x THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. +o Detroit Chemists Lecture Here R tN OR SHItNE _______________________________ tohe comoisng'week'our totsI- The ''00'' $3.00 Shoe is the shoe - i- \ Pubished Daily (btootd sceped at itg tOloeoitso-tion-eetottiP to wer whes the weather is uncer -- ,oigto 10ott'ltobfr leottoo'o tm A little rain doesnt hurt it \ \ lTHE UNVERSITY OF NICIIIGAN ticatlieptctttMarttt 27( titles while it affords plenty of comfort onY ~ttot0 e n 0H Cr.ee Seat.. ('..ra tcll onn L for . t the warmest of days. A rgooc Btdg MatOSt 36. StateStree to-r i ooosy"totw - But of course we have light shoes-' t~toto Poto to oot'St t Phoo 12. 05 0(010o0ntecodt bans. On s lotrig ht days and heavy shoes for MANAGING EDITOR, Apoil:3 ttotns W. 7 Knox. aso of F. rainy days if you prefer. -- 0. H HANS, '0tSteorms & C'o..is to letre ott Attoer- GASS L/ UINS AAE, t ni tt1 u i w" 1NloSHOE STORE NEHR,'1L fSlsuIail&C. pasArl19o an$re~ EDITRS:10 aut iosIttss triotitles fn1ito ittt'upen evenings until ANN ARBOR, MICH EDITORS tIta o" otit(l to cooncudoe tie sores os. 8 P. M. AoTHLTICEroooto Cos. votOt O ielfiottot. tloootooooeotio-ootworirt fo A.H~cooeo-t-o.SE. 0 to.Henscx n .0 too ioos & O(ottndeditor or thet A.H.c~oGA~. "1F. G. )H(1s 5-t 01E ttlet itoof t1lharmoooey. wilt leo-o'tu oot h. H. WooDoww,'4o4 w.P. Coast,'0il~o . L '3 CA ' the " tsttoss Pltttoe of Dt ot leits' t- t ::0::is:::: 2: ':0:L I ti'oos-too boo' louthcil Professooo" M E T ~ ~ pecmg inintnrol to looSe t r And we wish to say to you right here by____________a____________ o-otototfatoer'rtooblotetsteo. yucnIban MOEVLU o The suhtertptoon toice ott)0aet)AitLisnli.Oo foe the co itm 5trNs30i0'ttah tegutote deojecey -Aporitosyour moosey aour store than anywhere 0 belte to o- .tohty. Notetotomnc - Ex-etator Ward is pporiton tton, otd othroontte Otet dedo otpohtt a- __ else. If yott have never tl'edit now Lr, t lion cot e phte d i. atthe OAILY officeit teoifne 0 n. o n iled onthe eitorbelorelt tx-So'otor 0X'orot says thatoin0000 of is a goood litne to begin. p. n ofothe tdt pet tsot00otat dy Ot to tont e ioletso of tho e i- l tt're whooort- whicth tto ste eait ced tI appear. Subaeiftiocs noy e let coothe DALYao 00-kicking S4,00)0000ilot' Univeoritty. d lot intot O eroats pe r et(O F rm 1, u,iooines ~ oratoeStocehecnowittolc is-tohato' te irsity losistitals rie favoro yb eoei'p tt thly at hs 1oitS on n y Ireoat oer ti.. otieo1000ot, hihManufacturer's PisI failureco ceieso to deotoe pape. ot1-I loor eslfit r( v oer$0I All chonges ito adveetisitogmtteerooust be - t otercie o-r$0 Inth ofce by 3 p. m. oath ~e day peecostto 'o.olthof tteoicoalt teooot. Tlis it All Furnishings at Equally Low Prices ' tht hichkhe aeto appeoar. Ct' g rcgoate Is moroie Ithoanthe entoire- -- so111,o. oloto,1.frtothe sltate otndieth le a u II ~~ Big Thsting Tank Sought otoatce roof tottoollitax If tiese pa- IN I W I M M tio'nt; to-i- ri'ea-tediprirtly oof coutoseo' R R AN E T fThooengtneeritng dllt'lltiitt is 1tot tun utyoof theo'toatients toe te- totolotog attoefforti tot scuet1 al,101104000 lorne ootlloote too botcomeoo'seif-sottotottg - fot lontg 401 Tooe t tolt' totti12 flot i -to-to. i no --L&K dol fcot-s te'uo se' oto st i n 010'o to-i blk Iooo-0-tls ooo tiitot oltioo'ot'L otto-l . ere ' i o nl y l~000flusuchi-ooo-oti ,-bo1s nddiner a m deat ino Cth s-itototly. ilft oot avy yardiol tlittie. fttilstoo foot sitoot- toots ieooos 111oIsoiogtoin. 'litte t-ctoocar Ote o tootto llanitall. tbotoirol.,5225 otndi $ lotcr\W EDN1ESDAY,iMiAIRCFH 13 (lot-o il 'illlot-D000'roe in nyR rioto.' wook-l. Sloool-oo an 0-tool itil iliiotol - ~ shtip Io-lioatot 1iaooiootooo i.S-oootol oittoailotlos Sfot Yor. Ol otot Iservice-' anthB R 0 A DUHLUi S T£s toreote iIli iint0' sonthti of Ettglaoitooi (01in olo ool nagtsooo.iii itC'\''S. -127 GL-EEFUL PLENTITUDE govtoo ioietooto l ooyardtu. 