VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSLU)Y, MIARCH 14, 1901. No. 124 ..Our Special Line of.... CLOSE CONTEST ASSURED otut to yell for his tean Saturday night, BET O SOES 1____ It will he thle hottest track battle OJCS7 .M KR Foregn nd D mesic iev ~t'fought. Chicago wrill he ini the Foeg- ndD m si Chicago is -Stronger While Michigan i i(;o conidition. Never before has Student Claims IThey Are Detrimental F B I Sis Seriously Weakened in stls sllsiid temof tel meale to the Moral Health of Under- F D Iw .Several Events to thte lot ot Mr. Stagg. For__T sit st patritIsn every stu- graduates FOR. SPRING 'apitisi Hays sofa Miihigas ('aptaiu silestss will tbe sen. 'Tiie "smoker" givers b~y Dteans Hus- Stiloic. ot lChicago; swhichs ssill it libe h'tiltii ieslietrsito~' tl i h oiostili'(sles ltetsves these two rusnaers exists to sit is afih'ials at the mieet: _ fit days ago lois wailed forth ii con- hasx arrived and is ar- the iecest aivali'. Iroiss thie time kitd lyass. Detroit Athlei 'th siderahile oiiitusit sit cosmisent. In a ransged for insapection. they ,sere sitrec. privates iii the rasiks starter:1 t.. Swvift. Ypsilansti, referee, cra iiiiio u ftect atr We have thie largeet as- th eilfrsiieiisyls xsss.I ~tiigtXl ii sit i 'occrrdssatleb dg('evc sortmon in lsecity si~'s to ie 'aptsis Mecasssiiut tave .udges, .hliii Osr. .l rt., Dtetroit, whlo agaiiistl tiu tsro ciity, sw us~ as the itat mini tii ruii 1.00 yardls silt '- critiizedcs such fasts uurf Iariesti thertwo 'suuones No it isle 55enuslst'e.Itilaait.I 'rtaisuuo-ot. Dieaii Hinsadale coo--o ~pirvru 'panTeeusii ne 0", l .SDcanI of tosry hasigs iii ttis tun of ai .ir I. AVail. Iutis Lodge. hiryi Jewe'~tt sl'ss Sr.(sesssdtsl oe (Suit si i at ti iosli'tii h ih'r't aril ieplied tisit thruougli the local pa' Ou of sejt root ti' isi arbal thatus the \seiu iritli tha G" H. v" O Ulre iisstllhia ''i m" sIie tiiio lists isisists the folluinsgpttiamneril enwit ht irr ue ra vn erbfr tilss 'icitiiiii.o Iii wra sif c'oiiie'it oii thse Jog E. Washington St. iasd the mets raisd wilths v 'ir is" is' Deaii's desles sit Iis "smsoker"' the stilts Lasst yeas' Moltse wo by is lorty' 'ai'ds- lulloviss - s imitiiiicstlti lis beisi sonr isis' sit thei weteirn Istir (ill "'sts'. Wl. A. Moloneiy-5. t". (. Mokllesy. C'. A. to theDal but liii c's'E shldh s lan ite"s' Maninstg. I" K. Htorton. Ri. H. W'sllintg- ADAMS+' strait- as tmsuch is it'ictor.