a 'SHE UNLVEI18IT Y Ut 4It It=H1tA DAILY. Pubhisahed Dasts (Mottaysecepted)dtritg College ear, t THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN rgue Blg, Mate St. 336( S. State Steet. Bth 'Phoes 13. Nrtt State 'Pheec18. MANAGING EITR, . H. H s, 01 RUSINESS MANAGER, F. 1:GFoo ntete -: EDITORS: Ar:.EoTI Est'oat - Ca-ts. DvotAa 01 A.H.McDOGAtL.,01E. G. . HSKtoTo,'l MsLK. Sssatste3 WA. KIGH, 01 L, h. H. W,)oOWt,'O4 W. PCttAsst,'01Ll W. A. BasOoeF, '03 F.I. HOSTN, '03 Thesustcrlltias ire t te Pst:.ris .0 for the Colleae yeat with aregla deiery be tere nattas -aah ay. Notces, Cssoostoait- loe, atd othermttttr itiettesi foe pblit a- Sinlo tetttSeaded i at. the DPotts oie beforeesp.t., or mnoted to the tatoo efre 3 p. m at the day pte~s-to t tat day oitl which they a-c ea teted o appear. Sabseripioto may e lethat the1DAILY Of- 13t,Myrs, otsttlets etltattl. o eit BttittetIattaee. atogiersill cottea fatvor by reosrtig prosmpty at th, offieray failure of cariea toodeiver paer. Alt chatge ittadverttsigtattler 0mu5ste iteheie b,3p asslte day previoto tha1t Ott thich tey ateeto appear) Dan:itl I. lrotst- is ded~. 10Ithe11 elan thSlrutg who~sse efrs te Utiver. ily sft M-igttt:twss lcted t(Ssa.Ant: Arbotr. lit nt otSntly uset eve-ry :east o sett-eIthe:5testblishmentit f tstt tiserily, but. he5:. witth;. W Alov- sot: -ntdtWint . 8.lisyasrd, dted thtt ie camusls::d. Tihit condlncettsoftheit Llmtsstrsity lo toI: te rlslissof Dne tBrown iis:thetiretttsvttl(tll. Wedttnesdaytty it Marty tof senior. litir- :ltesy s~tuets swou:ld beitsit IDetit Io- tday visiing Pat~reDais&s tCo5. and: th~e the arsupp t~ttl home,,tstos sttlt at nom):: t: ttl s. ~look Sverourl sbrtoies, Thiss: ses:still.sti: dobt,.tke it: the at secti:o::oficirssea ots isbeeserveds Silnos: St t.ts. We w~stio tt 'Uttisitheflit:, agaelin~51 taibit:-reputationtfor stitialiy tst visit. ceptiont le tal::detsertvts, sando et n brilliant st-ri o f any Masroon):go Siip- jaiadies-t. 'iTe10me1twil lstelosey o:- ttetdo Stil :shile Aieiiga::halittsligtt adtattiage 5511pp(rothere5:5is i:t 'ossi- bulyi th letgts :sst my tuntheSitaeIs onttits inthi( reisy'ad hisf-tiit'.witih wovttdImakse fthe s:outcomei::uncomfot- abily l*a. WIstt''r :may Se tyou tilt totmttClet l t thmet 1WIa 5sttests its 0- Tall Men's Club at Penny ltt.:tusyivas:tn stli te: lstve fotel tt clutb. (Only 1thSt12 ln~gtst fllows i: the tuniersity stere lgile. Tetex:tt 1.2 made upet])s:: ssstilttt' mebeirsipij, frot:::wiei:tey sill ito pro~toted- wen thtiey go. 'Te ffces sill be~ called "Mio::nitte," Sy-Scraper," find '"Cilitg Dutstr." Te litnt of memtbership is 8( et. A qutormtnolall lie cnmposedl whent7 feetos ort of meatet ett preet. Later ot a dstsee will be give:: by te log e. No lady ovr ive fet swill Se ittvited. Deatt Houtins antnoned yestrday thsbt stas'ery lprottinet seaerla~d probabSly See: seutredIfr ('toley :1ay, btt iat as te mttster was t etat- tirely sotledlSe iltSnot feel st libery 155 givethtts tnste. 11e expliediltit sotrtfslls tot te freslineula sws tle tigttfite'ttte of (Ottley dasy- a::s urged giv'entinthle Barbour gymaluittt. Abtot 210 signified their itetion to do so.' "Do or D"{ Cotiiotd fronm Firs Pag. beam~e one of te anditdates for te relaty teaatwhiliel took part liti the relay ratces of 189$, atd ts shown o tatt ocasiont.was the013 bet mtant a:oite lean. lie pe~rformtedj the tunusotslifet, in te lMihiga-C'hicago dustl tee aI )etlrsit in tatist year, of winling both the gtiter itndlihalf-maile r'nts, doing thte formter itto1 3-5 seotds and te tatte itt 2:S002-5. ''Tis prforttasnce Ite rpeatedSitt te Wesernt lnlo':'tole gintelalsst yesar. ais best tite is:tte quar5tetr-mtile' is 4l 2-5, ta~sdei in'therusy retee- at Philadlelphia lst yar. Hs~l best t lilth ie ihalf-mtile it ometi-ol tioa:s ms ads:est IDeroit 1:: 818. He twas '-sptsit: :f the Ciicago teatm tNisis-li tsolt:t 1::the English chan- at Ptaris lst s:::summe. lHe ont sec~ond sihamptiont:'s.sis butf Oti tcotttof te 81t1ttisytdifficltyiwats t ta sbe'to ttke~ hurt tiIilte Worl sir gm~tes. Tilt tnlusheasut o hqt erIie5155'O-miil tools Soa FrestIS S. HlotS osty.