THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY tEE EzEwrE4iEEEEEEEE~E:F: EiEELEEc~E£i£E2¢EEErrEE£~r+rrr+EFrEEE': f'* O UR SPRING NEGLIGEES ARE HERE MADRAS, with the new plaited front, in Oxblood Hellom and Blue. The new polka dot pattern. CHIEVIOTS, in the new nobby spring stripes. r BEDFORD CORD, in plain white and colors. They're in the window. w W You are as welcome looking as bying. w OODSPEED'S G 117 AIN STRIEETT y Michizan CentraI .M 'l FUNERAL 'Alarm Clocks $1, iNIAGARA FALLS ROUTE DIRECTOR RIDE A :5CIE To U. of M. Pins 50e to $1.00. Fine T~ESOTLN-Embalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th CRf- /CYcLE Watch Re paring a Specialty THE SHORT LINE- ~Ave. Ambulance night and day. Re ''ndne32FfhAe denne302 ifthAve.J. . CHAPMAN, JEWELER, ANN ARBOR TO -M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM,20 5hSet CHICAGO COLLEGIATE CAPS, 119 W. Wasiin,ton N ena.G l BUFFALO GOWNS and IHOODS.e tlG l NEW YORK CAPS od GOWNS, We sell dental old and solders mtN OSO LS tNEW a AND OSTN c~sa PNES Wepaycash fo old old and With dirnect eonnet ion t iiconfIn St. COLLEGE FLAGS. 1 tslve. Louis Knsits St. Pol aed the westCOLLEGE PINSo4dTryeThe.. CLS n t NORTH SIDE Wn rod eee Eon information and ouI h tobicktst'ca ll on CLEGS1Rt[ rwiet .V A'S ~nAuro" ATS nd a NDIY ANN ARBOR L11E.t.KERN& CO TOLAU~NDRY'ro. F N T 41.Fit-SentnhooSt. 2 o toit St. 4b Sll Poe RAILROAD Hlbr COC ,ILL A le P~tssaS~SSlSIW IGciS .&±S72n ..s~~ ake.onxn r o:ETES L. Hbad'7Writes For OtigHelp the Por TaigTIME TABLE 1liI iii-iiiIIli IN T1HE CITY AT TaigEffect, Smday, May 21, 899. IThe Al~Irc-1 h ititi' ir g01h" 1 ' Oil '~e ~iiIIt1l 1 5I l Trains leave Ann Arbor by Contrnt Steed- ;lad 110110 thi t 10' )LDe " !rdTime. 10100 tiatile\i-l 01 thPl : ~ R lle liii.' ntuto i thei SOUTH NORTH h 01 : lh Sd au ln o l piltin' to )til houi(' No. .- 72lAnm. Nii.1.- 8:511A.Mli. Il" 1. Iillil ill iiiil tidil Q i It ny artiAe ol eti'1o ft otnig, HO E e 55 E LIEEHY S No. 8,-11:1 A.-et. No. 5.-i2.0r m 117.Mr InLPRONE m ulinrl No. 4.-1:35 P. . No. 3.- 456 Pe. nci. slt- l lee o rkhu ll ihih L- iii'~- oldl tii0-hiiv. liiiole. tok'. tii i- ___________y_______a,_________loca________ 0 liti l 101001 for i dwliii I I hi 1 :1: ii l~t 111e-m o io u ed i ithe Rnnbetwee0 n nArbor and Toledii tnytr a Nil o I oI m e ".t n : in t ,"' tIoteloes h ).Y Alittrans dallynexcnptSunday. himslt' iItitilh!t o t ,il elit lege itisi ,ill .11 o t ilrlt atit ll -tiolt' 3V. T T~~ . WILSAgent. -For I iaiiitiiBie ot - lerh a i ne -o [' seol- oo f heit,i tit oli l l yoo Ito r :i et e~ y 11,1 .fil1111 011lot)N lIN -I HOKN ALLEY RY. Ititli titltit ti-ito -i u-i-h tilttjt The Railroad that takes the i-l ditll All" t tulititit -'he~llu-t l 1 IIi 1,1 51211 A t S; N . ,Nf)" OlR N X ! Business In and