THE UNIVERSITY OF MZICHIGGAN DAILY. -SHIRTS is We want you to know what good Shirts are. Not the kind that are run through the mill by the thousand--but those made by custom shirt makers that take the time to look after small details that makes perfection in Shirts They, ilcs o omr hntecm o ideswee- and think of the satisfaction you get with them. Costs nothing to see. NEW GOWASPENGTOsTE IDEAS.. 11 A 1I G O T .MICHIGAN C ENTRAL . T he M ost R enow ned L adies Shoes A larm ' C lo ck sS I.1 CTeNaaaFal ot. ENTRAL STANDARD TIME. The Glove Fitting, For The Hygienic U. of M4. Pins. 50c to $1.00. Fine Taking effect September i, 1900 Street JensMilrWthepiigaScaty ~trit Night Expres.......... 5 55A .TeMla n Atlantic E pods .........745 ad". rCtAPAAJEELR Girand Ra pid Expessa.. ti......"110 All stylJ5.eS , ODress All styles, S 0 anStl ;aland pc'.... 341, at.a n pie 56MaaSaet NY. BotoSpecial .......... 40 "u Oeprice, Wear Oepie Fat Eastern. ... . 1. 443 ," :ne Mail and EreZ6.....c.. .. HS O A. a. FR EEJ Boston, N. , ad Chicago.... '.04 All widths in Dongola Kids, Enamel Calf, Box Calf and Valour Calf.- 1at 1ieten ..2 Ool aensfo Anzrbx GRand ni. B pcon . ...5 45 sl gnsfo n ro.A 50oIt f I.c i n ith t c roy Ciago Night Expresc . .. 1 2 15 eth Sab hotooc AlarmC lck. Pacific Exprea. .-"- 1 38A X. ] C'Id"' PRPY 'lakA ?u nIXJ'to h 10r,0 Setip Tickes. all lasses to andtOl JN u.r 'x iz y I-r I T WfrrnodmJwee w~uropean points t lcottotrats. Fll in for-'vv ill, AnoA L I:Jewele aatica an pplicaton. o. W. RUJGGLES. H. W. ItoYaS, T B . P ~ t h c g . A c; t A n n A l I ~ . olor , M l / a so t u d e n ta l l i e vdo e w t- W i t h t h e T r a c k M e n p r l w r I s e l l l s n e e h E 1 scool 1uo T y'i',l o t'il l ' He ite Y' adi, to l , ro fr toa 11'o f 10111Cap. Dietzo of t' Nt~li iilull11, 010T ushalfor tre o k , ook iii Itie te~eii Latb1 ta adwiltr or 'litvv1 da~i~u~tl}"ualofmn STUDENTS te 101posit o lo ll back1 11n.1 thll lpurfl. i'so uill resp1onse to0 g C aplg 111c t lilte's e le. call. 'S 'ooirflt a ndoidal~ tsf11011-oi A t ii G iG o tSt .ff.2o mI'M..2asxTTP zzT ..Iorsm110appearedlc'l, 1011t. llai onl 1h1m ll We are eter prepared than ever Ta Ing MErnhTABLMaE 1 89 itcllec'of S. Jl.. ioke'1owill 1111n1t11110'wIt 111 llilsoof 111n1' malrkd lto give the hot of farriage service, Trainleoos Ann Arbor y Cntrl Sn d il 4l 1 1110 °1,llxi. uilit. 'T' ller uwere001100'ettr havingo adoedltwo ubber tired and Tin. _____ ____ta__- lknl c1111'of, perklcops, bt:ils01ill tnl SOU E ORH Hau r i . C rt,'popl1 l 111s 0 n wret'h' re11 ic'thle1r. Th' i'io oito'iot'coaches 311 (i00 sock. SO:T5NOIIII 2101st-o 1i. N.Cloris' l1llllhee' 101lero 1111 211louu- Holmnis Livery' ~.6.- 325. u. No .1 S5 2. 1'Ie c'igia NwsoNote. fromlls t l 111111110 trn l to hi eot N. 2-I132 A. u. No5 a.-tzso'0 1 '11111 0' th orld;" th1e ''clt'netlc l mgoo o st (Q6,lii 111011 ILIBER11Y 1T. No 4-'3:35 cc No3.- 45 co. l'lllli ted almosot cl(121 t of 11000w 1110Il. No 102-c:0'P. '. INc101-0:05 A.o. lollrillg bog' i ('l go;''thec'Aie.s OE 18 1~E IET T ''"'It o f tog iho' Stre'ts'o 2111of It10' 11111otu l i 00111111ma olt o 'lp sl 00101 i tt'er Ruln etwce nn Aror antd Toledo onlyi11'lelI ehae fo ilil wrk CO ftNT . All transad-tlyp ecept Snday. 