Li~tE fi vjrsis1'Y OF ICHIGAN DAILY staih $1.90 egsfthtethrbakrpal o 19 SWheseare feinsotermnrfheeelet wensaes onlyOerso *will ash $2.50. They're in the window. xo sxv x t v I x OOSEE* G117 MIAIN STREET __OODSEED'A * -I 3n1? ?laa3lai3?i 3 333 Etar~ :am E ?E3 .33 *: s ~za~? Micbizan Central NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE THE SHORT LINL- ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with tirect connections at ('Virago for St. Louie. Kansas City, St. Paul and the twest. Eat information ant through tickets call on or write toH.W. H AYES, AentAnio Arbor. ANN ARBOR RAtILROAD .32 2H.N.1 MIĀ±' 1.175M TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Sutntay, Mlay 20, 0899. ETinsleave Ann Arbor by Central Stand- ard Tite. SOUTH NORTH *No. Vi.- 7:25 A. M. No. 1.- 0:501 A. M1 No. -13'A. aM. *No. 5.-12:30 P. i. No. 4.- e:M5r. a. -No. 3.- 4:50 r. aM. tRan between Ann Arbor anod Toledo only Alt traint doily except Sundayv. W. T. WI LLS. Agent. W fl. BENNETT. G. P. A- HOCKING VALLEY, By. The Railroad that takes the Business In and 'Out of Michigan. 4 DAILY BETWEEN 4 TOLEDO, COLUI1BUS and.AT HE~NS. W. H. Fsher, L. WV. Ladman, G.P. A. G. Trav. Agn. Columbus,, Ohio. Detroit. Mich. Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Cars leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti every hour beginning at 7:15 a. m. tun. til 9:15 p. in.; After that to lDetroit at 11:15 p. m. Waiting room corner Ann aod Main Sts.; Iletroitlil1 Griawold at Cars every half bone Saturdays aind on Fridays from 2:15 to 5:15 p. mn. MONEY LOANED on Wateben, Diaends,Wheein and other Per- sonal Property. Office 'at residence, 3t31E. Liberty street. All busianas confidential Hours. 8Sto 11:34a. mn, and 1 to 3:30 and 7toS9 P. W. JOSEPH C. WATTS .Us OF M. TAILORS + 0" SPRING IMPORTATIONS have ar- 0 o rived and are ready for inspection 'HENRY BROSi, Programs of Literary Societies Ct105511. 'Events-R11t. Mtr. Nli i 111 roi t E -di.is1 . I .II ttI IIe it c. tlf'ia' 11l )isfutsiitti- esti ed."l'ba.i lthethilpie asile lttilenot lathe lilt' 51011'l li ll be liii i to t oia n me t' e..t111by ahet'llti" persols: Cromer, lit'll Met'.onovant KaMi1, I1)t1x1..t Ferisilte ll so l l r i llt lettl i ll,. 51;ewesl ..J11,1 II it ol.La l leilt e. c'lan0'.ch str der, Mers; Mileratie, ilc liytT. L Cipbeiftird. ~ tn .J1tt:1CI eb old hy FItDt.LVt ar gt~ttt''IL r stir yea. "Bpecause I Love You" ]'irk ii~itt.x 'i~ti'. it velt'r5: tillrt' 111 1nvS .'11' -il r1ll i nS.o o (,1t.1 al igrs iatlt'ape TigetlesI, pc ye A11th yot. se thnesok the seT; lied . v!atti thyeo. yo wille rooutnse tha'th"tlwat n ober. Agoencyli121ls.: Nip'chief'PltO Slolets slist'at th" 'tol i 'tt''tut or ireniars ntt Itill itotito rlIt for P1211.111.5in .ali'lt'tatii-*l hasi' Itl eiSiiti$3.i lae.'1o.fAd nieedlas. 111et l The JOREPH thOf 1. 1N MANDOLINS .& GUITARS Iteceived irtPitremiumiiat I telrs EOspoc- tion, l9tHS fTy art fot sgatbthe Schaeberle Music Store, 116 W.A Litt-itylSt.1Ann Allo ch CHAFING DISH $5.00 3 pint size, paten i1011, iiaidles. 011li Lt 'i ttl' pall, lit bolltely the- best in town forth ie prig;c. Win, Arnold, Jeweler FI1NEST 45LE IG 115 IN 'THE CITY AT Holmes Livery PHONE 106, ;t,,IlliIY S If liottys' 1111ittof ll':'l.-'s ilt' ton- fettiotns. Aiats'r111511:>t ttt dtlto oystersto rfil'the elite.'-ii-a t thstole- 2001 E. 1 ahtlltitihi lii Sit. hitt'. Pickwick BiIliurO Parlors, RegtutalttinSin' 'Iahlf '. ti1:1:10' art i Shlona. Everytinlg NIw and Strictly Up-to-Date. 707y N. Univeraity Ave. Ann Arbor PU ritanShoes for Womr en $35 -~ Are rorrect in every detail from the DOUBLE SOLE Street Shoea to the Louis XV Heel, HAND TUR~NED) Solea for dreaa wear. l.C'P ace steaming and Emblmer and a 13Eant WIliamn Street mas.g aspM Barber ENOCH DIETER1E FunealDirectorUniversity 6jasl one-half blonk westFin homn ath tdoe age stcia- of t awbhiliding. All kindsi I Fn Rtw ndPa 19. 2 '125. Fourth Ave,, Both 'Phones Shoe Shop Gr. Lamber'R anu iIPhoto. a d 'l