4 THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY S PECIAL SALE ONE WEEK ONLY mne... Writing Paper y the pouned at 25C Azuire andt Cretam Wove. Entreloipis to match 10c per package, 3 packatges 25c POSTER BOARD, PHOTO M UNTS. TYPEWRITE3R SUP DUES. Sheea & Co. 320 S. STATE STREET. YOU call get a IOT LUNCH NOTICE We have our roost excellent line of seasonable WOOLENS, SERGES, WORSTEDS and CHEVIOTS on the table waiting your inspection. Wie wtll show you nearly 500 different styles of trouserir gs. We offer you the finest line in the city. 'Truly Yours S. W. Burchfield, 106 E. Huron, AITJMC1' Oyster Cocktails For that hungry feeling 1Rentzcbler, the 1Ibotogiapher. In tiinaped ifn News fiik" tt. T U T E S r. ii ttitH;it1iihasitoneilottstrtothat ite T ~ ~ S ittilltbtijstl ig rott.'Te plaist- 33s Soti taLte St5 ltt t t ittt. itti isdrit-1tti}' trtiitt~t rig- L ec ur soilsy;rtiv1(1fi ot t llftlnuil Printed lectures for all depart- bits- evit-ittb retliztha ttti hrerotsbe rnents of the University. Ty"pe- elttitti ttlttiSitiiit01- writing and Mineodraphing. sii.i i o ioddi ssit ii EDW1AR DS BROS. 1iiti -spirosioti. I~a rity (lilore, vere Sheehans)atsttte Stree it to is t art-itto iii te it tori- ntitiet LEFARN TO.... is hits season to a clesert- iarrcter iii tr. iv. ilmrt l ayti- iOs tir silt of Att otg t e Li - e ote o i t' iii ii-ino d t rt s io-ia b er iis at Det u t O A O E C D M t ditt t r 1 itrt m ti-i o ir Sotitittye 55 oyito it-tie-it -ttirot-i-e-li Stamip Collections TSeI R TES tTN BOUGHT FOR CASH BE5~TTER. Look up your -old collection and Itoytil Tigers, i10c; Tigerottes, 5ce. turn it itto ready nmoney. Prompt- Cash and Goodi Prices. Waterman or Laughlin Fountain THE MICHIGAN STAMPOCOMPANY Pens, $1 each, at Sechaller's Bookstore.1 Room 3i46 Woodwaord' Are.. Detroit I iAN TS'!-Studenits wiho have attetti- I 5e 11 getwoiotr four yeatrs ;Ind w ere tiero of the Athletic Asso- SitinstuldS trinig their tissoci- lt i tt u ntiitttoiottons So (GEORGLE ISAILESL L-I' I S TT5IY OS ''ItCtTitAN1StAND tlrl ; 11sc for iti- crto. itrlis, etc i~t5RTO\N(C. IN)fs, -N, 190 5it1LCttrcht St. S iE 'E p$ m bhoot $ lustrtoote is the tlowar5. z v Wtutist.RSytant& Re Ic. ole aeas '-ill IONEY I 15501 I lII~lS- can be produced only N 11g 101 Nio r o-kn--tutu-l upon aay t islitlt ii iConittegewi-l0itt tertir-ott W a hir t its.ii 5Wrut ite til fot-;Iitrtii-tutars. If yote 0 ictisatisfednith ysli- rntititd itrdor you wie sidetaSuro- peos iu-ohre 1alittle less,onlos-iln Ab)te.ts itet old ( l Sty HAlltie toitruiceforsueniy e. tdet 'ho-al it ionIlIs Aee ND it1th Iii-ou set-utnoi t saiiedwith youri 'rensestrelaudittelsstegoldowLoon- ttry. 'ty Ann AWor cttesfrc adCo. - itt-ra-uteeafr ey er a 2 m r"TleMaat.ae. ulTitittttecond lot- oi(. osilshirts fornlte aatdi liutieseuttyafromR.uWe Aulrt Pet5-s forl sttuent'roma Ieiati--toBookstoe MSistt."Mi t TheuetlttuonioraithantiolorLtun rdrry. tiy i-i-eorktcalledroantdidle-i hieredt.Latve yourorerate1s1ESk siteain th.Ma a Nixi Slte ine"iAdlehit-uts ittdloiieri Sei -t' ii L lii- sti-e is 6I So.itist ntutu-i ii- e ittsimngrp adote 5Ui iAtistArbuor Imiprovead" GASOLINE LAMPS 100 studetits wanted to canvass dusrinig vacationi. Soils in Sight. -SUPERIOR MFG. CO1flPANY 329 s9. Main St. TO HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS T14E WABASH R1AILROAD is the onily Brie opt riting a through Sleeping car froinChicago toHotSprings via St. Louis, Mo. Leaves Chicago (;aui) at 11:011)a. ill All ticket agenlts will sell you via this popular routte. Write C. S. CLO -NE~, G t & Tr A, St. Lotus. F. A. PALMER, A G P A. Chicago. R.1.-GRIEEsrWOOD, 1t P A, Chicago Capitial, $50,W0 a'upa-. $5,o0 Tan's eeal eantkingtbusiest. R, KxErP, Pres. C. E. GRaEaYa Vite-Proc FRED.H Btu~,asehiee. ''~t~~' of Ace At atc FIRSI NATIOtNAL SANK Organtredut~ Capital, SWUMt. 5urplat and Pronts, 0(t.u1s 'renesacta tgenetal banking buitaces.Fteign exchangeitoutghteendiold. Furiletttertaf credit. E. D. KINN. Eo, s.ARIOoN SotLa. vtce-Pre. S. W. CLARON Casier, The flan flftor Savinus Bank Capital Sock. -alo~o. 5autpuit~idt Retouroet. $i.500,000. Organired undee the Genettl BttnkingtaLwt aftShiasstate. SRceiesdeposits,Stays- atnd teli echange on te prinialeicitiets0ofisoeiUnited Sttes.Draftsned apsontpoterideittiti atia., Sofety deposeitbosto ent eo. OrricEns: LChrietiatnMask, ties-; W . iHfarei- man, Vic-Pee.;iChas. SE. Hltoc ashoer;Mb. -. Fritz, Asitent asit'l W. V. (SaTH Ea t5wi W.AO LD.Cs.titt1pe-Ohs STATE~ Transacts a genieral lNanking liusiness. I a WAGNER Ca CO. ____ a ~~~~importing Tailors g Spalding'sOfficialLegeBl 121-2a S Mai ~* Is the 051 sal Bath of the Nationual a 12-12 S. ainSt.Leaguue. the leading minor SFresh arrivals of Spring eH~erand st all te college ~Suitin gs await your inspection. Ah~dneCtlgeo ~ ~ Base Ball and all Athletic ______________________________________________________ *Sports masile = free tut any We are headquarters for every thing in the line of furnishings for address. Spalding', c ISliial Base students' rooms, Ball Guide for t901, edited hy LAMfPS, OIL CANS, PHOTO IHACKS. SHADES Henry Ohad-ick, ready March 30, WASTE PAPER BASKETS, CUSPIDOBS. 1901; price 105 tents Our Prices You Will Always Find the Lowest. A. 0t SPALDINtI & BROS. MARK HAM'S BAZAARS iCROAM 21,5 SOUTH MAIN STREETi NEW STATE 'PHONE462 Nw ork Clziictgo Dne A I 1U I AE/"A M* !_ __ THE FINEST LINE OF SCOTCH AND