I . THE UNIVERSITY OI MICHIGAN DAILY 4 ,THE UNIVERSITY O]~ MICHIGAN DAILY A FULL LINE GYMNASIUM, FOOTBALL, GOLF .GOODS Can be found at Our Store Sheehan &Co. 320 S. STATE STREET, You can get a HOT LUNCH TUTTLE'S 338 Sooth State St. GRANGER'S SCHOOL 01?r DAN CIN GE "Cflasses now otpen tar the rottoption of pup~is Oitdhee at Granger's Academy. Cicutars at bRtesic stores or mailed, Bolt telephone 200 M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM U6QTC.LES, V1CYCLE 5St~bRlES A46 JIWLIES. 50 IaW aWflantnSt. Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade.. Our sartorial skill is equal to the best in thte state of Michigan, EXCEPTING NONE. AIRT15TICALLT A"°NECIIANICALLX We will be glad to prove it to you, Truly Yours, S. BUROHFIELD' 106t E. Huron CALKINS') When we fill a prescription it con- tains exactly what the Doctor orders, weighed and measured with precision. To bring your prescription to us is to be sure that it will be right. 1R0entzcbtcv, the Phbotographer. IIASSENIOR JUNIOR, FRESHMAN You can obtain ALL the text books used in the course. (ALIIAH1 -& (0. OPPOSITE LAW BUILDING, 340 S. STATE We are not only The Oldest firm but we carry The Most Complete line of Law Books in the city. OUR 1900 LAW CATALOGUE for the asking, Cor. Baisnari HuronoStreets. fCapitat, $50,000. Surplus, $30,000. Trasacts general hanhing husinss. R, Eaxpr, Pros. C. E. GRssNS, Vito-Pros FRED. H BELSERs. Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BAKrsanAizedA1b0 Capital, $100,00.S.urplus and Profits, $40,0001 'trasacts a general hashing husinss. Foreign exchange hought and reid. Purnish letters of credit. E. D. KINNE, Preer. nARteON SOLS VYire.#rea S. W. CLARK~SON Cashier The Rnn fMror Savings Bank~ Capital Stoch. M0,0t0. Surplus, $1t500. Resourees, $1,500.000. Organized usder the General Bashing Laws of this State. Rteceives deposits, hays ad sells eachaseoa the principal cties at the blntted 5Stts. Grafts eshed apoa proper ideatifieation. Safety deposit hoxes to rest. OFrcseao Christian Mack. Pros.; W. D3. Harrl sass, Vice-Pres.; Chss. E. Hiscock, Cashier; M. J. Pelts, Aseistat Cashier W. J. stoaTH, PaS. S IT W. ARNo. 1tVice-pre? P T Mtanty studenits retaiued the crds preseted them by the religioets censtus ttktes. A few atnswereel with an of- font ltobe fetuny. A great tmany were missed iei.the-evowdts. The chutrch thiie of tile Utniversity stdets«who xtipresseil theinis(Aves was as fellows: Meitodtist ........ 189 tPresbyterian. . 152 Conigregational ...... 131 Etiscopl ........... 1001 Ctthtslic........3 Church of Christ ....0i Ltiheran ............ Uiversltlist.......... Untlarianti ....... 5t Rteformned........ t Itf(bresv- (Jew icli)... i Eraugelieal. . . 2 (Qeaker........... _ niabtitt...... 