THE UNIVERSITY OF MICIGAN DAILY k*F t E~EFL eF~fEtl1 fEE:* E1.Er: - * E Er E E rrr* 6*6v~dT3E irfr i£5fr'C *f is is i6 Uh7e Celebrated Spring; Styles: is You' r a' w it is+ DES Hat. Now Ready. e Invited To Looi.. Sold Only by 'O' EL EI s3T DERBYs ON * 1W'S. Is TRETIs 1 4lOODSP 3 33 3 3 3 3 3 ?. Ba'? a'S3 i 3a'a'a'a'a'a'3a'a'3a'333 Michigan Central NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE THlE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR TO OH ICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON With direct connections at Cl-icago for St. Loois, Kansas illto. St. Pant and the west. Eaor information and through tickets call ott or write to H. W. HAYES, Aoent, Aott Arbor. ANN ARBOR RAI LROAD TIME TABLE Taking Effert, Sunsday, May 20, 1899. Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Stand- ard Ttnme. SOUTH NORtTH *No. .- 7:251 A. M. No. 1.-8Ebb A. Mt. No. 8.-11:35 A. to. 'No. 5.-12:30:'. t. No. 4.- 8:351 r. . No. 3.- 4:50 r. a. *Run between Ann Arbor and Toledo only AllI train daily except Sanday. IV. T. WiLLS. Agent. W H. BENNETT. G. P. A HOCKING VALLEY BY. The Railroad that takes the Business In and Out of Michigan. SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS 4I DAILY BETWEEN 4 TOLEDO, COLUM1BUS and ATHENS. W. N. Fisher, L. WI. Landman, G. P. A. G. Tray. Agt. Columbus, Ohio. tDetroit. Micb. Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Oars leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti every hour beginnin~g at 7:15 a. mn. un- til 9:15 p mo.; After thtat to Detroit at 11:15 p. on. Waiting room corner Ann and Main Sts.; Lietroitlil1 Griswold st Cars every half hour Saturdays and on Fridays from 2:1.5 to 5:15 P. in. MONEY LOANED an Watchen, Iliamondn,W nests and other Per- soal Property. Offien at residence, 33It.B Liberty atrent. All0 business confidential Hours. 8 to 11:30 a. m, and I to 1:30 and 7 to S p. M. JOSEPH C. WATTS U.M. MARTIN.. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specinlty. No. 2?09 S. 4th Ave. Ambulance night and day. Hes. daence 302 Fifth Ave. _ Cross Coluntry Club _ lthg i f lt -iistan til rittilrr Abtout 1.=rtllellstre present. lDirec(l'tr Beele: l'ill~ltick madeit1:1*'lw' 'titarks Iits itfsiznthei. tiot itli tfstSllt- itt. Atorsslk tI tess;-is.tts', llel- lTrack tiol litli' .ivstotsoe.uldCspt.l Ilas'Ill tftlitlwed. and bohot11:etie N::i t.tislend ill v11it'll-Al.e.I1.t11tu es sIlst , iili' .IY c1'<1 fr .liii lt list- lofg you areost wsthfedl wpit yo rooition dhbardleior),you wish f ltiex- upeiiss oereatittleonsk go dowian 4:otplete littne1"Adler"sutsawlovery coae ta foalia.Ileryant of Re le.1ol M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, 119 W. Washington St. STry The... NORTH SIDE LAUNDRY THOS. ROWE, I'ropr. 2i Detroit=St. 457 Bell Phone Vesper Servites 'Ill 'olNvil gtt iste lii'iylsli s iii to. . . l nit/eiilitr11g11 isolitllyilltitoto .1eps lt 'I'le(............ enbresl 'lslt'rdt "ir'l. ll it. > tiI11'............ wsleytl Air. L. I,. Rlenicikstill havt the sir- cSoiloist. SilosLund. t Waterman or Laughlin Fountain 'Pens, $1 each, at Schaller's Hookstore. Hooet $3 bat moade is the Howard. Wadlianto, Hyatn & Reule, sole agents. Wadhaton, Ryain & Route are sole agets for Ypsilanti underwear. ~ -kN'PED-Suleitswhlo have lattend-l iiedtcllege twit tr four yearso 1111 wereli lelbirs of 1110 Athletic Asso- ehilioll. should brinfg thirii' li50ii S jetteler, 1111 liaie link cttfut ~otis Alarm~ Clocks oold by H ALLER are glitrlliteed for otie year. Alarm ClocksSL U. of M. Pins 50C i $1.00. Fiane Watch Repaif'ing a Specialty. I.1 CHAPMAN, JEWEER.S 2060Vvtain snuth. Dental Gold Wo sell dental gold and solder&,. We pay cash for old gold ad~l siver. Win, Arnold, Jeweler FINEST RIGS5 IN THE CITY AT' Holmes: Livery PHONE 106i, 515 E. LDEEM IY "YOU'RE NEXT!" If not. fry some of Hatnk's fine es fectionls. Always fresh and matipta please the moot discriminating. Yoi. get the best there, even lunches and: oysters for tile elite, at both stoems 200 H. Washinugton; H16 So. State Pickwick Billiad Parlors, Regulation Site Tables, Monarch Cushlono. Everything New and Strictlyytip-tn-Date., 707 N. University Ave. Ann Arbor- Sethe NEW ROPE STITCH. BLACK RUSSIA CALF ~srSOUH AINSTRETOxford with INVISIBLE EYELETS" U.oM BabrFans steaming adEble n ~ 3atYtia ssre.of VBre.EN OCH DIETERLE, m s,,4~~ University 613 neatWilacktest -J J Fin masg pca-Funeral Drctrof law hailding. All hindsi ne " Shp a d, B th ethos.,donebyia 15test (eri 11 feciaai oe.i Sho ad' ath d p ChS Q. i.ii 2.Fourth Are., Bath 'Phones Shoe Shop a E. m e .l R114© .,2STATE. J. 3arosashI__________ __________________________ W E PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE, 107 ' MAIN S