THE UMVYE.USIrT itU. oICkIMAN DAILY. 2 Publishetd Daiy (Mondays ecepetdiduring College sear, a THEf UNIV[RSITY Of MICHIGAN MAINcO0FICE BRANCH OFFICE Argus Bldg, Main St. 33b S. State Street. Beth 'Photnes 13. Nexvi State 'lPhete 182. MANAGING EDITOR, 0. H0. HANS, '01 BUSINESS MANAGER, F. EsotWItAo l '1L EDITORS: ATHLETCto IiT Ott - t -i. tisotiti if A.H.McDtitt,.Lt,itt'.. G. 0. H B rTr,'filE Miiss L, K. SABItts'3 WA.IGH-Tt~,*01L J1. H. WsceuiftW,'(O W. P'. CutAsiit'01 L WA. frsSCOTtE, 'C3 E. I. IiOc s, '03 T.he suit sorrtpiuufitrice "Iti fo ALY ISld-A fir the collier fear Wl. Sh a regUlar deivery beftre Itoo, tub da3. itlttCS,futititcit tiits, ttd outlre att~in ttneruifur publita tin tust-be i atoetit theDtILott feilce "befure bip. met or rmutO to the citut'beruei 1). nteosthelWday litesitu ac iOttday con Sab-criti'i otucmy tbe the DILOfi'c- licer, Stryer's, or Stofiet's neK stand, or ait Si Bnittttr lan3teur. eatscriberiuwillicitferit favoir by IeprtiDiapromptly acthOis offte aniy H~e Melts Into Sonorous Ripples RA IN OR SIIN F The instrutinentol soltists of Situsa's The 1100" $3.00 Shoe is the shoe t- Batnd rcates5 a great sostsititittll ! to wear when the weather is uncer- ""_ -iroiatderetLCltk.te tain. A little rain doesn't hurt it k''*< coriebst whse biity'tohod ot t a while it affords plenty of comfort on , ttatiteclfybgtitcfiry the warmest of days. . not anillred-bl log tlnefaiy- s- hut of course we have light shoes totifneit sotit of' the critics. Was thte for bright days and heavy shoes fors litjit of severa~l fhutmorouts fisties. rainy days if you prefer. A1 Ifesisels papfer itt describinig tis s3icility offir. Clabet 'poke os fot- GL.AS'S SHOE STOEL lotst 1 O9So. Main Street.-.i ":tttnyIolr .Cak le oatote. fbit sti nttote! fttopeb:tetott I P.ennsM ni ANN ARBOR, MICH 'Oalt's 0It tiplefe silt-ttc afouthii iis it,. It brolotig's iteolff it +beeoittes ___________________________ eto-iinaf. It ailottttbe- to-out"ibltatt solemt i iljc'iii taiffn ) llfiftll t 1111111EY TALKS I is it fttfbfy soawititixtil itied fills- oloticlltofffiiiiifiieno fte 'obte of iitAnd swe wishitto say to you righlthr f~ot i--iL. c fort is fIwitg fitrtt-iftere into fii'atht witfi which htoieel his cor- you can obtain MO11RE VALUE for ntt fnoits'-i'se It itt-cf . your money att our store itananywhere I'iitfy liiiii sfs. yt ~ else. ifyouhv e e idit,no fitett 1..I larke hae's iinot ti iineif 5iefie- is a goiid titie to begifi. tiiiiy Chait 0attoIiPn" 'iiit isays hlis bandcos\'a";1Oerill Winter Overcoats 20 per cent. OFF from f fiiiiiii 05 if fii'~ntl i 'fl a It1r'itfanvercatu0ersPrce. OFF fro H e w .i ' - f n Ici t .I.f i 't5 'tii