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April 02, 1901 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-04-02

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It'~ q he faculty of the medical depart-
r o~tnthel decided to ask pet mssiou s L .C U S
Pblse l i tv( o wseptddaing tt 1l Ihtit an lw tep rtmiiet. It isl
it r ge Ye(10a xie 1 that the fis xit ii 1)0bti
TH Uj INIVERISITY OF MICHIGAN xoiiiiei ostatig-about .lute 24 and
lAO FFIDCEor BRANCHOFFCE;ct ottin : tafr six xiweks. lii alprob- *s tittn t Nw5.Sae tee. e lt- hmrqirdpE..~lnwilb
Ph ne1 1Bidew 36StoStoer8. thiet ce. iii (,lireer u cixmmon wioll i E ,IE I ' E~ UB E
MANAGING EDITOR, xwis tiitedt iti11114 ldthe ttW i Fnu i~ii u i i ii
0. IH. B '0,1 i1891;. Bolh xhav liiroveid xtlicent
BUSIESS ANAGRiesxiit to eicooi ri the tacutie
Y.IJSINCESS MAER, tto l eato the scote ot the xwork. The Popular Author atid [reader.
EDITORS: ITe-i: text tof i1) ii P :ll T 8303-
Aennt on "The Ctim-rCiax.Rcxooxa 0
A.H.-McDOUG At.,'01E. G. 1).oohetatt treg tiiiiie,"istbited MONtYAPRLt
Mis . SABt E'tt 3 W~B G . 4Beomoxi o 'l ilE il tt h i t Ii -trtof the Ihil-x
Moxo. H. oititONV'IS . xx.Ait, 'iiiL (.(,til ~~l.N - o Pty-,I' or tAla,,.M N A ,AP I
W. A. BF OOTS , 113 I.. iHouxxo N, '03 14
iilt li xlx iid tiiiici itnioierit:We hae jut receixed a fhlt ine of..
tLunchetn,;tand'(oriSt t ol xttiex PAPIER MACHE ART REPRODUCTIONS
anbitsBoar,$22 ad e SOROSIS S O
Te sub etloton per iewIr Aisgx l tottc k.x'-titetex t it:xti t iltivilSch a..
tefre le iOt-tih at. Ntoe, o i itt- talet ottor ,oxtt "i ic ttte or amndn Fe
tosiad otihe a three edtoitlo I l M r Fmiieaee RM RSltINT LHaD
ti ut b tho diati t ho Dxii x office (dain tty oil ii 1HI'E ( CAMPUS, 47 ted the sidewalk
1,.io1o op Lite 0a1potioustitathe ay olr 4lu xtlxh: xieof Ann Arbor in the
w-it0 lod~lcuoi tti ~yti___________ SPEAR HEADSETC.
Sobeipixtox tt)l otn ele i t e hD :AIL0i itiof-t iili lo- Famous SooSijiShoe
Lie Miey e x ,toillel inet o itnl or witih 1 I.\ :l il.olheherit('
6Ultiito 3totteo t eibo i tilt er; o - -i l Li 1 iYi l I -ixill nd therstlt iutie- t an any other shoe
taout e iu:ine itotmitllsyt iitx h 010. x :Iix heiiii:tltti:: telt'ever designed for wonen For loy C tlornrLt Iihraiean iid rien-
fall chtooxiii ttdcixx'otiia t t. i Ih :::111A1e ll St es. Dres or Street $3.50"'xnilom.T e rels htyc
i teo 010cbyh 3 p. Ia-on theltday ptei:uoato10sil:-.xx ti t xe nxib1ilit i (l i sI a-
- t ieoitte ih iaoesohxiot Geo. H. Miller, DE FRIES' ART STORE,
00c 's t ugnuat lt h b1 te, stu- 011: Itotitit ii tied212S.5Mal St. 217 S 4th AVE. ANN ARBOR
: plnd a dtltiti' tiixri-t Il 1 lte lttlesIx l tha i:bfo1th'eylt:: -lcan i ___________he_____
i-I:':o ofi :tIhe:: formtiler 1.1 i the ttt-:xiit't il til toti I ii :1 i ro 101111 gan V OV- v y -
.lstth I i 11 l i l ice t e i'110 lot' e tll 1 ilie 'e i'oi'-i i n rioSn VO-V
i-til, f li-i xope1-tdil -1lh i:I el f [,-. Il litli-:op illetn~ieInthe ilt'l~x:::i I 7 NIGHTS COMMENCING SUNDAY NIGHT, MARCH 31st
ho l i" t N il nt tIll,li t li-tiI t anlli-lolix -_ . itRoe__sal 1,._ETUNF 1_H_ E ER____IA
he (en it 1 i r.C xp iaidI llt '1:1 the11 t y--i-iiIteoliiS till hi 1ole
GcI oicl let 1111:1 m11 oe it-tLaundry ryC:. you wiltlieconinc te B n Ton S ocK Co
i-lio' to-i l abor for iI le is c:ti ltii nus-13: Chlt Iy-exil txant nlitholer 0:1mev 121 S
