VOL. Xi. ANN ARBOR, MICH., tbUNDAY, MARCH 17 1901, No. 121
.Our Speial Line of.... A CRUSHING DEFEAT Lligh jint,-snow cmt. 1; white (ll. THE COMEDY CLUB
2; .; ft. 7 in.
a~el nd DlleS C 4 lit yrd run Nufer (I), 1; Hoton,
Foeg n o etcAdministered to Chicago-Capt. Hayes ('), 24r}-2 sees. Will Present "Magistrate" Tuesday
Breaks World's Record in Half-mie Mile run-Lellogg(i. 1:iHulhnit Evening-Synopsis of the Play
-ARIei1 et ore in the history o1 inotor (It. ,,I ' igi ft. 2 ut.in selecting 'The Magistrate" for
F OR SPRING Mett the NWaterman gyinasiui Itdlii lit-iit. : (ihato. 2:their coning feforines' ethe nier-
thd su"th ca rge antitee'- att -r to :3oS 55 toiniti (Comey('111) loive hosei one of
-heiotr on the track tltes. la t '1 swst wo u lay hrtot
tidts atlenilncec was rir(1(.rt ( tlf hot eros onm~ieie. A synropsis of the
ha a ivi au 8 r laer for there were oe thin ouiti H i tlit t iit lii i is s follows
r-iiried for iisec 0r swu yteVns ie
W e hate the lrsi alas- Andilit "il i tS till itiostt t'ctowditiIS l;: tuhrn y stret'tpottc oct, ls. shie on
sot reut tinl te icity, ttit'tt stitit irtlftp ltotaw it I it -ill_____________tittotit tkiti for ltttertrtrorse,
were appl~ttta tie, 'trt t'lrtitttltaIt-sDr ihiem 1to Lct-e at John Hopkis itasit, i i ii tosi. ts titoy of 14,
W IL D -i C o . t id iiot.et e'ott ughplaies t r-' Univierity titdlithoiis i Sthrsel, -etrig tlos
j c ie m ch tilaiu'. th iti t t tte io r Ittg tPokt, the
A D A Me l t rrt1wh hrh m-goio I-'tii'Ii VuorsiTi ituu. ist-it ltt lttinswitsowgt'h tttiolld t'10111tiSha t s a toil-
agaiE.ui tli'fi'ttiSt.twt:.ei'tiltdt . Smttidttno.timts Vr it-ttitil toldilhut e cstus it A~iaratoe-al aths t erte oyuw-arry otlil-1.ohts
rtahie.T he Ar-s uslii iretoks tsd tit ul nt heI's mt su et fth ua c
lexI~ I tuettot } .Illt. It Sluuly sCtatflett, ut lytints tck il tu1rr-iituuutofhut sfo iisuoft Witte
Hu t lut elds i h uSt Fo;. therd inati ti iti'oiluso -quu i estrt- true t-.a Sirs.ablorkititits htst and o
tilt I liiiisitti flue T woigtus tif rtit i kcti etir secresuuie tidils-i' ru-o
ev r 'da r .. Iu p et-I it ailt. tIwir rs'O wl i i ltitl d i-twit t e rn: tiuti' s-ti Iuta n ut' cett-I thy ruryuiif o i m theria
SA T Dm sc. hchbek htWrds iths of m t siis n iit lsut',itekut' tilt uit o ityltrs t'i-r itti titrshit
I eydy,.E.. - o h l ut tllt i tl t i t i i itit ls-iiietseii' 'I'll(,trrtltitliast-Itoiwilluibt
PEA N U TS___sconds__with__the__________of__Frenhitsesit.bca - t t s i-iiti'o st h. i lt,, uiana gd his
Ihef t is htit thu.1 -'id s io wo __with __lii-tt' ius o h me ep h it' it a ft-un tithe' a ventis
A~~hi) i listre i}yo till ti lni au Itt-st Atit t woii it t i s h tchi quett ofi' ld i Frenyhit i-iis otlts t titaiMuftr i ioti st ldii ni-l
ed fe h Fslfgi iM u ad 1iIl.A - u te s:tuone wiitthttii li reii q itt u -s.hel l auts ol. frit.teun fIii hut' i llwhtor
T~lE DEMA D FO ~ wh.tu et r t htiuii 5 i lk utu ii ii h tulhilt iiituet Cenha r y.' I ht lut astlcuei ts hit eniutt'l tutu th tutuyni
____ shiuilt) tpein h t tih it i tt fi t t t U ais- out 1thtiu s t lii i' t ut' I t t th'' tw -ull ' tuela} ule t'sietit,'e u it's i-lth
M A C tel ho nhl iiitI'll Wit ll'. o-it tli ,'r astuh Ie NI ~v itheiu'titniu1I uil ,e heuwilyi oig t h nt g it i tl s
nih t o g trf hits tee '' Sttic s i uut, ulutVutsifctlion- . frend 'I. lilla .ftindt kesii 'I'lr -hert
eu uit i i s t'l hits rVaiint'liwe fuitet supisnl ft
thu-ud ttuli 11111 I-'ba l tgu tu'l tuuti1c1k.i s'iurstt uifo'l':-t tttus iuiils t s tihuuilhi lt t ft ia tl
A O D U C isn(tl ro ;e f' iemalad hu Itt fli' Readtulut k rci tulttofug tA ut1t11 ht-' ui tth tl i lt' a iutut I 'kt' ;til tt'3til
1lurts tut l vltuh it hu l. IIIl-uutl it ho ttit mtvgvhitist' uedye t u litoat 111u s it ii' it -te Cnrsati ontiht w ith is
Iti1u tus i ia l ti'1 uuioii tinit
I S O E ctast1f'f- i ta l sti t i an teusnittiti - hts ll ii-n, it'oiintorder toi betin pr t i te
t i-IEE.. N hKollIllyA t it tfor s tutu p iate by(lt n. ti-l iliitl _ 1i r' tet, vol t ~ld tin tthun iii nds Ii frisenduVtaterout ohniiali'tltn -
'_R R In Sth i ll event Thle high ut-i' s 'u' fact Ph' ut -in cei t ion wsitt tsplltuu.al11 tts ut 'Xiitit iMiss i flit' It i ci tei. h
s o-u. an ll p otl ts 51. I'iit i lt uwo por tcalln. for thel piuipose ohus'ltsitt- Itemselves ttt a te iof suit ns meal.