00151' itIit rotao t'lo'l ~" i ~ttl~ilootoc oo Oilll tunday 01. S G~lL A 11e l ditooly l'fo1e' 13c 0 woo. Aoloro'ov '0 It.1111110 111' 'Iillfl wt H RENNETTG0 PA' S'tooeouoi Agotly, (tiologot ltoot'l, 41 N t. 1 ,1'0,.AnnIIArbooi'. . Vn llll'l0 (1111 t0 1 liollo'o o both 0 a H U C K I N t G V A L L E Y FR Y . \ I .5 1 '.P . W . I l l ' l 0 ll l 'I l l I. I isito l. 1 l l I le a 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 ' 1 i i . o ll' th 'e to ' The Railroad that fakes the i t1l, l'l11ltll', Abeitll. clss of 11'f2. iolllt ("t. (lol a01.0 i Busness In and Out 'lihl u, ill'I''lhot'l'CIcN. It('ANfor11 otf elo(-l' of Michigan. ]I ,SY 8115'!. S'lf'IW I C'l'. lt". SOLID VESTIBULE TRANS oyol fgeis, 10eo; Tiger'l'o'llt'0..1' j 1 T4 I..D , 1l.I.1 BDAIS WooY11111ETWlit'ENoo''4'ig' o iln0 bllto lti1110 1011frsn10.10T o TOLE O C10MUS e"") 5 ( oi tooe o'ulast "it 1011110 ha101 lt001 siol fo e100.0 to o ne. oli 451". Wand A "ITH E3NS, 011 1 onsoo is 0 alohador te 11.lilo ilpel1' toot h ohel11n1$,3per1C$''\T ' W. H.Fiher L.W.t Av admanceto e o'f' ,in'dn t sotll ill b' oi u301' __"1'0_THE,_Q____STASTE G. P. A. G. ou Tr' ' 01 10101101 _loo 'l' 1 3'li'" o.s''lt lo 11 111010si1ne:lI': 100 1111 Colm oho . Ooo. - Detroi. S. 1 i l' o1 .10._1 0 1 00a 5 a. . 0 rs en r.0 1'2 110 0110 'O Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- laittoClo'ks ttat lloe'soiJo'os'lt'21. A eo'ooll'oo'fr 11311 'lnoe htc'qt11'0'110111 8 it ad 111ool itili. N~llo p itlyo t'1 i0Oo' te1l bor Railway. ha Plysitosill bl it en 7150 ,10 "l'duls o utyo a11101 o rt03 h1''ol ol0 Ihlollt01t Cars leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti (Clt oborlfor V):.010 t eek. Meno n d1111 llttOr d', ati 4 1. om. :1tit he 111121' ni ed ' aot'l Iran1110'i e iho tore 001 ,,N every half our, oeginning at 7:15 a. in,. vitcr, ia recach cool. exito ] itl ea- 03 1 'ol loloroly'. A\ a llilookl. 0.. 111.1 11 'o~l, oool.,I(; So. sntit 7:45 p. m; After that to Detroit etig; toatic by string olelit'otra. Tle 1t) 11EO. 1K. J~TIT SS. Stte l vi010. at 8:45 p. t., 9:45 p. m. and 11:15 p. m0'al acc. 27 Thlomlpono. Waiting room, corner Ann and Mtain 'The TJioldo L~audy (o Is lcp lt- 111~lf ae. Detroit. IliiGrisold st. Prf.Pickwicknn, romEuopanlf n AndrboPba011S.ors er _______________l00 teientenpfrm Earlo'ln aa ilAn rbrbyCa! .'0lgFat'ab'ltesl~t ~tlO watces. LasAnd.StED Conservatory, Germany, teacher of Ofie ctrt Woger & Co. lai t"~ ~ Eeyhn e n onwaceimnsWel and other Per.- piaiio, organ and musical composition; eyhig Bad sonroerty.fee c all esies o the art of eaching. Studio, 312 Sanhatfan and Wilson Bros. shirts Stictly Up f0 Date. Hoors. S5li~.m and lit6S.S Divsion t. for sale at Wadhams, Ryan & Reue. 7,07 N. University Ave. Ann Arbor PURITAN SHOEI00., i ii South Main Street U1.' of~ K Barber FaceeMassa g aEOC ITEL hlaran nier itk uWilliam Etreezt . - Sho and Bat C1iamW , ENaad 2 1 RL Funeral EblerdDireco Unin e rsty613 nehaf blocn west I I Fine and athg. All ind SaisfatioSh!ofarepiring neatiy ,12S outUre Bt hoeEho h p U l Roms322 STATE. ,: e. Trjaneeski ~Fut ~h'hnsSo .Lamnbert. Photos WE PATR0I4IZE -GOODYAR. 5jBUG5T.RE.,,