THE UNIVETISITY OF 1\IIJIIG-1\ DAILY !' f ~ Kn x, V rsit and H 3 s t lt 18With the different styles of these three hats, you can show' 4 all manner of taste, except bad taste. We believe that there is only one grade of merchandise that .a 4 gives the expected satisfaction to the buyer and reflects credit on the dealer. That grade is the best. 11 1I I N TILE 'I51 -18-a~la- a a sSaa aaaa-4araaaa-a as-;a -a °aa i ~a< Michizan OentraI NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE H1E SHIORT LIN:-- 0]7 SPRING IMPORTATI+ rived and are ready IHNR ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON With direet oonneotions at lis ago for 0t Lous, K' S S'ito, St. P~ao 0 0 Ilthe'wet. loz orma1 tion)0an1 1120gb 1001..Aesllo orwrt o tH.1W.0HAtES, Arent, booArbotr. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD 40.032 10 233.00 3230=r =,=N S. TIME TABLE 'B'king Effect, Sunday, May Q1. 0899. Trains leave Ann Arboro by Central Stand. art] Tme. SOU1TH NOLITH 'No. 6.- 'or) A. M. No. 1. 8:5). M. No. 8.-110 5 . V. *1 No. 5.-12:30-. 01 No. 4.- :35 p . . N o. 3.- 4:50 0. 0. *Rnon betteen AnArbor and11 Toldo1onl0 All trains. daily except S0000~. NV. T. WILLS., Agent. W H. BF1NNE3T1 1T..O. HOCKING VALLEYBRY. Prf. 'I'ln 111s0A.21t1111l,1.1eill) 1.011c 111 ls t("V1 ~ dn nO o "II) ~ II 11" 0 0 gh ;t h I'm f, II I1I II'or inrl ^Nill iv) l (iretY m 'hV Iltw tf m -o lbc 1I for I IA 'hein .12lll0011111213 o MANDOLINS & (UI10& o n, 1 )00 1 I ONS have ar= le~r~ ui t for inspection 13 '00'W..Liberty t'_,An00 XiiJ +;~ Dental Gol B ~~ ~ Q 't'e sell dental gold fnod s:11' We lply cash11 fotr old gold -Silver. l t ll11 11idl ilt ' Il") Wo~ I I W ml, Arnold, JeweI - iil l :)1 1) I llt1'11 11;1-,Ill I I i ll 1 1-t ;ld 1) of <1 icI I o.1lrglt11 1)';)))0 FINEST 31-113 .0r I1111);111 (1308.117 NI) n 1)li I( 1)1 1 '; et ,>.0 IN 'IHE CITY ' urn I tll'110 Wiloni 12o.1) Shins, 110 4,0 1a 50NVlinolll , Iy,1)0 Alit 1110 N 1)01111Si llodel 0 1 \011 1 Holnmes Livery, 121 11)110 Iwo 0 (w 0 1)11PHONE ICE y15ISE. L1111.P ,11 1101)11l)'o(0 111(,A0f 1llo ) 000)so I)) I tl l l)ll0 ' t1,1.1 11 1 ('11.01 1 11 - ll '))),Iv' Ii 00' 1 til ' II ll I 0 I it Il i 1 I, 1 ( J '011)1. I)ll tII 1 ' 1r ;i I:I arl~ ;II)) ) . III. The Railroad that takes the \V0 01\'I 1))) '1) III l )1I 1 0 , I(I' .1 11c'o 1)V 11310' xoi i, '. r Business In and Out 11"I l l t1)01)2);1I i t ) 01) IIt)1l1Il :11.11 11I_-- of M ichigan. " >