SPECIAL SALE ONE WEEK ONLY .ie.... Writing Paper y the pound at 25C ,Azure and. (ream Wove, Envelopes tc match O0c per package, 3 packages 254 FOSTER BOARD, PHOTO.'M' 'UNTS, TYPE WRITEIR SUPLIES. Sheehan & Co. 320 S. STATE STREET. You can get a HOT 0 ,L UNC H AT TU T TkLE'S Lectures Printed lectures for all depart- ments of the University. Type- writing and Mimeographing. EDWARDS BROS. Over Sheehas's) State Srene LEARN TO.. DANCE CORtE('TLY To errennecar lesan, private or class, cell .at the office at ORAN0SRS'S ACADEMY on Maynard street. Stamp Collections BOUGH' FOR .CASH Look up your old collections and turn it iets ready money. Prompt Cash and Good Prices. THE MICHIGAN STAMP COMPANY Reens 3.146lolIodw-ard Ae., Detroit THE UNIVERSITY 01 MI1CHIGAN DAILY NO'TICE g We have our most excllent line of saesonable 1001St WOOLENS, SERGES, WORSTEDS dursg v and CHEVIOTS Improve on the table waiting your inspcction on Sight We will show you nearly 500 different styles of trouerings. We offer SUPE you the finest line in the city. ' ~Truly Your S. W. Burchfield, 106 E. Huron, Wv --___ _ - --_ _ _PAN= EXPO ~i.KN ' Oyster Cocktails ofaLn F-or that hungry f"A~ing New q vcie will a Fsll- lRentschler, the pihotograpber,. ie'r tet ttt3a0 No More Oatrial Elctian FightsSiT-eUiveciy lirary litto receloe, villuililii it i toni r ti ic l Asoiatiton, 111111s Titili d ot is iMr. ttGr 'iislow Co 1111111 i-i l l illyli t erdayt~t's IDills-. ''tl'Mer side t . Thei'work is ilits Capita, so,i vvill eliheitseilotiteiloi-rejito-dliii'. cltay. A spec O ia l n -i i t c st- idsetra'd o' i 'vey in.,SEerr, P it-itt oill le hldii i I iss'ily Shatll atF :1o this titeol'i. NO MONEY 5-'ttt5110M. FRS1 N Sle it' atttwl s sle titist ottees forii' Youniig tlten stiltsaitt'o-rkigti I Ric S- this s toi-atin as sttesit -i-enthtit say t osghi ('ollge',will le iteetedl-t Capital, $100 Ittliitil sci'li's tituStheioccasiontifortPefst' S . . Cnis' dgO., ~mke to credit.ao tilidieep-t tolii-al iwork. TSlitct's- slitsl. Write theimifist'pariti-ulrs. . . ENI tito 5stave tilso-ys lii'nin iiopen coit- -,s, iettl o1tt iiit taitrtlts'.tssi ' ti ttt'il WAN ED-St etiuswotohae atens- ii inlt-hst :psoisiie ianne. 'T'liro- sit college tosor oast yer a d Te fim pitoe til tiiiilii'tls ill makeks' illlos- os-se tmemibesrofatthe Athletic Aos-i Capital a sile lls' ttettoliilli oittiil liy mean' l salti , souitll itrig telsc'aoso-h Oceaied oft "taiis'ilt" plitiics, and whaitt wasti o Sinib tttosto (lEOtRGE HOLLEtRt, oathi teSate. sncite iii' t b ilttr l outst e lte- jweler, ands hasc lik uff liuttoiis ehngeo n State.Dati t uofittlii' ye-tht is fi'l i's-it eo i iss nsfide of Clicl. Sfety depai isioil 'oveti'il Calendar J. Fit, Aesi 'le st d1tsaiofsithli trary slleat- -w -.-BOOsT menli ne lls rigely ;i f ill'or f thll'p115- Sturd'aliy. -Marchi 28 p. mi.-Sotst w. ANOLD.' liiltl'o a is isi i osieltit riit e nt _i____________H______ neiJOHN____e teoff'icers.i t h iough. t isom lte-Atleic.Ayou see tie o rko heTld Otmistsoftt' ite tlouertlss esilofi l Lur y Coy . arch2 weilibe daninge t Ils ittl ti i situ t ti ose' toii t elieti .vit a fwat no ter' . Agny11S 'ssodnnts. ilts'ea t r t iotheri''ililyAri:-Snorlvedncn fa clis lci oilnts 11 ititar itis'ni deIos ftitoui ts c tswrkcofticeTohlie siatdit o weliii' os tafeI'ieivutoly ntal dretc. . Bu llN c Sonce if-the lailoptitonsothisisi Iliti let'c 1901 Culiuto ter Aech 21S. an'itt er l - ciattni't l'si li uft he a em nonLn.i Futl Prei'slienits"AnnselleachaatSchleerteBoksore I slit' iiiit'beii l'it i' itnit.e .ilre -NIERSIT _OF_-ICH_ GN_ BAN notinsur aliOir leclttii 'ctios ti of -se t-e oiANDt iseCAdE"STsAn. oe fcity osill l takehi i a t in t t'ir o sts at Wadmu nsfo o hniet ati&eis , Shatdi. 