Out tliii, -lol ) he Niewt ni-ill iiS )1111EII in~isli milie fr oeers. p tti f tof, ty' somtitof Hlri S finhe o of Michigan. I 1--v :iid it 111t1<1 ol 1'. ltITO OS O , tctos lwy tsj id aet S SOID VESTIBULE TRAINS 1111I 'u i t he ii ii-.iuii-nil. I 111 .55)lI tt iiSt Ipleaeth Ile motst ti e-'tilttttrung. Yoo 4. DAILY BETWEEN ________________________get tli eaht lthere 'iiIolunces ad TOL[EDO, COLUMJI1BUS TIII U'Ill.E SI-01I-IlS. 1BUT NOtNEIf -ur it 1111 'h'iii fom11111 1 '.ui ti ot orlithfle elite. if Both stores- and ATHENS.111,1 11W.. and I1lioi-''Situe"Alm oi' 0 liii i 1111111201E.. XX sittgtouu 31(t So. Sate. W. H iheri L.t. XLaInman, e lliie iilii i ii'tlo f ii 1ot 12.P.A.Oh tone At--- _____ -tttiiio iatii Sior ltuti o -ttI i Cotanibon Ohii. Detroit.Ilicht. 51Manlattatn aitdil ilsoit ro.t hi tilte -- Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- for sle atlit 'ttdtttItt R ii 1. tle 1181 1l51A lft lI Ill f11; IT ( oJaiw y.A ars leave fit- Detroittand Ypslantitt Best $3l at itntoeis'the Howard IMI l11) 1111.8 llli111. every hootie beginittg at :1, n.m 1111un- 'lliatit. yatt & Reulestle agetts.______ - til 9:15 p m.;t After that to Detroit at -- ftNl~O 211)NY 1-1121 111211- 11:1.5 p. ut. Waiting roostconler Ann 'I8 II-iuitti rooi s.v o ar110 otf it ' Vtiut Hegtit tiii ii i tii ar w l hir i Can o everyS half letroait,11Gisda S td l stint-Hm and 11111 lm, iii h an t Ihtll o e. ill h uei t Pick[wick Billad IG C -and Mvr ainSo:lethor Sa11rdayswod St g2 ot itc 1 itta d i ir 'titt o 11i 1'iit 'Iilt 'tllop-ito n - Mti lt'l iiThe I Par f U l ors en Fridays from 2:152 to 1:15 p mn (nitr! ti e ttt'otitti1Rootm iL, 40 1'E, tPease Alf_.o., '. itoiltit il., make t.eul tionitt S t' Ttls - ON AGAN asot. 135 stiets. Wr'ie lwit-ittforit1i itikito. nillie'iCsioons on watces, Otti onds,Wbet nd other ler_______0 - Eeyhn e n sonat Proery. Oten t reiden,73 . 't' liuto tto oiti i Sl-ts 'lt' Jltonight Attlenl:tit.i--it i e Liberty street. Altibuines tonte it I tity pt-ae Houre.s 8to11230 . .tand ilto 3:0Iland .100,to(.)'oner't'Thelii i n oi w l0. nvril t. An ro p. M. JOSEPH Li WATP5 0 .Uivriy'~t Ae n ro _ L'Jl'lf111l~t''JI~.gRlli'olM lfr1 i 11"n l 'J__1ltffll rlf~lfrf~l~ n1111 IV1iIS I'..Lr.JR'irR 'r17J~'{ ITan Shoes for Spring aALL THE NEW COLORSF WE REPAIR SHOES FIRST CLASS 1 t SOUTHH MAIN STREE 3 .5 (1 Qd C~ ~au, aeoe inndl58 lEEI Embalmier and : . 613 East William Stheat miscsI n a sos a gehispoet lfENOUCH DIE L , F unealDiecorUniversity tit et ene-afbit lookt. Shop and Bath tyide-I by cote 22 Futsv, ae iet eof tetetling Alltkinds 4I d li Fine metosnd On ars 10151 th Shoereant nea oty die-. Roomos,522 STATE. Pa,an2outhAv.,Boh'Phones !heShop E. Lambert,. ''n' d a Photo. WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE, 107 MAI N ST