl ________________________ Otti better Ass Ntb R lTlrdtts asve ______6_-___________ No._1.-__________1__ 1 ) t . . It-lS. -PONEEc 115'.LIW Y No 4.--KIN5GP VALLEo.3 '4:5 P. , L . I ci i t;ts fr 1,itIt.. tt tea wllI Y .O.I ..ff11 111,ee% I e1+ 11 Th alod ta ae h ""l 1,11 - 0 n!i - s1,01 s wl )I~e. I i wo 1,1 he Busizn e ss n AnAbrand Touto n M. aaftlle t 1ttttt lttttl iilt ta. ll il bes ere'Ilo ('I "YOU'RE NEXCrecived of M ich Vig Agn. formatttc I ti'aslwthte r Ilttt llttt'. ( ldtc.I. ' . 1do- i'e I "cit' lt. tt'I ot c sti i htia fne o ____H._ f'BtENNETT,.1t t) G.t atP.ttlAitil t y DAILY L1~sNL[ £j. \I' (t~lt.t. t.tV . J H S N ar ' 1 i t Itt Ik'' blts '.t'lt'tirtuu 'L li ta ia' cciItti' n "I"~~~~~~~ -iI.. ..-_).....J'BIJ itti o ore .tt tiit I tl ic'i t locld stat)i c. fc te alt' it tttt tre . a n d A LLE N S . a ii lft h ) 7iv c it ,_t 3t :1':tail itt ttl t''_ ( I itit'.1! t li n rel t'h el ' at o. )1 I. ttc titg aa : 11 a. St te IV.11 H.dta'o. W tie t f li t c f'lin eti 11. 1 . eilN re e iil h e tcl h e The oailr a ilay, il'aktesti I 'lttheIlfISY'OU'RE ii'I til 'i il'' t'a.IaeftcIati 11 Y Aft lft ff n.1fiftt 111 n 11ff. it rospShrts!itt it' eve uyitna egss tIntgatn7:2Ou.to. t;T~le1s 0-,T,, Cte,5 . Ifnt r n-Co a k' ides of1. t.m. W iin.omforrr sadletttt ' lfyf &Rt'ttf t'.trIe ito lilt ta bitfreth.bcimade,'t St.;IetotilGaa olist it~~tifo ~slnt ttl r lo'e r i tt"'.tf'tt111c1't il s frotkwick Billiard1' Parl . ors en F i a c t o :.)t 51 . m Ci' tar (x 1]fi lt' aof it ' 1' utt c lit S' U as No zlICE las 'C~ 1 m t'fthl etll B lt'hTr i, e e u c e n MOE ONEY OA ~nED tt'tc io t.'t'cia'ft'.' Ii si lift'w . I ll*ltlnr tscte tlli tproajtlI rsfo th Itit Ltothl Cshons ani Wsthe.lii eeal hite t1 eheilell.. ro' i19a" . Iti le 11;Ibti'e c'l 'e'f trk 'liIfr telte vryhn1e n a nnd. Pr pr y A Ofc T EN ilS t' tt t 111' :ftc li '.'ttll it ) 1i. 1141w l j i t)il ltlt1'11('ottc ora;lt a 1 1O . ;0 IlifliiIgt n,:1t o S a e Het. SP.11tOA. si..aT r t av.tts fAgo. 12 V'.Irbet'l Mi 'sf. 707 N. Universily Ace. Ann Arbo Co. umbus JOS.eH oiC. WATT. e r E psiai a1011 AnnES '.1 SSred. S11 UT'II MAIN 7t. S TR ]x1 1I;5lk Eastl OirlwhameSt-setn U MBbr ailw~ay. t.tsIlN orj DIETERLEC,