2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. --H-UIERIY.uM.HGA AIY Published Diy (Modayseepted)during Cllege ear at THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Argtua Bldg, Ma::: S. 335. State Street. Both 'Phoes 13. Ne State 'Phoore 182. MANAGING EDITOR . H. HoS, '1 BUSINESS MANAGER, .. F. EGELHARD, '1L 'O EDITORS: AsTxtostC loTsOo - ftts. DOsotis01 A.H.MI5OUG.LL,'tll. G. f. Heosrir,T'OE MSLst K. SAtti-so'03 W. A. KIGHT, '1LI, }.. H. WsOODOo,'04 W. P. CttaNr,'l L W. A. ldtoSCoO, 03 E. I. HOSO, '03 The subcription ricer ofthe DAiarst.0 foe the ollege ear with a regular dlvery beore t on earl: dy. Note, cotmunica- tion,tttd other mater inteded for pblca- tion mst be hanoed I at the DtY otice before 8 p.m., or toaled to the editor beforos p. mt of te day peviot to ttat dy ott whih they atreeeted to appetr. Stscripoons may S elt at terDAILtY Gf- ac, M.eyrr, or totlesa aenotoet, or witti Bitinestaer. Sttbscriber twill cotfer a favor y reporin, promptly at this office any faiure oeiert toacelierrpoler. All chatngesit: adertisng mtter mutt abe in the otfie by 3 p. m. 00 tie day Preios to that ott which ttey te to aper. iiSa:1 tttt' ittor etywilly.Chicaiigo 11(1t huless liev31rstoa:ly. heirs te Ottutofthei ic i o itii i: lia thie . ioisuri iMuein:tile.wlih o ore addI e.cLnnoGreene'suLcturem eterady ruie'for cit, :1110 iutii' l0111t'ssvi of~ ritil aeigo' el tlls itit tiry. IId w ittc lit liidisbut rilleat eeydeevn oppotnity sts:100 lail' liltlittereti es-ritei t Ivittly lllcif atog:' i~ts'su':ut 1:1:1 is ~ais Ishld: be, Wt. if tll riLoer ist cstlirltsrtfti: ansatc'ctt ord lllttteir o fiioritss rtitre si' iti. A'i-ttrly 'by trtofaoinstsss l(thfeJoy lotil it' its fittve~tit r Ptttllir syandcourtsya day tbeisfltte 11.lliil, esilts iso tl- th est' it' YrtiAerit C'io,tsdr ilviltrits nersk oett atl lonsllile "Promo:tergoa' Pilteier tto lmitlsrgt' :'nt'oruonn.r Inautgur:ationt is essettially ncesary fillte fbs'itotess world. A manou::stuoe aile to seeIt'etrettlf of an ctterpise frithe it'begining wichiti has ha:d. Ile mutst Ie tretat'csltoiul o to- Iwall sfret s trying to liititte chttante is m:::::s's posile ISlob its delinllgs, ttat l:fis gadutally tig dotte doi y ylday. Te miore flitsais accv:':' it:l hetlfle ls 011 seulatin: itt: i~ t' t a st of gamtbllig. Air. (;reevet'1551'rutedot that of ltte foreign:naitifos nr:'orontig to A all sre:et ftolbotrtw ttoey, antilNess'York mtay becmte te fiattitlce'ntes' of the wiotrll at no distat day, lfthoglti tia::no t es'tti so yet, fheo' less'litsrs off le cutst:t:y to toCon'tttrry iotitl- ottitdiig. Thrie' lifeisturance coei- i ote f Nt'ws York City have~ $25,- 000,000tSI iv'e:'lst tillasmof montoefi sbt'le t'ottttrreitl. fI'ifs:1mst be te respnisiitilt' of ivestigit Jsdi' o io usly' 7 'The factisrs i tielt'stue of sersrities otiWailistre eeda he hns the intiiSc Nlue ft siterit'it- iso tiet'ivluist' h powry I . liet cur : iablyIa i in rutl. t'ieti Irtci 1ref:1i ~iaalM ( reeemdes. l aSci: 'tl intr 'lt'' liitilanrt -St alosI itnu s ttil:,pawltti(. "We-onlutntlt.er .an. Itai, Ryto haveoluhe aeiol dagttit for Ypowillaprtvet drwais.-u Wahen rul lsn othr daughinounsafect- anena $1ehfalSemoreradBookstre. Cefd'eurede motpoietp&na ien nirs el hoolinerso thprisyortrrfred Shei hir od rco atichodaredarleaTheyParilNl piria:: fiureiaexcllencehiAllweor.to aod o sutripy tin ol k n apln aris, Sw1"or-rlatd,"Otho Visiotti"50 Redmondf(Kerr &oCo. 4! Wal Sovregn ew Y1orkd"Fd areehs's epoalts K.Oubjest rof.Itiod FicaAentaCfristan eoi the rnlasoof raelu oad.sreeaailwaMisLindS coparo s 11eguSrins gtnotdrtol ordmmissio. Lisonure n uhern, a ent uestall Even- PHgI~LAEss1LPHIA ~tckOl)-PD. 1.T5uo.? GRAH-uSoat, (-ERR & Cop.7 ATHENS THEATRE TONIGHT UNIVERSITY COMEDY CLUB IN THE MAGISTRATE BY A. W. P.INERO PRICES: $1.00, 75 and 50 Cents C Tickets 01n Sole Today Art Novelties, Decorations, Frames, Poster Mounts,. Dtn't bo deceived, and all Art Supplies. Trade mark slumped on sole of every heeae. DE FRIES' ART STORE, Ueo. H. Miller, 2t7 S 4th AVE. ANN ARBOR i I S c i JJS IS ( I " i I !'.iv.v3 v.vfSfvvvvvaavvaoevvaevatev.v u5 ATHENSTHEATRE THURSDAY. MARCH 21 fashionable Dramatic Event. The Distinguished Romantic Actor MR. ANDREW- ROBSON IN? CH:5blI.S COfHI.AN'bS I{ABOIS PLAY ""THE ROYAL BOX"9 RSENiE NI~ LBRTCK Prices: 25, 50, 75, $1. Seals now Selling FRIDAY, MARCH 22 PLAY THAT HAS BEEN APPLAUDED BY MORE THAN A MILLION PEOPLE THE BIG EVENT Lieblur &, Co.'s Siupeb~i itlii Productiona of HiALE.CAINEs Great Ploy' ""THE CHRISTIAN" So PEOPLE ON VICE .STAGE Prices _ - 50. 75, $1.009 $1.50 Seatso Threeae s i Advance'. Carriuas at 10:301 I Y "AAO O O O OA A A~ A:''-- EVERYTHING NEW EXCEPT THE NAME AT ROSEY'S BILLIARD PARLORS HIGH GRADE Cl(,ARS, TOBACCO AND CSGARfETTES REID AND SUCCESSOaRs S TREETH EYNOLDS. ROSENa RALER 311 TAET* SANITARY PLUMBING_ ELECTRIC CONcSTRUsCaION ANDSUPI, 9 STEAM AND HOT WATER BEATING, 207 E. Washington Street. ABTISTIC GAS AND .ELIECTRIC FIXTURES r SWEETS TO THE SWEET, IFYOU WANT TO BE SWEET- SEE BROGAN 11IDS, MA1t~