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March 31, 1901 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-03-31

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i, Final Debate Next Friday Night; RAIN OR 45H-lINE F
_______ _____________ i s tiiI s i s il'lle The'0 ' $3.00 Shoe is the shoe
PublishedlDaiiy (NIons i55e'ssstedllsisg loi Ies's is will ihe held hI i( lii i1-. to wear when the weather is uncer-
liie seo ' \ 50 '~ ~' 5'~''PHii ' SH tale, A little rain doesn't hurt it v
RiE NIERIT O lit~lIIAN li lii lii i i liil lii ii m while it affords plenty of comfort one
'ito Hiso to os O 0c I~ls~l 011 0 the warmsest of days.
A N' Bid ii)IC Ni ' I . OFFI CE i: m-l \t'h -il Sotlls flt
AgB ldg, I' a nSo . .s ' S tatis'Pe i'ee. li iiiiiBuili ii ii t it of course we have tight shoes
____ ____1-1"ol ii icoies (I lii for hight days and heavy shoes for
~ tNGItI G EDITOR, ti:o n the ii li 1111di tcI]'lilhlIl rainy days if yost prefer.
lticlti,.1 IM1.;NAG ,Rtiinc GLASS'S SHOE STORE,
. Ei iii~1.,t L t ii pt tt,!iI. l ccit 1 liii lO Sto. Main Street.1
iIi R i 5isOpen evenings until ANN ARBOR. MICH
a.HiaIcD<t L,01i- =. . ii.1: Oii% 50WE IBEG TO MSNOUN("E OUR .....
h. H. sissso\s i'(4 Y.C[E.i' 'o i I. I PresCensohafr I owva Cit i 2nd Annual Spring Opening

The sut srptin p'soe t ihsI Ii1iii'i''...U
ftu e code>Ce ariisiss~. e'ti lisiweey
tiiiiisans sihier'iiaiis) itnedii forsi'5iibii'i-
Wfises 'Iip.M. 5Ur i ud t islt'', iOVseforesi:
rinoof'.'thie ypritissteo'si aidyo
whel II i ll z iir''iiiii'l 1' sp ii'trii
Sh-ocktig reporig Wyai s N arrewly
AiIalgesin, i'iii'iiisl liiisii'iiilustiib
in theoi teb 3p.i.onteda ie f s i
that oil \hiSi11iiiyiiare t iit p ia i
.11 i:s aii i t iili'l toiiil ii iiiniith isc
Shcig hcin a Nrol
' JoI' o tt' t t t I i\tIst lt
al a s (,xiii.. 111t~ s 1I \I

"ALLi~lti 't,1] IIIpes NEW")I C, LOTH ING
1itil t 115 iir ti }'tl'l tw < 1Men, BosC ndChildren
]1, " '1]11V II,' -1'1-;w. OIr ile is sore comoplete thsatnever ansd we hav esill tse new shiades

Bela Thsta Pi's ts Build a New House

atil styles of the season. 'We miost cordlially itivite yoi to itispect
out' stock, cotiplete lhue of
Haberdashery, Hats, Caps for Spring.

(I ~i-Ilei'i liiis lliiisiii'i':111il will . '1LA ka t I N -_ - V-. V %.J L NA'~A iti
c r -t Il it ', (:l 1 ''1 10111 1 11 01) __________
11;1 w il i I l l e ii:1 I i' IlY ;1 1r 1
It is (Ilii I1,Iiiipiiil Iii 1 ' l lei7 NIGHTS COMMENCING SUNDAY NIGHT, MARCH 31st
II llIlI;I d (r(1,t:. llBon Tonk Sto cKi Cow
Nu ll 'Nil( l :11''I i iNlNho
() ii IN'!;lI 1 Tonight -
Ni ac,:1t i11I lie. lls 11
'Ill 1:~Ill- )fte > Exnig Pics:lo,20 ad mc. Maines 0lnd20
1.'i I ll . l'ssi N 511155. i Stra .T eC lertdW ieH su aeda dc neto ceta
h 11(1 d'oeuvref 1'ido . )I t:11 w lila ? t ; > ii ' 1@t 011r11 111" N ; : + 3l ii II Ill 9t3 : p
1, A I('I 11111rI1 ISI I' N I it'willNho'IN
al tn,+) SaslI ; i'11( ', tt'lt, anEhm irIN ~ 011 NIlI t i
N 'I'll ,'OL"Ii ;'l1hI 1' TI'll , 'I' lIF11 ( 'd1.511' I

11 I'sir all't1 boldI Med'd 11' ther I t11 , Es-I IN I-
Alkiis11 111I1 «tltt1. l sil-- I~ tI K i 1 J ~ L t.tfL ~ 7 I . J ~ III l
Co t I ll Kerr' 91 r' .1t)1' <11 Itt'
iiilld 'I klll p lill-t i ti eo 41 WaillStreet, New York
'ii 111. i l1iii i s itv tluluu 'ii1)511's Il l "I,: t ) l+ T , 'l l Isi i NI Ni' h,;
Corhisslllt'l\\11 Fi 10el g.s fo S iis'i' tllt d hes'iiuu 'ii. of E ID ANc
Iuhdrisi i tir sre ihiv.rl oiptiis i. Elx1KI/' T T
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111 ,111t <l 1'1i 11'I'' iii 'E,'il\ ii)1111,'111')Nlin')1 7 . ]ihagenStee. i 1SHI't'u'OII Ti Ius Ki 'l
is . lii I iiill" IRAH AM. K KRR & COT . (i i(il rISll 5 I i ii S1 ii N
lit.it ll;,' < 711'l\' c)( 111t:7tllll i 1111 1 ii1i
Lis oi f cul-rnt1o iii p- ii 1,.\ IS.\\ D isul A r
Fltd 1'~l lk ,.)Ith \-;t[,111 It1t~ol 11 HI..tII: PH .1 C"3II'; 'f\'tI*;I'. e i r I.1ItPc t( }IZTH EIH:
Iri 111111. 1.11 llel( ]lelt 1 I11Iet ll opeM.KER cJLCOL -1111 i AU I \FI 218D ;IAES.MAN S
iitiftt h ~ ll~ i;\-~li ~\i 1le--- __--..__.
II1'+!5 N hiisil)(i111 ' y ,cl 1 ltl ,c Tj

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