THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. .*~cev ccv fs~vc*E .+1 ifi iii iAi oBi i oar r, i eAi obi tai r i i iA ti iAi iii ti i a i ubi tai 3 THE VARSIT~ "rEr' des C-r. **-,cc-Csev4- cc~r:Cr-'CE'E * tVP !Mt TP VHATVP !h VP If you are particular V about your headwear buy the Varsity Blats V o0DSPED'SV G 11 °.MAIN STREEJT Makers and Sole Owners. V FALL STYLES READY~s .____ .---._. . .- _ _. _ - - ----------- -. 333 33 '?: ?333333 =:. 3333 ? 3333333?33:.33 : 3?3333333333333:333333 33 i3 3333: 33 = ' 33s:r r3.333333 AAIr1C H GAN 1-1 EN T RAL1 X00 ME " SERA 0% The NiagaraFslls sote. N R Hr AT B R OS, PIU H E KENT CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. 10 0a iTl Taking effect September io, xgoo Nw' on the floor at Detroit Night Epo . .5 55. a. 709 N.UNIVERSITY AeVENUE +8 Sohaeberle Music Store, Grlandtide Nxpre,,,:... las.... 7 5 e have oil our tables anl Entirely New Line + 14 WV. Liherts' St. Ao ro Grail ads Exs ........1 10 . of Fall and Winter Suitings. N. Y. Boaton Special ..........a4 58 Feet Eastern..............9s 43 "' + ~ It Will Pay You to See Us. F E Paci anExres...............8403 A. X. Q ... Fueetane poit an loetrt s. ules nforRe mation en application.-- P.WNUl.T't IGOLES. g . H tW.RHATES, "Ar. .l'lyl al r hd" tfl Gt. TAgt Chicago Aged Ann. Hyr"har. Notre Dame's Schledule. T Athens toanightl. 'lb' play is kanowin tea fih everlyone as a5 most illtee-asialg sale. Otberl G--Engleweod at Notre NEW a 1'~~. 1B. Atlexand~erl, wilsse selila; las l.e'ea D5aeie. - a feallt' 111 to tie preseaal, Rill ast) Olt. 1:1-Like isorvst at Notra'D 1111lE'. SIIJDEN IS eliwff oubt gist it s agied i'e'adi'ioii. nc t. 20-iciiaitO Notre Daome. t0rt. 2'7-nnliosil ait I1isnsilis ANi)li F i 0 ', 1 5s ALiSO. ~~LT~h 1T4ast~ l eit of S. 1L. .A. 1 irk-lels will spl Nov. ;,-Beloit Itf Notre Dloc. XWe arc be I lea prepared Than ever TIME TABLE _liSll'll asliit os.1-Vs~iii0.Mlloi to give the itet of carriage service, TakingEffet,Snday, May 21, 1899.. Nov. 7-Mileligoal af Ail Ao. . haig'dldes'rbbrtie Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Stand. Raln a avis. E. Caurdis' leopulor Iletrs, Nov. 24 1-teasla :Medlical 55t Noltrehvn ddd1 ube ie rdTe.'The F.ore'igni Newss Nmotes fromi every I h~ail'. coaches to iour stork. SOUTH NORTH c'ountiry in t1he eall;'' la "clallest Nets. _'10 (T1hl igivs ()1011.Ho aNn. .- 7:25A.M. No. 5.- 5:50A.Ms. slataltilI lag' ia ('lilago;" the Abde's Detc. a-l-ret -1Noatre a' lc. Holmes L e ry 44i3 4S2:0PNo. .-1$:35 A. N. *Ns. 5.-1456 P. M. "S-fries sa thie Strells aind of list'- 'PHONE 06, ee 15 E. LIBERTYST N. 101.-0:05 P. X. tNn1.-:05 A. M, rown, iilslla h 'iliclago Racord. De-' ('lass. ilions11, '00Lai ~ tcel, i IETRnbte nnAbradTld ny ieedlyfr_2 awe.Adespeiet ftefrtVtrdll i~ala'la All trains dally except Sunay. y' Bp1'al Aga'ncay, ('lilla; Racoiald, 4101 Deita l. ISundays saly. ...iat' aAas rar E. S. GILNOUF, Agent.______ ___ W H. BENNETT.OG P. A. 'allo iaalaala'a't s if lihe Le,a'ir opaer'a .81:111 Claocks at hoaller's .Ja'a'alay.;- HOCKI NG-VALLEY BY, Theres w51ars.asal~ tr. 