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March 19, 1901 - Image 3

Resource type:
U. of M. Daily, 1901-03-19

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y3$3 E?3331 J3333~i~?1333i333s?335333333 3?trE #?>E~ s3 3?~i??J ?3?? 3ss?3? 74'
0, M.4'i,~- - ---- -
MihinCnrl FNRLAam Cok 1
NAGR FAL4OT'IETRRIEAU f_1 is 5ct 10.Fn
'E blmn a4pcat.'o 0 . t lY
'5I SHR IT-Ae muacengtaddy e-Wtc ea'igaSeily
*ee 30 Fft A e.M , TEBE ' CCEEM OIMJJL H PM N4EW L R
$ 4 RBRT4Mkr'o 06Mi 8nh
CHCG OLGAE AS, 11 W4WshngonS'
'5G W SadFOOS e t lG l
BUFAL 4'tngo
NE YOKCP4'dGWS eslldna odadsles
AND BOTNCASCNS epa'ahfrodgl n
*OLC 4'GSslvr
MoisKascit8. land tC etal L AIand..RHS.Eii
FUNERALmtio Alarmouh tcClockslonCOLEG
NI411FLSRUT m amigas E ity sevno th09s. 4 tb 8ICYt~. 57Bel Pe R thI eaiiG Spcily
CHICAGOl GO ,nd105, 19ILL.ii~o~tD nalG l
Loot as in Cty StY st sPorknttortadCotthtsann orttoCLneAA aS
RAIL OAD Yos FortheConract _____IN THE CITY AT
Taking Effect, Sundtay Mlay 2S, 1899. The prospeii.itt(voare vryc i g t a t 'rilt-sei~o 1it sia o tri ttttlti-i
Tratns leaver AnnArbor y Central Stand.- itt- itb t o l t tt tiill lit- it citl et-itit,l t oditt l hei dit i 1i C ult ty
aORT 111t-I1it(o (il.1 iult td t he andi-ittlt. t March it-ilt- llo i ner tiltm es Livery
SOUTH_______ ___ NORTH________ - i '- , ya~rl iii t, s- souitt-it r t thyd tttt-h o -itt ci HN 16 5 E IET
No5- ttAat No. .- ettO A. 11lo ot w o h, belcv csi k l yIlSsi il H N 0 , 5 5E IET
No. -72tt35 A. 5. =N. 5.-12:3_O.a. cas i1ittil eiii ' i hi chttti rttt o f Lchtiil tlilt hi-wtts-of itt 1tiot e tjtitl nturtte. ____________________________
No. 4.-x:35 . a. No. .-4:5e em at. -ittutitti l sutiu 4ti o rkit~, rtht* lii te iii I it t ts betnll ttttit;ttt C tetlut ilit
____________ _____ __________________ c itiont t t to11 il eullt hett li- tt li- tt iititt1 t-ti-ititi ot tt th t ut toos
aIn tetwasa Are Arbor and Toledo only gltt itto l I-te. Ititt-it-iot nti htlti ~ i t orl- --tittiti Ih c heed itcuredl -
All tratns daily ecept Snday.totl tittti tiiitittt-- X io-ti ttl1io 1liticitttuI ltttttie
WT. WILLS. Agent.t -- ~tl1,"O h .aAASeu ldtiso it it'luisteutie
W HSBENNETT..P. A- sinis to sil g,o lifo i o tfottl fti tk Ito tt i i ilblitsclt.1 rol-t-
H O CKIN Git ti-ti t lt l 1 lu i-t ttptiztets ityitlYost hlt ill:ltitd It-- )Ilyf s. s -r
(J KIN ~ i1E' itt i i I ittil ouslii l ti ttoce bot it i ii liieit I li tritfit li
3,0-00tin debXt fot-ititn t t e tl it' e fofltit ii -tt itid n ll li lt lit- -ipt-
The Railroad that take¢s the 1I5t o otott. lii tickit-Icwiillte sotii l i r te it-IstjO 'RE NEXT"
Business In and Out rlti C it I t c t -i1)t i,posedI ito f sltIyoseofH u ofie-r a
ofllcia.University Medical Society eitttii fietciiltlt ltttci trciot A wyys fresh atd made tnt
of ichganiby te iii ntttl nihiiIlt, islt tt i tc -tlase tle uost dicritinatitg. You.
4 SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS (i ~iioll Iiti0 17lt i it , r, .r d l i~ e helts te.ccilotcisat
DIYBETWEEN ,,1A. opsty faci'2,ad :3 " et til oet thoe, elient l stes-
DAILY a tllovs h silcr t lttut ci -c tt Mi-ilt ottiy itll liii liii t-fortthe'el-teiat bothtstores-i
TOL..EDiiO, COLUIrTBUS iot itii ititye letr itititt 1itt to (,I< le1,e vltt ~titofteti~ e s00 EXX toiltgtoit; 31(t So. State.
and ATHENS. ttiiholdtnlttig itfAromIrtte, X Tih etl ft he comitt
W. H. Fisher, L. IW. Loanma, 1 11uisl(.litk it -l-i1tv-l1)1it . X lt- t c it. Il ico tut i tV. hob
. P.A. . Tray. Agt. Votik ini elidtol I hlitiiltt lc" wi-oiltli-. XX S. 1litii. Soi Itu tli
Detroit, Ypslanti and Ann Ar- Damon.tt i hieigtiitc.Iiitii
bor Railway.
Cars leave for Deroit and Ypsilanti Contplete litte"Adler' ouits anR over- _________________
every hour hegitnning at 7:20 a. mn. on- coats at Wadhints, Ryan & Retle. IF SILT AWOUII) lBEIHAPY
til 9:15 p. a.; After that to Detroit at SMXOKEt __________________
11:15 p. a. XW aiting room corner Ann .Altarmtu loecos isold Iby I ttJ lt tre lytil iges 10e:Tieeteic, ale. Blirprros
and Main St.; Ietroitlil1 Griswold st guarateedi-tforiltonte year. __________________ Pickwick
Cars every half hour Saturdays and -1_____
on Fridays from 2:15 to 5:5ti . a B-eHst $3 hat mad st e I ilowrd. STUDENTS NOTICE! Regulatiot Sle Ttble,
MONEY LOANED Wadhstuis, Ryan& Rele, sole agets. Tele.t laundry to the Toledo L- Monarch Cushions
on watehes, Diamoafs,Wheels and other Pe- Muitat s - dry. Ty it. Work caled for and1 de- Everything Nw and -
eonrl Property. Office at raifrac,301 E ahttnad WilsonoTrtos. Shirts livered. Leave your orter at 12 S. - Sritly Upt Oae,
Liartystres. Alt hssiaess conidntl
Rloost . 8 to11t30n. m.antsd lI to3:Wnd 7to 9 for sale at Wadlisa Ityan &Reule. Main st 707 N. University Ave. , Ann Arbor
p. a. JOSEPH C. WATTS ____ _

U.o abr Fc ta ingan Ebimr nd U iv rst 6113 Eas WiIam Street
U. f~ oan Barermassage ancal IENOCH JIETERLE, FuealmDetr d ju~S~ lst ana-halt bloch wast 3 ~I Fn
FuneralneDirector af law building. All hindsIn
ShpadBt a e ltntlL
i7Q n af. ri s 19 12 , ortaBoh! oes S o*Sh p o .repaiigeg Lastly famber. o.
Rooms, assSTATiB,. .Tro5 ar wsk 51l 2SFrt e5BthPons ho Sop ELab rt. j l Photo;

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