leit i: 1111 in ll i-:ll: ixteln i xix ain. xI'.'' 1 1 11 111 Ii i l I FOINiS t El I
xxii ho w ll il c ilof ii t
tabor 11111 ii Iiz iltitil11111 iii Boost bratce-o'i'te ltoxvard QM.B. STREETER C(a LILLIE MORREL
t - y-1, ctyistiti :t i::x: and-11:R lihlit B Ryan & Retie, o lie lgett F
Ii llithicttla iii l l(i Ito 1Whi l :i i NlIIt iOh tl hD- Ii t
llI tttIll ndIt)\nsco cwlllxlee1:] O N C H ~T( \ IN D ~ ~ T T
Tis n 11a he ill lit Illl f xOlI' 1 110*-Toniglht xi01
tof - ril' hl ]i i'll 1hat01 lue, III% Coll l llilo It1 111 01 lx hor-. u boariesu--
-- DOii55i C1h1ell hitI the W ILL of-iti', 1,-
Il i vi n fly . h er- old -rin d lit l Sit y u P o r ( 111 . a 1 I:L xIde It . 1 h c n es fo fi l b n - 'al l at (I l \Iih i ttl I l si rit: li
offxx-liin111111t lt ('ii<iiietlliiiiiiii -uuiinex lii.iiioIillittiel ie-I-ti-uiiiii
w 1 1 l.,:,C by' dl I (I t n \t tl\\'t "I'll Cd tw of ois' \ iRoot I C Illdeoiio-, tnati C iho-e Mat ieds M Wody, ednesay oan
It--ili 1111 itIx 1 11:Sa1t1ur1daiy. Tie Celbraed iWhit lit cc Bnuad 0C ioct DOr heileci
l1I<i-d I-il 11111 1 .1t1111' 1,-I , llt i itlxo i i ( oGl 'I I,01 111', venng Prce: 0,2c and 3oc. Matinees to and 20c
ability-1:1l' i'i~ 1I~y 1( letii - .- 11101 1nd]lelit ai ttons ',1 SlIt 1 0/~/ ~l~p~~v~ p / I
111w1a11i Iol___rt 1 Bil- -- -TONIGHT
wh(li e'a'1 llnst1[l 1iisi, ii:- lotltllinodivrsitii :-i: he Wonders of the Billiard Vorld
li t l, v., :ireiiot ,i'll'sIt'll1: iI lo TiHi
t111-1,1it,'1;11l11i-ilil:-txit;'have It,
, Iii t 1t t nn l I l~o t~t iiiil xi if- t 1 rii1. col 1110xt , 'it 1O l ost9ill
'IrI ;U ts't i171 10ii meltlii t%' _ill , s 1il (i 111 IoIS t til t e i oft Co :tit-t to I-t S N E L I
titt xiul1"e o nl-htwd hi M 1 to-1:-1 - -i:t it n.tINeix ilyo cyeitati-xtttt i-ot ait toi tax iaiiplao.ia11io
_____ C toewill.l:LSvan ielhe ,:ull dlofeser.llioehi lo ctalkIll in1IaltetlSEeiei3nestl.
t)I' AIi1 1,i ll ill de 1ate 111a10. i ii At i ll .nd it o Arb orCT 411 Ot Ai Sle-itit"1tTw m - '.:, t1;=al ( Ica~
'roep it atr-doliheniotraliexl% is e ys i liia rdhd Par ho loars mkn
non _1.lCh f l I1 16 ex-iette . Alltheilball
Villalt tililti andKERS' r-- -AT-I
i', isdIt I w it An I ll t 0011 ,t,1111:1 41 W l St H AESEElep Io h r eeof t ,l Nrk ie Y eork the yLI il 1111 i xtI ii Iill rl o rtsll i
SirrIli.0t t1iU -itradOtt 3111d .thd udal 0tth Itis 011Ro1
tillili'slitI tcltiii (wilt-.
1 id it 5oIii l(ireltxl()Seur v te eetusin ary s nlituitil u 1110 u . dm ttd
Sixtco A\idt ie-ei e~ileo-I 111 o(lYttlO.m' 207 -Washinton Street. A i t'lttliAtS AN51 I Et cill lt ITiBO
IteistI Agents ortil icr001lte tltise of 111 We ,are headqturtersx ioreevery thng il te lie illfurnishing for
I Nis' 5 I ii8(8111111( thto oilriidahotret t: 10old:- con11 lli ion l suotS nts' lam,
]ld]).Api 1 evnl~lSpig Mi-miets Newt 15ot lxhange ,,MI'S OIL, ANS. 11101'0 IRACKS, SIAthlS
II~~ Wi i011 :1111111liASTEui iAttFNlASKETS I USIiIOtISB
Voll :111111 Ill-ills0DEAL IN
HIG-GRAD INVESTMENT SECURITIESDOurtPriceeYu Wilt pAltoav Find the I ou et
Outr I)idiot Skill ting"1'ada u'xiltittl aiicixt tlerilotoo-s^ o aiLltO, IiAR K H/lVMS BAZAAR
In thi 'oeli er till' forethxe 111c011Q',het 1PH11(11L IA CORESPONDETS. 215t5SOUTH MAIN STREET NEW STATE 'PHONE42

BooI Sl tt~ Iitktore. GRAHAM. KERR & CO. I__________ ____

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