THE* UNIVERSITY Uof mICHIGMN DAILY. 2 ,_._ it Publisohedt Daily (Moottday ocptddtriig Colege aat THE1 UNIVRSITY OF MICHIGAN AIOFIE BAcOFIE s Bdt,Mai a St. 33 S. Stteo Stee. tob 'Phtoes 13. Nw Stwe'Phoe 12. MANAGING EDITOR . H. HST,0 BUSINESS MANAGER, P. Esc tH~oot,'00 L" EDITORS A2ItLtt t HuTc Ottt oo Cit s. DOcoiot'00 A.H.MOCD~t6oAt..'5tEH, 0. H.,rto o, 'E Miss IL, K. S~Atttoot'03 W. A. KstI~o1 L St0 WA. Bts0SCOE, '03 H. . HtooTO\, '03 1(1 lt cttt0 31'rc.00 iihit taritottotdeitt lc efte too .,ttohoto. Notoe,ctkaotititi'0 Bons, td hitt ter tt-intotdCooterot- po i- linuusOt antoo Sis a he tottice beOe 0-to.)tm., o t, :tioed to the -allto bfor 3 V. m0tt O 10 tt-ayplviut t Oitt dtay Ot wtichtlot3 ott- rottototo lottot. 9uSolitoi . itmy nIt to- .5tl vtheIYof- lite,. Otyt I's, O t ot lt oot iewttttittor witth BoainetotoMnaitttr 3usotto-iert oiti cotttrt falto curiter- to.' towotyitPtape tir tt All chantges int .ttertt'.tooo tr mus~c t tbtii i the oiceb}' 3OP. too otto[Ito otayt o'totOt~iO haonOt which tioeyote to appeatit. bsittilittat ito ansvoot t ot fothetot ioo retaoyltt tttttiton tttheUtivrty.t sheohadtottlotoy wodts of proie. Ohlooer titnttphitol rotorto to Ioot (iy, Itoototoof lotsotillofilt lotttoan werto'gitvtoott11111t"htint ttttott po' ttti- 0Ien~ Ot~thatittto1ost' ltt~to t~tt' e- sity . ilt tigootototoo oto tttt' otltttt't ''Intost sorlttosmen tofthot'weoo" ty Whent't thet thouoosotttdttty rooters wtoi rept elstltodthet' v. iS. L'. 1tototroto o Cotlumbutot heOto'joottiti"ofO t ltio's eototo tol (atout~ tttt' t Cl oog nIill ltoig ttnsbo t il te rooot 01001otcotdetr t tt hadotatutghtl ltioto too tooat viititg .'tit-ligttt'wolfiorett or lty ftomt110 worldt:itotlargetototolhoot' tordtoIs prat~'ttttu i te 0000001 itoou lotit ontetlt atndt faied ottoto ow ti otsit'tttt'tttltly -tdotiol titrototuitot spititi. Chicaogot is ich-Iigan'so most bte tttnd ttost soi-to sofoot rioo. 'it' hMaoton vlt'o-to Oto too005tomorowIooto-slSt 10 loot spremacttty int idoio(oortct. ttol. we0'ar010tin-ott (10 stto-o. When the ot Ch('li-ao, ot t ototeas o itt foorot to- rootter too'tooo Isfot andotcodto 1 tO hloty Siltootetot Ftullt to't ttoittioto wotok of I l oon00010010ttSts iltintty000 titto tiuedaitto tt'he -cotetot 't''tlve te tttlttttoot itderv. ''ley treour 00111' Songs For the Chicago Meet 001 ltttt'totida f hv g sonlgs foothtlt xl'ot 11toorotwt nigt i s sottotlottg toot fot' 3iollgotitdoortitracIttleiotts. It is hooedtt by tmteans ot' tesouotrt me1011 will too'beoter ltgoot to ooth010011 bost, tatndlit. sillOalsO o'terve 1as 00aOmen~s of t'ititg te r"te010000so0 1101atto'ti thleotdboor cotettsts oto-tr, thy c011 renttrlotnroeffec'tlive soricetitheoo wily of rootitg. A totetlog-too prcotieo Ct'e ontog 0R'lt,'eothel toligtotllithelt 'I't'tlly rootofthtelt yno. 1f0o1 7 too8. Stats owt111000e1trovi'ddt an atll who catl sinig 0010eotrgedooltoo ttnout..Air. Iotrl tlof 01v l'Conttgreogatttioal dotolo oill leaod t11e0shilgitg. 'Phe'sonogs ottolotittoolowtoo. Learn01 (110011 t befoe you otogtto) toe gro. ]WICHIGAN YELL. LT. of NC. Roh! Rh ! U. of M. Roh! Roh! H-oo-h! Hoo-Roh! Michigan, Michigan, Rah! Rai!! Rah 1!! Roth! Rath! 'Mich-i-GAN Raht! Rohb!Mich-i-GAIN Raht! Roth! Micht-i-GAN t R-A-H!!!! litr: As otunog at O/hio gamle. Oich-i-GAN. 0 Micho-i-GAN, WNe yelltoe yoll ftoo.Hayes' mietn. Olod Mich-i-GAN. Chicago's TEAMf,atlso-ot RAN, WNe yoll, we ye110,ste yoll again,- Old lMich-i-GAN. Got Micht-i-G:AN, Go Mich-i-GAN tN'e'con o-tt1efore, oi-o'lowinoagaitn, Old i'Mich-i-GAN.E Air: " YThe Dutco/ICottpiiity." \Whent the C mteebt the .11, Thenitoticot a toble fight, Boot the1I Asono before Andte'l cwou ingain tonuighot. Fot o00000'Voority is ote battottVarsity Ttoat 000 hoortoin the Tett' coutry. Itt rent tetsts o£ speed, Yl oNee 00(0lot gue-os lootog Fi ort 1 1ohas ttto lood.le Ai:"ramTtorotot/o, ITrallip",0 too liii h 00000 100000 0001out e Neost, cap- 'iooloot to'olitolos te-'re itost, (loot thoy'll tindl they're topagaitost it lhard Andoti ii ouoio booh-,rlmry 0000 last. Ito's ao toinch lthev'l 00000liiltla t. Thtouagh tohiy rottmi ist ouor butotohowitht all teir toigloo. f/to.: One. too, thlreeo-ur000scooreoisgrowting, .1 to 0. o-Ii t to esy gooal;- AndotIhoooo-;tli thoe'toaize andtoluoe, We. 00111 roth) it 00000 0)0 XXIhe \\-e putot Cliicito'S trook teamillo the hool'. 