~ Aid at tlhe' tots, Ut I. tettit. I Eslitir 1'. itt M. Daily': yitg AL thou H-Iayes tatd Moloney eo'sustmmeul the F'. G. Moloneiy. C. LR. _Msuiiitiim . R. "Osr its site of the dily lpasiers otn tile SA T Dred-isot light. this spurisig Soloitey's F'"-iris. "smoitker" givess by thu D~esan of tie PEsuTS colrs stirs' loswered by iHsy's. wilt 440-Ysard tRu- ttuttioeiipsthiic tCollege is. tony hd P~AN I ivost lt's ysWsstusute t'''tiig . A. Molsoney. F'. (U. Molonery, L. th. bot, timiely and5 ss'sll-dssrs'esi. tt is else aside,' the r'ace' bestweei-n Msoliisr Cs-til,. I". Htottrtons. . H. Wellinigtoni.issestsh'rc'ttstsstheltr receine frs 55h Hsaye's sulill te si race'Dra.ty ait S-X'siaril lRst- le'stt'e"sa11 csusl set' iso gs's'ste's ib Ir"ieive'd fsill Wutrs.itt-i.Xi l. A. _Mloniii, 1H. It. tors F. . isihitti's' its it thasns tou maske. it the basis every day:. sit Ar'tronig sudc Sir'sc sirs- fori Irsiim.tu's just. T'he sitsuao st the Ui- sits ascunst: sit isnjieis. Mtis'Iiigt is (tie-miile tus- yeasily sit AIltigsi v-sit oily his chasr- I t si'i'listi'isisisiss-ssl ise f'. A1. 1H[ortons. Iltslrhh st. Htenry. sact r iza's is ucpsrssh' sable l tarwhast is fits WILEDR e a hseoldi siu-s .oius il -sssususu'is'. lilltatt-ii' u ths d it's- hlt-pit- wourse' it is hes-osuisig totu's ot eacihi PH ARM1 ACY vitori y wtuh the Wot u-r isiss wen'st Ltu Z /. i. Itetit t11tu F. u,. Molonetiy. u's-sr. f-uncsstionss whlih, even' so shout ('ie ao sifts-r is is'st si si -st grsp Ilu itiii' HIighi J1111i- a titl' is lsat year. CoulhI si-st'sely b ssr ______________________________ 'th__ is time'. It tiill~b l a sifight lust s'very iE. I:. F'sruis, the light sit say undesi's thi sall-iusi'husite YOU K(NOW~mi where to gel... Z. I: lIi' eittt.t ,-nng.i1110t11 'tt"histuarii't"r lits-u Hiiis-s siu'sfis A~ GOOD LU.NCHI'I 555li es sit Is. li' Nti-11 sienis slots-n ai Relay- "smiokcr'" stnd ''hutch iscis st Dsavy AND~ ~~~~Ba ti u I po''-tile uh isttis si, who doitss li I" ii..Suiiiuiit C'. It. Alsrinig. I-' . L Iiiliiisiut'' withi I fill-tic'id r'ed Umni- iii Icc c isisIiis. lie' isas deblarrsses frotss I~otiu i. 1:. it. W'e'liingtont. Z. R. I u-tiil ve's'ty inuss'sor s' 55 ilsiot'u preasus- S MOK t hs ]1st indolsor in'Ct sui ass'tssl 1 I. H. Lortd. ab lly toi set iii' pacs's ini souiialits andu It. E. Jolly, 308 S. State Street. "us bi:it is lootkied u luts siit- qitcstiiisuils jski's. us5this t its' b' t is-ugis. "I ss'n \liitit st site A Ie hi-t e~-~e . sis 's''r houls thast studs i s-si- ___________________________________ ls sty 'f ligtssa studiesnt shosul tunt sit-t ''sInasattiy. list yotur sesats. iitionis unfito the eii peoplei sit the THE DEMAND OR. .. I sstt' suni tsoi tm's-siets wslis asit1heir THs'hsN OR ltld'sus itu ee I subit thatu it is just INTERCOLLEGIATE DEBATES its ""fis stoti this studen-ut himselsf. The Trowbridge 's lust s's-i "Indentis is hardity thu's-is YAI DTEuts PLitCE WOuN BFY 1111 II' i't 'ai st's Ile no isioone5't siltps trtu this Chocolate ISJfu ri hnttectmn eis ]S3 wiicsusi2u Annu Arbor 1'IICII1AN Lipi hisioii'nxuiussssl hsgss (THE ORIGINAL) tl1 urlii suith s . iititio. Banuttltis poisticasl usia