so- I, rc tt tit t rt ttttttttt,.I.faiiiiieetf crriersti cartuier pafier. Af t eoti e 3p onrrte da s ou t ab e rt a 1iii I i l iifiisti. ' All Furnishings at Equally Low Prices thaon hcii te e tito uppear. -A iWisie kiioiia," thw e dyot i ll i Jane Adams of Hull House Spoke Last tvilli 3laiti. taoititr ttttlYr'ederiek I'I NihtinUtlvrstyHal tttlpti' 5 55 at I~i3t4itos'ttcr A BIER AND W VERTH Nlgi 11 nivriy H ll tN'i-jisty oil ilof' i i ltufs lte line, U f adsit less-f13r is fthc plot interwovent Miss -los- AifilrtttittoflHuff thosc, Ofiit ha so th- eleputationi of beittgone t'hc ta, ddrsse i god-szedaud fte fttst ittfit"iit, irth-prtovotkitng (fciirgo il fi'cst 5t lan ilasitt -sicf uthi tit'- ow f tfitV s toi heifpulic. The A H N side frtilteierst Ith ~ iititusitlde' Ibie oiff well-dis~o-Itich lle, A H NST IA R 'it-fcatefcotitMiss Atlitmtowsetiscliesctec ifint'eoffiea-oiff OND YMARCH 18 tesfpecial i iifii' i t olt i fcr as ffftii'ciiid iii s i' f' i ssuer ft fiiffil' itat ft tilt Iccitifig fbeca ust-oftthei poli e liilftft fro i tilf tolorftifcNIEl~i V'S 181(1T BE AUTI FIt. A 11L fouf ii f ait iliiitciiit .oft lii'iih tit -felenit. iffiloie lhat- oall fiivers o fiefittrtil. gel -ioclety ly icif tfy-if 'lifiottaf- ""M A fR T FE TL A M O U~TTR '' tP'of'. lItiis I tie op e inat a- l-iord tiimiss. - V ~ L dtt-so. t'fitgt li IiiofeC i'a-otg it liititif_______________ shlrhp itcItltioliiig ft-e' tiis-S pei I)' fi-ii oflt itt S ttst .tAndt her ceavsr associste planersinclueding FREDRIC iliti f stii otti est (rlersnxtautl A :h.DinURPHIY, JOHN FERGUSON. FRANCIS JONES, xtlieIy t iflisit g lt iiitif't''e declared tth i,. ~t'sl-c liiflf i h.of'-ARY TRACY, ANNA SCALFI oand ethers. stffluit ttit lesi'iii'tfo li f-'ce ilnd tin o~ 011ff'ilttit ' ififpifcet 1f 13 i litit tistiristy si-etrfe s t LI't' Oil e- Ilt oio tci. 18IN THlE SUCCESSFUL COMED)Y SEN SATION fIn her liti l' ail titind ietlil iitis lk, The_______Wh _hwil_ pe_ et_ " h1if sA dal dteif' ed iiittt es it i lo i f 1 t 0( oten is't uin i'.1ir i Ioftho- clfi v ~ ~ t htas-ci'ii itoetich il ne -i'tifi l to elit -11ic'iollift. 'fift ftiuiitlgf'f1etitil IcnOt ENTIRE NEW YORK AND LONDON PRODUCTION COMPLETE Missof .tlfi.tid 'u t i-ino liii-bulastocital ffftftlf'iltheti o li'futttf l-t ffltic te t.o'itfiilit tc~l.lftu ti 1ff-ite or 1.