2 THE UNIVERSITY Q01 M~iUIG,.ANLDAILY. I Death of Mrs. Mary E. Jolly 1 N V R IT A La Jlly.I ' ol, ohro e "f Pthiie siy (Montdysos-eetett-uittti -TullytileStatets n.iterehoatti die eltl- M) ii M arch z $L. IPwllis'hedsoilt. 'sDeaitl' SHIE UNIVERSITY OF MI C~ilGAN stilet , frsiends ofM lllywll .ysts _ NAsseOFCEiB ANlHst. c cii 0'e t stt ithsilihim tliiihis 555'e oltt't' Arg iti05g. 1 it t. 13t S. StteSti' t* '>s ' ris utlts see legistt.tq S O Bot Phontsstr3. et S tl eu 18O. 1 M ANAGING EDITOR, S II.5 l-O O K L -M' iNe l. . H.II HNs, fCot'si l otas i eaboles. 3 BUISINESS MANAGER, Iis"t ''trls.s ltctiissss of "'sT'e[ tis -A D I B N 'F. ~ony Esitti,'5 ""s tt Isst itt 0si Evitbd ANDORS mI AN ATHLETsC stl Isis psiel s. ol Austie-Frsh fom IEuropean Triumphs i A.ii.tieDstcG. 'StU.7 . c 1.JEtireSU TOiL se I iisi i ls es Xstk issse ' Drr ,K. S~n. et '(53 v5. CKssatstis, L t- ItBlanche Dufield - Soprano ..auk seiosx)4 W C o , o~ Pi tiltiiustst lists ISeSdtub f® Bertha Buckin =Vioinistei~ W. A. itt.sscit.O't.5 ', 1E. i. lbs 5500 '5. 5 '03 5 lsssltit1 s 1s htIis tsl i fti 'P _____________ -lI ts' s't proIt'slse of tes'irltsso . Arthur Pyor m Trombone iW vists S'ti{( s tn."of ctc II.ibrettis s b "t R I hr totn st piiis g cisracteistic o the SoussastBanid is the almiost osss stsssisss tls'l'st' llt's'lss isi t ictedile disipinie sotith goerns it aid t asisoute e e sh" pe- , trove t'5'nr sihis Is is l T or sit t'i visionP of ts, p1 is iss Cs s'I GE Tst..T15 Nt't''C5', Its, tHR s. U TlonightStsts'ss Iit:iswil giveis''s s .t adsssieims'r isqtue istts' (ilis ss n BENEFIT U of M. ATHLETIC A S.3OIoTION ('sti's forst(list iss' tss i of tse. Athletic ' ss''is t el s'broken sis' ly. listoryol - ( I Pi sals' lises iisIs'e. t' ti i lssl s't d MSi st'sitiswith Is ws t I l fls s tsi'ly tisie Seats os al te ht iles's lrig iSoe, Ssstssdsy. Mrhit)it . o u ttttt' is it ill Is~vt o tite olsd 1s mstet'ut t s's9i' tu. 'te' Sutsts' w ls.its iitt 5''4. 'rit ' sl~est'sts of rstsssi nss lth ' eticesti. 'ss is'tle dl e ' ils' tiithet sil. It is 1 E. ' = E~ :e c 'cc .~c 'L i'tE 5stsa r 'i s tsits itmtmssnss' g rtssssse. i '1" tlt'rudery s 'i to sit ythitst'elset Thi~~terere i' it' Ahtiv soi'X.'stittol t arIsstr1ivts rel ti'siisI itth~e tt~ss We ihatve j sit reeised a (ill line si.. s ist' tot y tig lt' Stdenstlos andl tlly. loves o itlspsieisg stm sic' sill lhave'toI foIsis'esli t 151sites im stttll ioisitsIsisR APIER MACHE ART REPRODUCTIONS tt'souttil isi'l gre t stslst'ts. NStitt tsill assots s efo'rI slit s'e'srsiio s iarrt ts 'sit sit' gist' ant sex 'elle'nt i sots'st'I.ntdi t s is 5' it lsttliv ls itis'iss itg lt'tstesoSch as... sossistiss lt't"ilily tis'los e h te ty t siwthtmtitt'is tpayintg eritt. sies'. edo In . ' ststtsl s tioe'sonsiterstedsiill heli ttesie itaibllts uo it'lls't'i ARMORS, ORIENTAL HEADS, w'Mel ofet's ls'I'livesitAbsitout" tiirto il l st,aies stirs' se ''srveid, Muchee Wahee SPEAR HEADS, ETC, wichiss nit i t s ists'assl'ssss's'salt.______ 1o e t he e ire sit grot'e's itit1it' sltltis' ince' lt' tnivirsity lsatititty list otb de ie. For Cosy Coners Lihraies and Oier' il Is1s' tls. iisIttttlsitu plced under si te huseslttg o Spetr t trmr dil Roois. They te ust wthi you thli it'slic xe'tais oft st e list' i5555 l5' tci t eev i i e lihstsdonsie tituhis . mak tamped wattl linstdiil h Its' 's' taid siiflargsit's'tush- ork Insrsui it ii tgt he lit iss el alontstle tif eery shoe. ncwilect"l, olg il 'iiIe o ear sl5aet E FRIES' ART STORE, vetitly 11., 'list' stsssi'sls sssldl It" 's~s. l' esss~s.isstOe ae sl gnn siiise ii 'ssstee u . iiltst s sutil'tistsec-Isis lle .ii I c'F I'I.. M 27 S 4th AVE. AN N ARBOR lei is' osi'isi sit. Ev's'rylbodsytlis t i it. t'ittllstSt'5l whotiti ittiout itsrs"s0t00itti N K3V-'r- -'*-- ipiece 5istonthTheis.lst' ris oils tilAVH N HE TR Dont Aiways Take a "Tips ttidsdlis'e'ed'iotte as isit. htssp M1r. 