't- ooooio-of Ilooto 'rt ree ( s to.P O D to- 'StaoolttcokTIi itos tostooldoointottheof --ThePR U ed______torfureranyRECORDS- Alumnus Writes a Poptlar Novel hrt ilibrso b the ltLe bssts- All o-ttioooo. silotl oing tnWo-it- It' lg 'iooot.'5 00'ofSl- it 0otloooo s too (ilt t to it tt;I b iA i.1t11 4months at M Ge1100oioi oorg oo'io.s to-tif ll - l oo --010 oto' tu titooiooo A ~ rir hio S t r a n d (to-I-iu ooo maonoelo' towh l i h-i'es tototltiso' tool' fIt-t. fU U MII (ITleatre,Lon- ot hh)o ne Otof thelt' most 1000111 _____________________books____________don. of Il oot- 'aIl]teo10 to 's0101itld iiloeo'tit itiEitARlitOTitRS Ili-b-fNONi Antothi l I toto-to' ttoo 0 oooooooo tt' of 1 ITT.-t thoe (rta i ll soto.ioocol'iig's. 1 ct li ertties, So 3 months at \Ita e o r too toot tos 0001ho opoof isotlN_____Y Wail~Osfeocloo-0 ooooo ~ t serman orLaughin Fountain 11 S q lu a1r e solrtAl ls g'i otlotiohertoot' ho(c- Pens, $10I ach, at Shaller's Booksore. a M redpll o1sfrpoicnyinGrgM.TatNw LotnailtoG0010eeko-Sintilteneluita 000rBest $3 htnte st tile Howrd. Bradhurs Yotk City reit'l Ois iftoo I-isiil t'ostuody (t raWditns, Ryatn &Rue, sole agents. PIE:£5 (boo-b isloot 000n01(crotee lototon 000001_ PRICES: G_________________ allery' 25, 35; Lower floor So, 75C, $ to oo'goooo l ue ot ot of io the ole t -ol 00- A A A 0 toihils o lotoe' olt s. It tito, tot'e efd'oeuvre de y-eoar s, ol ooo-o ot Aitthn oUt ed (t'-l Exposition Universele Sotttos oot ooillo-laffotorddhm t aeo-lBY EVERYTHING NEW EXCEPT THE NAME pWitili- iii los obott+ eibtfll ctc oloot' Watn, g0 udchamper of to' Cl(ao bot'tuteos-traltoo' los ADDRESS, 200 5OUT11 STATE STREET A - The pnotihert-c of thos wech eceited the- :_- f 00 i d 1 tooioccof tetC l(lot'too- ofot0 G'to anotd 'tce and Gold Medal tt te PaoiEx- tto-ov el iioog sucoho tsofoo t tinllo postofo its excellence Alt wocoestsold on susocition only. O E Seats For Comedy Club on Sale EUROPE Saturday Condttedeo vacationo pary-CLotdotn, bPorio, Swi'toerlaotd. fl theite-Ift dots $2(K). Dr. Dratper, Clion, NY. 7010; iit lb iyo i ,Itoeo ayo to. oothRedmond, Kerr & Co,B IL L IA R D Iteo, o 1to Iito's .Hareotoho1:lt Ctble Athets 'Theaooo-ter. io-os withboo'. .BANoKERS' is 1000 ,ote 4 Watl Street, New York HIGH GRADE CIGARS, TOBACCO AND CIGARETTES Seatos til 1000ontsale-aol Spetooooos AR ESUCCESSORS OUQ I Re00bo t OeeooedcotsubaeeestDiideods El' A DOTATE 50rtth~h ailroads, street oailways, gss cooptoolc, etc. '''J~.E R E -8 o'lock.Secoities boght ad old on comnmis Ion. _________Members New York Ecantge------ Itee1aei"'Ili 1t I r~ie. i)L NOffSHiIU, SANITARY PLUMBING. 100ltottilo~cT~lt ioogslcoio'" JEALIN ~il LECTRCCONSTCRUCIfON AND SUPtPLIESo, '253I 1AII HIGH-GRADE INVESTMENT SECURITIES. F. STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING, Loest ocrette oeinca toot 55 oopooecotO, 27A WillIsid tiotfor bt'ho'returnoof Ithe ;olodo PHLADELPHIA CORRESEPONDENTS .asiglnStreet. ARTI1IC GAS AND EtooTRIC FiXTUIRES HIGaouGRADE ANTELS AND GYATES. hachlroho otittotdtioolotwith onoooo- GRAHAM, KERR to CO. gottt , . t I it" Not Bphoto ns100otko-od-. _ _--_____- -___ ___--_____- 12000 W1a~ tat tt to 125000100 123 '(01 1t(UN~ttt AND~ ~You Can Buy the..$...EJlOEA lore sectotol hot of Itoss poloo lthav ('ottO toot sotoyboit-otr e~l ft-otoen__Mnr aet Lea.her"Shoe MAIIN S~tttet,. 34S8 Soitt oState. o rhPtn ethrSo 35 ..That Wont tBreak Through 218 S. MAIN ST Btertcttt le.t S i s trente." _____________ ___r SWEETS TO THE SWEETO IF YOU WANT TO BE SWEET- SEE BROGAN 110 S. MMN