\ t- ii v131 'fitthe \ o ssteif ht~ dineipl no 'tlilltbtihvo'igfifanizigdfu' ftii s lobt-11NO advalnce in Prices: 25C. 35C: 50, and 75C work" sid he peaer,"is t dsir' eit/onoof he siol~es face ale} Seats Now :yetintg -to klo iff iiturll uifly iti 101t'kit ndffif fit as t s vers-sct rotuttghit togethief. Itiilfp li Owit hotsiettiii c wutighotiltey o igA e live. ____Robson___"The__Royal___Box" "Nfit. b stfiippse' friill llavot'silfist Chef d'oeuvre de CmnnrwR bo TeRylBx f . ,11 .T he y a olto e t raiit a l ti-it E xposition U niversetle __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11it ahi-I i tiff hils his ifi frnf rom BY ---ii liclarcted, t IfiIlePl l silisurr efIit s-ob rrset th to it ori-potf' it it iii (\r enuse. AiiDitFSS, 303 SOUTH STATE STRIEET) AT "If is this new ili'1f15 Ivirh II-Iii GrandtF' teatid Geld Medalat the F-tris Es- alfe tis ft -arr't forward iu' l ctet-cfiste toition fotr its excellence. Aft serbss oclidttn of iltt-f fi fiiri i it -ti -l~uft. sttbscition onty. 'A aselttttcittsay's.*'Ve i-eitt'ryintg'EUROPE hi lott fllitfirr-ttkils itfieolef'kniilw' Contducted t'acationt party-~tLondo___ nO SY ' ec-oil r .Af t c l-tIa lutihy I se teiii-t' t'Faris, Switzeiranidthe Rhilne-1t0 tti's till seffso fit stcutfigf-tt fotildiii lu's. $2110. Dr. Dirafper, Ilioni.N. Y V.SY 'If I shioulidt-f btal lt h tl -etlitfeiit Redmond, Kerr & Go., I niot. I shiotilidsoy, first o 11 tibisntiBANKERS1 ' B IL 1.I A RK D..) P~A RK LO RS()K Ofi ito1,itti- NSh hitii 1se,.1 i h5oi ltsiyfet 41 WallStreet, New York tIhI ittinstr . 5tlt i'ttsorry cufttor il.T..,.t -HIGH GRADE CIGARS, TOBIACC'O AND CIGARETTES gitill- he hiot tt tll~i~oshtiffWe gotill ud hu-ee jetbatinig business. ElDUT Itt itsebft 10o ftiyf e leit--.tei-oSlly rntit e e aljetdecDvduiA ece oni-ibl-it'tIt-t iiiil anoy nSer'tenoe eandtieie.Dvdeendds L RSENTHESSR 3125 f gtlile s tat f fclloA 7ott>Fiscal Agenti forad negotitethe iscue of I AN te settleitt-f to lt alliitthe it- ttste rairoads, uteetedilay, andrempe etc. t us N R 3 1 Pu'littitl~ it t13'sle. Ticc- ealrsMembers New York RExcbange.LL I1.I ' ire alreody cl-ottet'eI'Iif.EAL IN- . Iliftietltlocitf s ta tial IIIGA[:Nl:+t ECRI~sj F SC U ,t SANITARY PLUMBING. Hc ie IGH-GfeRAE corINETENtT ELECTRfC CONSTthUCTIfONAND SUPPtLIES, sS if, bieis litrentwo., wI. silllit PHILADIELF.?tA COHRRESPONDENTS. 27U uhnlnSre. ARS'tIc GAS ANl) Ei~tuC'ilC FIXTURtES otolitigIIoslte ti a 1otti itottit. GRAHAM. K ERR & CO. HIGH GHAOSEIMANTELS Al CGtRATES. "h stlm n sntsll ol m y])ogicual Itblllctofy. 'Ihltitttt list - 'Wwtt. -w otItltsry to i f 1itit lttei-ist. Poosr Itole ri ' .o 'anB+ y th. sistol's hkioiw ttlu ti they oreIvini llOt- vc.tat st-l. Iu'at-o s-f- t e- filoll lay PoteMtnWr c(fuhe ll et liv'iigt ith stifeope ttc I PtntLeth Shoe $3.,50 TW A H RE'1 'If1tc ui a"r 'o ilYpekneti TatWon't Break Through, 2T8ESJJIOEAIN fifte11c uiytfnighttiotth3be l'cesity of t ..T a Detrtit Settlement. ~WFFTq Tfl TIr .AWI T 19VC'tI EIW AI-isIT TC I2Q C C AICT QO :9 DDCannAK I I En IaAIhN