Nscutuiesis'csi tisi 'ihi Ntiy 'Isi in Iiss ]tish ''sitsl~css'' ushi's isaculty I3 GRFS.ATF TIIAN Et'lI R T isis, liiiat p ut atis' es ilhth liii' a s cht'ut 5i tit- LU C sle is s't'uttsh'rs' ini 'siul u-its-u' quickhih- Isi)5 N 'c~sti's-Cci E~tsuti N is t'-eis 0rosiis Is ie i Q ts hss itet 41 tu sludh' is. Is INvCO1lPI.T Wt''tlt' \Vits1-11 s-inh-lal. onl1y .i s n-wtu ttesisr ini 'lNI . NAME suN EVE'e EVERY 1str Critcg van Arbori.tts MICfiIIAN Si r lts i Lu'csit l ife. it5 fir t theisit t~hX.C- tilt ire lltif usnt r d l itsel t- 'ittr Cltt- -a.+ CI'ti(iii 5' htuttrs' 1thiitc si i is's-s tt-d is) QUAR Y' .l eat tituui Io it eithe iiithi';e tras ssi's sinitd CAMUS RU STOR ai Ctagti issSt's-aAtu MICHmGAN it lits i ihliuit fis 5t CAPU lists SOEI iin e tiso (55'I~e slrili' iii1lses i I! N rl "c A nAbr M16hI1tAN hait''tttiilulttu it ai siil( ,tssstiiiuhsgc +1 -'s tuu-trisa Aun~ Arboit MICHIIGAN 0 M~' 11ar, dutuuttt ni-t t suuihtitsuis us t'rsdets lisn's its-- O urlii. Ktic Iw~~a d tisots Ihss list' areu notu stily' nts uiss-isus'- 4.Ann-s--. Al--c MICHIGAN 'y"t 15 b utsit' ''t' t's ut a i-ts su 1b '' ii te ri hussyssls iTh siet'' liii cssh'ugustusss.ts tisua St i acosb its "1 huuusalsigstilt. 'Slosus'hiug. hississl ini String 1901 Pe u's.,Ishanmis Phiisradeiiis MICHIGAN Ri a-isut's sss u'st-s'sult~ i IsCloud mot. A l ay 190 litasgt Chicagot MICHIGAN it MH.C'tssiutC a ('ut illhtigssan hoist helusachue sisuotug A 1iwayst Oblinger te unuiersities of time Wu'kst truts tier Amiss ASns'1hein virility ; Issbeing cappeds' by uictiuie, umaut repilt~'eu by- A faseu timd 'Pueruse Ou yu ewatyTtal7 Ohlne timid mus better Occupaution that Co alid in tyo.W aty o Tobtl nimmss Be Oelia.-.-............. .. rttastinig tier vitalt nets-outs forestl let to come in and hook uDbu.W~ y ~ela.~hs hisi'e mu Aietuigcm esprit tle corp,.s around whenever you iORATORICAL CONTESTS juhichu tilfow o wnr tuieity's luouior ain- have time. If there is, - YEAR PLACE WON hIY MuCH. ORATOR re1puntao.r Univer1.ity'Hs oo.n any book in our atock 1891 Asin Arbosr MICHIGAN A. C. Goarmety reptaton _H.__._RBIS,__ 0 that. you -wouhd like to . -1892 Evanstonm - Northwcesterns J. E. Roberts seyo8rewlcm 3ui Oberlinm RICHIOAN L, G. Lomng Pmsfessor Stanley will lecture this 1894 Miadisaon MICHIGAN P. P'. Sadler evening at S oclockl st Frieze Memorial to do . o. 15 - I oa Ci y M ICHIGAN - . H. ays H ahl upon "The V iolin.' Thur lecture Remember you are miw Chuigs u ICHIGAN '.L. Inhama will tsr Illustr'atedl by insttrumuents train - alwayswelcome At 1897 -.Amu Arbmor MSICHIGAN a .' H. Ames -. Cthe Stearns rollecetion-..: Madisitoseiun Obetl . H. Cacesy SAL5E OLF SEATS. -R 9 IIIU" 95 Hausser ofcnetntsiach cesetm 0. W. Hasey The stile oCseats fo1 th Michigan 1 na um ...."franP~t to th}itmasm eas4 tWitnx T,,E' .