1-01 loo't~ts001a00shoed a feow. N-i o-ooooogi o r Anogllis reio, ' At too rouontdte corners far ahead to- noight: Awotl toeoothlis 0000t0is oel Wec w0ill wohooit it 001 00000eomore Foor to' \Nitoters of tioeNVo to.' =i l o000 Blight. Oildol Ii-hiig-oooi-totmachinon, i Were going t,o-i the dit t~OlNoMihigan1sio to n o1 The o'citto ioito too 000 AoolnIMichoig-an woiil fightoigiho' \\"Iooot-ict'ry endsth Claooy. Ats ooe tre tonttitot itg ('i lo, RA IN OR 5HINE00 The 100"Ot $3.00 Shoe is the shoe t . to owear when the weather is uncer- 0 lain. A little rain doesn't hurt it ' while it affords plenty of comfort on ' .. the warmest of days.' But of course we have light shoes- for bright days and heavy shoes for rainy days if you prefer. GLASS'S SHOE STORE, lO9So. Main Street.,~ Open evenings until ANN AR~BOR, MICH t o 8 P. M. MONEY TALKS And we wishI to say to y'ou right hiete yo can obtain MORE VAU o else. If you~ have ne0e01tied it, now~ as a good 11i010to hegino.1 Winter Overcoats 20 per cent, OFF from o Manufacturer's Price. All Furnishings at Equally Low Prices STAEBLER AND WUERTH r ii ATHENSTHEATRE SATURDAY, IARCH 16, lmatinee and Night BA RN EY G ILMO RE Thte young character actor and comedian in the Comedy ...Drama Soccess.... I~idappd in Inew York, SONGS, fppTHIECUTE N~ ANCES, CHILI) NWSCENERY, SEACTRESS NoorF,-This play is hated On thte abduction of BABY 11ARION CLARK 6 Cho. ._Mr. OGintore ciii sing I too1-rout ! Iltrrooh io1 bootit lfoot Nlidloigaloi ! 1t10eof Baby,''t A Li it' II ! tol rroolo!te Oakisof ooloTp- 11ow I Love You."' Ando thore agaour000 tol ool toetoooeil stanod toor NMiiogan-, Matinee: Child. II :N-. ,%0 00re0001n0u00itg Chocgo. _____________________ Coming: Chef d'oeuvre deo lbxposition Universelle BY Walton, Saglie, and champier EVERYTHING ADDRESS05,3000 SOUTH STATE S1'HEETP The tahtliehee' iot this withnorkecicoo he Gratnd Prole toot Gold Medlotototte Parot-iB posiotito for 0i t excelence. Altltworksholdotoon sobscripton only EUROPE Cooodttotedl vacationitaprty-L~ondotn, Paoris. Switzerlandb. (tohe tine-')O oloo.iy $200. Dr. Draoper, Ilioto, N. Y. R Redmond Kerr & Go,,BILLA 41 Wall Street, New York HG RD I Rlece'iv deposts subject to draf.otDiviodendstt anti interest cotlocted andlremitted. Act asb JE D A Fiscal Agents foe oind neoitet the Iisseof ittD% railroaoods, snreeteailowayn, gas comtnpaniesotc. S ecuoiftiestotuooght and s old on ecommtt ion. E NO Membern New Yorh Etoha nge. _____________ Lisot of current oferOOOyow- Scr.URITeaiES.J* F SCHUK, PHILADEL.PHIA CORESPONDEN.lT 207 E. Washington Street. GRAHAM, KERR & CO. Slohe latest song Hits, ''Taking Ste Pic- tile Bunch of Rosebuds," "4Sueetlteart 1, Adults 25C. Eve. 15,25,35,50 "'A WISE W0fIAN." NEW EXCEPT THE NAME -AT ISE I'S ID PARLORS GARES, TOBACCO AND CIGARETTES SrCCESSORtS OUTH S TO 3I2STATE 3ROSENTH ALER 12 TREET SANITARY PLUMBING- ELEUTI O-NtO CT'ION AND SUOPPLIES, STEAM AND 110T WETTEH HEATING ARTISTcoIC GAS AND ELETtooRIC FIXoTiR'S HIGH1 GHAtE MANTELS AND ORATES. Kg You Can $3.50tW AIIR.. SMonarch Patent Leathe Shoe0 TH R ION~ L X jJjj~rAK=wmKw A A3 K ...That Won't Break Througho 218 S. MAIN ST SWEETS TO THE SWEET IF YOU WANT TO BE-SWEET- SEE BROGAN-I110 S. M