'Thss.i tus', lst'e \Fist's'i'e~et entryit si'ei'53. tprtteits. 7S,7lltiiI , SUNDAY, MARCH 24, 8 p. mi. fini ivsi''.hufinid s otl, cottisnl siil1POP'sieU 1(1LAR cG NEI ts'e siliiti of stis' 555ew 15555 it'tl lteIss''is si'ister '5f5do 'ylei s z. lt. .. "t'.. Co'isesti".i' 'i't't'isysittiiss it.u'i'ng'5 :5I'sssl iss' istis'beingn i' e tcytorIl" h lIabamTa W arblers in ml t a Isll ss i ts site 'tirm ltsnsitisIiss. si . li e iti's'liss pL in t nlA Csls-u'o d of osra iist iisitsts ii ti5'o51 e sisrs'eds'i s or ii1. (iai f mteit itrodutcintg _ ___ iaprty i tlCIIANLASS ex-lsl iin lt l st'e it Ios il isris e d 't's' W ' t in .i d.ei.' - lT.e word's geuateIs t egro i olnist, 'srle' aid swseet singr Sit'd ct' e-'555. 5'5ARE'(?5I55I' itl't'lf \U~iI.! 25 ents to any seat in Ltheare itoh'rlinst ltitt'io'tti trviteio~ltt 11iu's. loi; littest TrU ES DAY, MVlARECH 2 o i ti iI'to ,n t r'ldnn555e5t t,. lits'' Ilsi_____ l st n c I is in1t A : lit tsluto sin helil. f iike 5hurl5enihito vs, ot'I Sn 'vile.S Am erican insirels ~ tMustthts11 n ll ilte ln iititt ttan il sonlrotsDtt.Slits to "A Peeriess Organlsietioltof stseII I . it , i u frIss e i t ' itSS'tins.o.hlS s Itc le hi'sosits i- its luil io- __" o-eed50JO ALL WHlIE ARTISTS = 5050 ill I 'iiil s' St wil i lt itu, 7 Sil 1. lI Shi' Witatel f ir te Biggest aid best itf All it i1 is's etsit i si S 550atshNOONDAY PARADE T a 5 sussase5s iis.iertsit ('ii' isS.1'1eul' s si's' itc itits'. ( C 5 1, Srh' pe Prii~ceureuced for tis eggementsto(I2 5t'35, 50 io Idhltr I)Csioetits t i s's" l t its t t tid r ols ' ?rotsiosis' 5t sits is Istil ly nuttsto fitnutsishs the -- _ _- Il C/ 9te~, /C 'W ~eC31ls atA'I usIuss le I i t i ntos' i l bs' lit' s itstllse l's; lBest ' s it t m tte t i t' lss riS____ _____ 'iss'ti usistsllht' it'lttlste' il is1~oti. hoe si't~l EVERYTHING NEW EXCEPT THE NAME1 is.si'5i andssi 'ttt'so'tld, utul inss's itt __ moan il lt tiuk"Ittititu" the - Chefd'oeuvre - AT lists' lsuuy sot'.thsr leo.dosthat llExposition Universe e Elist' ulls Islisi ill coutssi s u111(.1 tIBY not tisses'thanuss I elit'hess' tlty s sit Walton, Saglo, and Champer - i i'sUttlittitittls. u T h jet sit ADDilllESS, W3 SO5110515 TAtI O SREiET sll uittis'ltsu'a e eat5 .'1 ti iiit( ' tu t, sidsuil u bl sthiseutsit this swsiksit,(,(eu''s ts Graed PiPoes'and OldstlMea ti th ]i ist' 'srSC- 1t'he s' rksnerl' is' puesss or ist'u'tietuu Ptoitionu fots' ceitenc. Alt wors soid sn Lion5 e'aui gei oI thl iii' the 'luls int r '' shu cinotiun tly. _ ____ ieii,1 cm t ar~ ld edmon, Kerr &GCoB LIARD0 PARLORS it' rt:tut's ltl'lt''h ut1 iIhe lsisi'BAiN'K FRSI eussus l u.shand s5oi u stl sof il th tatli ii 41 itWall Street, Ness York - teso uwhichel reysuu' is nutI, .titlA(CO 0A)DtIGIARETT'ES galit uiionissl su l' hss 'tttl dean ahvi,stt' ii'- ilitdeot s Subjoecti '.stsdin t hinst 1 sld Itereust'o i'tl m ndi routtell Ata O T sig oflsl s''st siisui's seith slsy. Fis'aI Agenitusornit negtiae ltst issue nf AN )es 2I66 TAFE rairods slurett rtttiutss t's ti its e t E V S Seorite sis'u t tandisol nti n . i'yRu's seuE T EE al1t'.isiIto'lit's'el'sI s its sis befs o rslse- lsIIsthe ood s''u'usustselt ('lullsIsist eve'n-t oAL IN * r Fa lHUHhil SANITARY PLUMBING lug. seus nt s'ushsehsius i Eliei Del tIT, 5 11161-GRADE INESTMENT SECURITIES3~.n~Ifl~ lIIiSi1G'0 5'lIttItu'It AND StPLIES, llots'usrIis'e. t'Hul.AISELPHIAhe is a l t''n~ retote!n PIliitli'tli, 27.Wsingto Stret.ANDi'DOlT..ATERANIHELu NG, s'rse GRAHAM, KERB & C0. 111011 GRIADEC MANTEL1 ANDi GRlATES. SWEETS TO THF WEFT IF YOU WA4NT TO BE SWEET- SEE. BROGN 110 S. MAIN