}2 -Eniterd te a Striitt-sily tof I iissgo st thle sste hits: a, li,,ibrthetrltb.it Clft tor Porfto Ris-o sititshis stgi::ss-tt before- the tr'scko st-sool:eitn.s:::. idlls sp lrpartory tts t stNisgsarsaUtiestiy. IHe woni iiss-5('il t-e,120-yadhulsrdes llist' Norltwetsterni mtiet of 189, althfiogh itt' tidtSnot sh leotitpel itithast srig, massinly ibetsause of weskness esatsed bytyphitdt fever whiich: le cotrctel shotly sfterrIhs retturntfront te wa, ht:SI: th erly sprinig of 18l99. tLast yer: I~e tia: :t grestily Imatirosed fornWi:- (is the120-yards hurdlses i te West- Dot enIntsereollegiatet and aOcclig sconad phi-. -- lls-he 20-ysardi thtrdes. Ills bet titte ilist ompetiiontl iit e 10-yard mn~sis lltitsonds, ll Ithe 22iyrdt hurles >seon-tdss.Il~e wass oeoffito 4 tittntt-s::: ts:am:asd slonsis:IltS i tlace ill - ille-all)-ysrd hurdlst Pars:-Ia-lto wo l tndSited~ilys ha-vs:::trolsec~on place itseitslilichamionits ht ~ 3t5sitge Ills eve tdhe t tteentt-tllto. site sam eshts: wIi itti Kaeli Ott cstnce ithe11:,slmitt e 55511-in tetEng-I lish Iteampitnshipt..i lett :s aste l- iseisoftheIItI ll liotrettytteam03lst i 11s.. tinsrd sst'.-]ts it s :ts:iofteo 1 uoet-sttstit itya It'p ealyisthetsl s-sttltgmisle 111:,at it er, ei:r:sgwh:nt pi ear ta:t Hel ehstol 1 Stac tfstissue,+ t trck tvtt lNi s to t ts tu ettof itt dr:4:1ion rlayproaeti of1Lat yse.st't dt sr~ is quarto'te litr 513 stsa tt5. litte ofmile iran'lin teattrnti n Itier- toltisistin terOPaset at ottbeig nt:s ad t nthreety adhakoBke eri litas b 1eme t rftlti C ofo ilota Ptewh ontt vn ihefd'oeuvr5. e pear atAora WaltoaSagey wheandi wasa pier b fthe hlatrck I tta, ruonngtedbthe teralfmlelandO mld M enatte asE- tetoonabte itodstiacAt ortottoldioa th ts e i t erio on a c u t o i k e s n n y r c nly h s b g n t a n n Redmond, KerrUni&eGoed BYB 41Wal l Ste, anew Yoprk oTe tuato teotiandork eittedtAea Trantactrzgearsttol hdattghoarsExF poitopriseatelraadne.gAtatetherksof Memberse41WlYoSrkeethae.or and1InterecoletadmttSed. RctIEs. ial oAguent orandlergtate theo isseofa HILGADELPIAESTMETSPERTS. GRAHAM, KERR & CO. ATHENS THEATRE TUE~SDAY, MARCH 19 UNIVERSITY COMEDY CLUB IN T"HE MAGISTRATE ST A. W. PINERO PRICES: $1.00, 75 and 50 Cents Its o1 salie at Shleel 5 i's Satiiday, AMattl 16, Mtnday and Tes lay, Maics 18 anid 151 at 1110 Teatre. Curtain will rise promptly t st steok.- - Art Novelties, Decorations, Frames, Poster Mounts, n't he deceived, and all Art Supplies. Trade mark stamped on sole of evey shoe. D E FRIES' ART STORE, We aro Iole agent s. Gieo. H. Miller, 12T S 4th AVE. ANN ARBOR SATURDAY, M1ARCH 0. Matinee and Night BARNEY GILMORE The young character actor and comedian in the Comedy .Drama Success.... 1Kidnappe4 in 1)ew York. NW SONGS, l TECE W CENERY, SLE ACTRESS NoTrE-Tils play is based on tile abduction of BABY MIARION CLARK Mr. Gilmaore will sing the latest soglhits, ''Takitng the Pic- ture of Baby," ''A Little BunchI of Rosebuds," "Sweetheart Hlow I Lov'eYo." Miatinee: Child. no, Adults 25c. Eve. 15,25,35,50 Comning: "A WISE WOMIAN." NAM ROSEY'S ILLIARD PARLORS HIGtGR(lADIE CIGlARIS, TOBIAC'CO ANt) CIGARETTES ?EID AND SUCCESSORuS 21) OTT EYN 0 LDS ROSETRALE UISUTREE SCHUHI SANITARY PLUMBING. FEECTRtIlO\SCooTi IaN AND SUPPLIES, STEsAM AD Ilso WATER IHEATNG, 7E. Washington Street. ARTISTIC GAS AND EI.eCTic FIXTURES $,WEETS TO THE SWEET+ IF YOU WANT TO BE SWEET- SEE -BROGAN 1ID S. MAIN