'taeiseaof isi t'o t- QHll c.Ify BiReTiOtNstisiedOTlyOr in Ills' nl "A il" coictioi tat eroom190 l 551rd r Cyurchalteox tllgtolt' slersid(ti l tilt insibetilpt- peiso-cca itl Ss, Odsisnd ut-d-tossecureii thesadoMion o ta~termthall br Latghi Countai WftereduesaaGNpeRd. tCO.e cer wll e elt nxtSatrdy 121as t123abas. Mpai Rn . Ist O Suites ndgs wait"your insp eon. ar otstifedwthyu Way tereofheaqtermsicaforerysthin einethelinte ls o w n and oradtnes sutdents' rooms, usc C. alIwthBnallorMuiGCoi LAMPS, OIL CANS, PHOTO RACKS, SHADES inry Cl WASTE PAPER BASKETS, CUSPIDORS. 1901; pric Our Prices You Welt Always Find the Lowest. A. G MARKHAM'S BAZAAR- 215 SOUTH MAIN STREET: NEW STATE 'PHONE462 New Yor onts Agents sutdents wated to canvass 'acatiori f(ilS' the ciA. A. ed" gosoline ]am~ps. - Soils :RIOR MFG. COi1 PANY 329 5. Main St. A.BASH AMERICAN )SITION N.,Y., May i-Nov, , 00j. sasha, the "N ilceca Fall-, Short tas ceade special atrrangemients to aod-ate a large ti-avti hetwnen De- id Bufftalo cluiInc tae Expositio tipmettattd additionaltrtalnsaer- I lie itt-aided. I he Sveheeli is the ie pertinFee t eelinig Cair nwet-n Chictiaoand Buffalo. Tick- he goal tostaopt-osveeat Niagar, a copyoftWbaislh Pant-American ainisicaliage ivcotlor teap ot ti~onronds andllhandsonne zinc theltrinciaildins. 0c 7 Atdams Smret, F. A. Palmr, A. (J. P.A., Chicago. e(10. Sitpels a, ovit. Traunsact- re. C.E. ituttiaa, ic-Prc- 'na. SI ~Staen. Cashier. A1IONAL BANK ct AaA" S -0,0 Surpluit etd Piaite, 555.351 aeeal baankinabuiness. SantigL inghlaatnBod. PFurnish letters'- IS, lee?.SHARISOtN SOULE, I. t:LAtlt ON CSathir 1n firbor &avings Ban~ Stack. $50,000O. Sarplus, $150,000, llcsaie. $1,500000 tuideritshe Ue-neral Blanking Lawe 1 ceivecsideposit', buyian stells stepicilic' ait it fthe United iseca-he uponppeidcuttiSiistior, li. Cha'. . SHSiscack. t'ahltnt0M. ?itent ('at iter . et n.-31e STATE Lt' si- ntiA"51ti tsee SfWINO can be produced only upon a Vie Vf Guitar or Mandolin. The Washburn alone possesses the pure cre- mona tone. V V VW s Y'ou are cordially invited to make a visit of inspection. Beatutiful Catalog Free. StxclusiveWsasrneatres e i: Ncead peaselybututeaodel;specatl prceossto u"esuecal oods used; patet costuctione, sneuriggreata strength; fin- S esrboarditabsoltecrtan aelposi- tioes; inlaying all doerby skilled nork- men;l patentuheds farasupeior toordiary hedt dnesivwas indtste; elre- frut sritest of rbnig;leepolish secared br thoroughacssoaf hand-rubbiingeverny suit, samew and peg of the very itighuest quality. Sold by Leading Mu~sic Dealers Everywhere. LYC I & HEALY, - Chicago. Manufturaers. , t='a'r' / . .1 ^; 1 S Officiat League Ball League, the leadingminor league and all thie college and athletic associat 055. A hsasome Catslogue of Base Ball ntud slt At tietic :Sports maile ,'r'eato any Spaiitus (fliutial lBase lit- fw- '901'. editedl by osdiulet, read~y Matrch 30, ce 10 cetts SPALDING & BROS. (INCtORPTrsED)n rk Cluicago Denver FINEST LINE OF SCOTCH AND. LIsq SUi fijIj r I , .. _ HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE NOBBY BROWNS MILWARD THE ENO~