1 Hot Weather for Foot Ball. Ott-lg to liii-exessive heat yester- day tin arriltilleigre tas guile throttgh stwit at eg-nis, Field. Onily light Woerle s-as dtei-with ruinlg ltrosigh sig~nItlo attel pratcticintgtafete uew stnts which tea showed Ithe Glen. 80111i- of the tila1yers5 went so far as iso trows aside the hteavsy football clot- i for their ;gyni. suis ont even theni omlahitnedl of liii heat. Threiiote mtenti ve l etsc sn takenta to the traisais-g situ-iii inte ttersons of Brookfieled. ettdl atmi Wi-eeke anti Ierritoteit, tbacks. Mtt. ttstftitttt s-will itt at lii- school of Itise-ic at 1. tm. Thitrs~y tot suet lisak-- I siretti-of ih tlul i-to-ves of f he ollortitlirittvo',tiiiy ithtso5 8________________________ alton Arity. . 2 1,a It'icl tut'tle1 lteostrd. JasS wLT. OAcL' Ia'ior SAVINGS Si-ti-n Itay Adtihs ts - -. 'Wtiliattis, Iiyast &Citeule, -sole agents. iNilo te r- - - - 181 The ielliut ltlliagllft f teir lit- 't'ransactsa ageneral iloltin a fall tettitis bottn1en-tt to Yhankinig Business. liii"lrtiet yst8 lies itithis Avetik,liats te-en tWoe-fully -____________________ The ~onlniteeNvil poced b otertitsbteitlulii-t itilsutilif stoen C.E B R~EU ,Agn, liiifs to iti ill- tlhetiestasftyoisi itite prl iminary1111giftOt lotl hettl iedi _3 ,6 .5tate St. Ace Arbor, ich oh iitliliit ifiefrei'llei-first tof next st-ct-i. Tt- 11111st tI (Slt ktS. ~ttNONE it10 t ile atiuilts ifl t-ite tot tlillit- n OO 1T Y U'1) ((801) i111i1"itist it-. 'r'hy wottt lit ti-tieii- et Yoi Meas riA Lunhes . s 1 1 t~tt-s. liii- 1i~ttt is. ai ls vcs ittliii- tiNvoutlit-i ibti lilt- N ti it11i;11 &ti ie r sle ;1m tter -i ii git il itiness o rli thelii- tut M oM0 Ti 4FU C41r.E 'l-iiorYpslatt ti etneear sisti-.ag tilierinneii OPEN ALL NI~ ~ ~ a~iT cl1111locks att Iatilers .Iesvilry - stl ott i---it--llili ifti 0 GIONST.,Two doorsaw: t'lsf Coaklous. esr_____ layi. -_ __ UsMf 8 et fa ite tiade is lite IHoswtrd. (Cimplete litte "Adler" tall aeuito and XV adliain, Rfyan & Ree, sonle agents. o eteoa-s at Wa-dh-amsRyan & Reule. FUNERAL_ DIRECTOR :AME SHAPE CLU ETT istbalsmtng a specialty No. 2011 S. 4th W ULTE Ave. Anmhulance ntght and da. ties ci neie 302 Fifth Ae COLLARSr tO~lSO~~fj~ih~11dted ts~ttH~O ~ . Try The... IN . NORTH OSIDE . - 'LAUNDRY _/4___SIZES__ THOS. BOW F, Pros, t 1003 Bradwsay. 457 eliPhone " ; eh lo - . "l "t : " WAGNER & CO,7 COLLGIAE Haherdashers SPAULDING'S COLEITEAS, FOOTBALL SUPPL I ES - ' GOWNSad IHOODS,.JUr T ETHIIQ FOR TLLINC l LECTU EJ Are aitiverealp used wherever te garneti RennoftSH D pityed, the ti-ode tmark being the guaratee. CAPS artd GOWNSE E' ThseSpaling offhcilItier-collegiate Foot f at "TYIs osed by all the ieading colleges and -CLASS Cj4NES, TEMPORARY athleticecluhs ofethec-ountry. Price, n4.o. Send for Caalogue ofl all Athletic Sporte. COLLECT FLAGS t ] paldisg 5 Official Font Ball Guide, owith the COLLEGE PINSB N R newDRales for 190 and reeords, reviews and CLASSand tisttostasncluding plctuares sf 16p1pore. COLLEGE Prce. 10 teats. HATSLand_ Opens like a book. e XWOsOS SPRING-GRIP DUMB-BELLS Invested by Sandow. Hase-eta equailtes CAPS...Heats the oid strtag rover exerciser ad developer-. Every matele bests-- W4CN KER &heOest fouanpens $o1ht A. G.SPAULDING & HEOS. ORtCAGO, tLL. F.CHED, - - - - - 340 South State NEw YORK 4n HCG DENVER HAVE Y~OU SEEN K A THE FINEST LINE OF SCOTCH AND "THOSE NOBBY BROWNS lviI I.. V r ENGLISH SUITINGS IN THE CITY. i