'uy:11 'illbea'il ill;e" o the' lit:- '(091' "LtOAYLNa'l. ANDSI OKE' -aaesille itIii The Railroad Chat takes the 1,14 iais oa iea ls ( eias s of 1902, Saturaily, O)il. 6i, At it) Btasinss In nd Os~ If iyoaa wisli to haie a' 'Ia lis' strul- a.. aaa., ini Ilsena 4C, I'. ILI., fear the till'- of Michigan. Is flrs~i's'lass plair of olera glasss caill ten aof ote as. r SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS t Ihotllar's Ja'slry tMart', aliat' I imprt-e 111 SIXl 'f51'1AX'.8T 'a'u e"1' ta'." " ' " Y ' DAILY BETWEEN taoer of tLi i a uiir glasses.: ref 8 t 'slii'lasjaieaitaee ia 'IO1.EO CO..J1IBS iril (Cloacks at Ilaller's lewealr'y. front haiS lrillto Is Kaglaaeand111 .d"1'etll i and .ATHI-ENS. hesitt lie' visite leelnsrlv oil tile auam W. N. Laer VCandan, Btst 1$3 hatmadIalte is thin Jloss'arel. veri' 1;ia'ts, sglenelille', a'eaisielralela' 1ilet' '( 11K Q Y N' A T . G. I'. A. G. Tray. Agt. " X oadhlsis, ltyo-ao & Rteule, soln' agents. at lie uiveirsities eof Oxfoard, elial. Tho ol'na'ltaa eel ally threonae oil earthS Columbus, 00110. D~etroit. Nach.Sceu 'eilreat tt sale.eeeee tjt ell eeae, a e io' Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar. Alarma Claoaks at Haoller's Jeswelry. it anadl daws St. Nat prdinaely lliatatte bor Railway. Satie teal Rwlt'irsI floor: flewle' lee" couield ask air gat lee'Svcr sa(te han toahat Care leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti ('Nubt bardl faot .$3.00O a w'eek. Meal a"Irlel lande faaa'aishaaed; fearase's' llat tarsva'a aa alW, either toara',. 200 E. every half our, neginning at 7:15 n.a. mcoaita'rs, a IFra'aish cook, extra line ea- ad besth Ia :111 S. Thayer sr., oet' k Waeel Xlsbiilgtoll, doitll :Ind 11 3111 So.: unti? 7:45 p. m:.; After that to Detroit lteritig; liutasie' lay string sro e'lst'a. Thei ,011-il1eof tiallulas. Slt'aie towni. at 8:45 P. ms., 9:45 p. ms. and 21:15 p. 1.cnpa,47Tiap'a.f L . fD, nise Waiting room, corner Ann nnd Main 'ii raaoIsaadyIo 5a'lrs'i. rckWlC 1flf rlwos, at.:Derot.11 riwod t. Prof. Reu'beatn Kenmpf, froma Euaropeoan edl la ll .trlaar fey Carl S. Wiagner. re' ,a o tsl' Wa $ea NEswYa,'a L1 NE Cnservatory, Germany, teacher of Offire at Wagner & Co.'s, Muain st. Eveytin New ant g on waceImnsWel n other Pea' tliaaao. organ and anunical composition; Eeyhn e n sonal Property. Office at residence, 031 R. also the nlit of leaching. Stsuio, 31.2 Mtanhattan and Wilson Bros, shirts Sticl Liberty street. All basiness confidential. Stity p-o-Date. Houre. Stol11:30n a. and 1 to 30and7to 9 S. Division st. for sale at Wadhams, Ryan & Renle. 77N .nscst ac n ro p. Mn. JOEPH C. WATTYIS.0 .U estyAe n ro PRTNSHOE 00. . iii South NMara Street QF M a b r Face asa~a em ale an Ial ast William Street u.o abrS eeili ly. 'ira ENOCH DIETERLE "ebalmiecand University muto-at block Feti>ne Roots an BTath Cls WoR.randak Q ~ aea of law Euld. Allm t kd all Shop and ath ?'SafWtoks 4 22 ta fourth Ave, Both 1Phone SheS oa repairing Latly dose. P~O