THE DENIANSD FRG .S.OR lltit( ' hpoin t'lstw tilt. I li te 11 1Pi'er hrewr w te lk1 isr esta.tebloyi
shot pa t a udshigh juuulsi t c thin;.n i a di te ort e i ut-itt tl .ui odus hi s afetu ut tscti ve111111 ' ht-ht ss ol
T w r d e s t tu'la tt lvet, iitkten. -itlt il 'd retlu lut'uattilstisi-t. h o.Ii i uts tu u utangl 'tig huto get 'id huh if. s
toha e oti is it u of as. util gurl It iv I i-u-i tuu utui olleut'e' I tulip' h g a'eis et iy s iend ut-i till lTy itier-
hutohutaiuuCiips'Lootiul .1 tut us In tutu tutu1utid'i'e(uTup. rf ispthehao hm l i iugte oel n
IjGR A ER P NN EV R l e ieet P itt: rotI obo~ist til thelitrayig r tmet-- - - -.I iver ra tillti-itt iutbyi st-hing' ttIh rowitu'
ni't c: t ooi is 1( hi-u e ' I( I - - - -2te unil .7 s il1l1)( k' hh tcuht1).hulls..Po k t hr ith si
THll, ~yE N ~uI~ adIl. dguiolaat utiuin at A. INodereeAluunetoDied1Yestord o flay d it lhuts tanm'down, andsnu'the asuha
IsCHItsi-uu uAiTuttu m tm' d;roat eeve r Am f nttu cle h vieik
7ti titlltg hm t-l l'ilai 11 it I tIi' sml'uuu1tiuifv 'lsi i tuuitlmlt55 51 s er Dr.ch Novys Ri tp r ned . tty
to yu. e w nt p 'ile uoul t loc ii fsithsuipoft' leiiit lturritt tuiS-'k inst a s hourtiSltua)( re i es o 2 r r ho-he1 tnbs ribil t
to come inD ndU 00S1ORE ts' itkuth;aif gfilug rf sentispu'lr.l u tnh iru' s enlthreteflaw detor F ke- ial nt ien and N sentnce
arun heeer yu y mtslwly.iliyth itst aputihe eiv- (tutu theihi i. Ale1 h wuuhe lu "rhto imfrism ent Situ i l' ncd . to.
haetme fter s Ithin'hHay s wa cltl i dea i d i iuu cl ise d iso walfluei lershV '111e gultciri~h r. hat P ii'r of thimanl
anyhon in our ntok ' ait ndiitloutue tttiwho ihadta7 edfeloNiiruut seh ;Ind mutnhos o tsurse i wof plus. anteDr.!macuse r o C dicao iDr
} thtyu w ul1ie t t teyterldltisin fe. hitltuu u.natFis h grtCUtu e ('01108tmr.lH as "o tue ofuuuflu hut ituly s 'e tiguitit Cle hmup tice
{. rllag li tHiui t's eta,, tiith tae NtSiligisuos itnushfau n.olglyndfu oshdt fhs hmuuu
h1 tulls'. e Ia o vll~t2 ewas the repuhuian c a nd r ilthu ir P ou'iti e list seTh in l'sre
Remr ba tyocar fit the tt er h u tt'l c htsil h''tt ' l tuteo cigtesutiaaaug ui iu Sut'.htmisuuusiuuuu leinhs
+ot alwyawecom ai4 flemtt-y. e: tmu hi s py mt12. hii.e ueealalhuh unigoer760 lottt ileotfed tast yean's e rerill
.1. .-.- 4 1.1ssrs - ots' ahad othi tiket. Hetnuisuenedifresa piughut teileag
4. ~Suh-lut-Shiowt (Si). I, itolihsou elected to the Fifty-first, Fifty-second, Prof. -Nosy said: "We foundlthe
(M), ,a2 >9 ft. 5 in. F'ifty-firld, Fifty-fourth, Fifly-fifli, plague n ot at all .larmig. There is.
W 8~~~~~~~80-yurdi run-Htayes (1).1:. S;t - Fifty-sixth antd Fifty-sevenzth con- no likelihood of its spt aditug est-.+oe C,2 im. . i.
greased._________ u C) .Tia.2.inn.~I iward. If iii tibe stanpd ut."