2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. i * [ o ~~ ~ ~ ~ 'arsty Gets Hard Practice. S o s g i~ ___________________________________De~spjti teiriiiweather yeok-nity a~d Pubised Daiy (MottO se -ispied) 0 c it Sc i iticxmthe sitfotbl menetH tlisttS ' /a a ari THE5UIVESIeTY MIHGA ootoal pr1u, epecially during te 1i) surprise you, and the prices that MAIN OFFICE Ba~vcs olifir 0siltallti e rile ly, isgatifying aemkn hmg ilsrrs otS'Phones 3. cNec Stt'P0 lIi' tttyou fessmtill remaking t gwill suprise _________________________________iiIo rctived his high school tanitiengsil oe I il e1o MAAIdeDTR iii" .ein)teit~tr, coptoain of tie'97 ale for you to e surprisedlDrop . IIH. -iSS,05 'mt iiy loielcill ioi, att Irontwod, in today and try it BUSINESS MANAGER itt:asmitiwoo Itktoinute squadtbustit ifiw ~,.GLASS'S SHOE STORE, * ilt,1an'o1, d ys sitce s o-ioetilu) itt sldttil 0 S ,M i tet C. Esssittic, 0i~ firti.-ie15 i shi ritter of io 1 9S. ai Sret EDITORS:t titliy, is was shlownsn one oictsiiti. Open evenings until ANN ARBOR, MICH. ATHLETICS - G. . Heise, ci E. Williamtis-a cinior lit, hbut new o the 8 P I. A. . M~coti. c 5. t. 1. ctioc'c iaiesioswed tat his rilt of it ctple A. . M~o~,Aii.,Ur . . A KN~n', t L. it-ayss -ioc arotudthle enil for aw tiCo Ik Sfesie i-itL, K.SA5o'3 Siit.DOocic'ci o o i lssit ii te tiscictiiiupoit ii- ti l . H. Soocoiiwi,104 ctso.TihtIte en, oit strong ott ti outisi ' i it eth rmiitnuditer-uts ________________________ def___ cerse, ihichtis qit -ais-ctc ttit iii to tell you or's are The Best. -- The subscripiiiniipriic iie oftD.mis$2.50 ii ttie srcitic, lihe itost of tiemt. Your eyes will convince you that for- ihic otS-cc ,i-ceithtSa.iregoula teivery cc y lisssir bii it-tcr ssit sc' s ral ilw do not exaggerate. See our becricc eaiiccii dcc -Notice"c -ititiutitca liihue Still Itlie ' tsii i -t ic ht iitiJiir-lie o iondotihi ~ e mtct-iitutee fiii ac a-y\' 1 Stroll n Ii o imusicitice iciiied iniatithic ILofitt c e tt O s ciii ndutu e. Sciasi- i di id Nwlitt tiilieg bfor 8p. he,-uidairtail ulutoiiot-t~ii p. cm. of e du ueuuu o ctcoisiI il edt iit'hts fii-liii itod hetiFALL SITS AND OVERCOATS. ty are estict-irtoiiappear. tel ries' dii tl u t si-i-l livir fora tlt Stihiciptitoni maceScli-ti t tie DttY Oue, its it Matesico luoe Slo s cie sttl oc wthc itstt tlsKlittiio-ls Every garment we show you is favor byiepor intg prsompty at this offic n or003 norii ntii i iiitwill b Sled idiitiinew. Gym. and Laoratory Suits, fiaiueeofcai o deiOliv-e ppe. All caltcs in adviiertisin tis ttiic ciin-ilte tit wieif s tir Pisnisttt t ippro( tcois Sweaters, Golf Pants, etc. thec office by 3p. iii.suthiSettay pviest tiit 1113 1 hu lie tliii-Stretigt lt'he 991ti ii oiliwh-ichithey arecto tappeatrc.lo s ic-icti.iswill be - -citiib ttit isSiiit Q AEB EHATTERS tislute isii rol imtt itu clr fls A1D 211iStit Totetig heslt-tnneli tiismieetig ~I liptt iiia stiff trsic-i'sfSittl. badfor ~ ~ l~ N 1 ot lt-eitreti.tof tltil inte n fi itit'-sootittSieii ilts'ie-,ittab tiliyt i& Q_,.,~~ W U R H FURNISHERS Main St. - ity siill bei Sitlul itt lie g~ittiuil. k-e l iiihim fritmtsoriatig- st d il tisiid tas i ryyeriotsidele-ittiei,- i-ct-t Iins T E S TA h aic ~ily sisitecst icvrgt- s-r tdentot her ld ply -si s-yilt ti nil