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March 12, 1901 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-03-12

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Vt ilEI ;,i v iuil Y OF MICHIGAN DAIL Y

_vrE Fi~E ir+Ei EIEE. Ff : E:Ffr. rEi frlF:i;: Fi E e: F: E: E: fr. r' Ir. fr: Ei~ : i:: F r-i~ IFi i Fg:i FSrL tri!:fie:Ei irE:i E:Ei:: Te:£L i :E i':i

5e p ring,"Varsity
Is absolutely the swellest hat being sho
The present popularity of this hat
z sheer force of merit. You are as wvelc,
W ~buying. Kindly favor us with a ca11i
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b333333333i3333333333333333333333333333 x 333333333333333333EEP. -333cicire. 3333?

Micb~an CentalO. M. MARTIN.., WHY DON'T YOU Alr Cocs I
Michia Cental DIRECTOR Get Your Meals and Lunches at Aam Cok
NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE EmalIRsECT OR~ t~ff' U. of M. Pies 50c to $1.00. Fine
THESHOT LNE-ave. Ambulancenih and day. Re of vq,411M 4,F Watch Repaiisig a Specialty.
ANNARORTOURON ST., Two doors west of Cook Hoose. 1 0 ainSuh
CIAOMakers of RIDEA .C NI DS fl
CHCG)y COLGAECAS GOWNS and hoo>,s, ..,C1-arcc.c~ CHAFING DISH j.UU
NEW YORK CAPS a doff d.GOWNS. R'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, 3 pint size, patenlt lampHandles,
GON, Y SPECIF1LTY. 119 W. Washington St. on hlot watec past, ahsolutely the
COLLECt FLAGS. x best in town for the price.
Wit dret onecios a Cic-l fr ti -COLEE IN, ryThe... Wmn, Arnold, Jeweler
Louis, Kansoa itySt.Pauland te wect. CLASS and -NO RTH SIDE
Eat irmatiasnadthroaughtitckets calt as COLLEGE 111RI
ar wrt tieo H. VHAYES, A _eoi \AnnArbor. LAUBNDRY aF NES
ANN ARBOR 4' .Fft-eet t. 2oDtoi.t 5 el. honefiSL EIGHI-S
RAL O DMore Financial Trouble Stdlded1tote tax rol.of it Iti l-a ttIN 'THLE CITY AT
TIME TABLE ilth si 11it two y'l , -tetithllt het
TFaking Effect, Sunay, tay 21, 1899. IiWontiitinud frin iti rst 'IlgIXI tt'iie sIty wld ittiotset$26,00, 1 d111i
SoUTH NORTH isisit 10Wxt ta ttt t i /tttstitt li illti tlS ttlttt. i ts llt lt it PHONE 106. ° 1.E 111111yflS
o.~ 6.- 7:25A. . Na. 1- 8:5a0 A. M._1____________________ic_______c___e t
No.___ S.-11:3.5 __A. __._'No. _5.-12:30 _P._M. a 'it'tilet lttiti fIa t~loite.i t' l etItiltii II tst h lts 'il tti i ttetuait- .
*u abetween Ann Arbur ail Toletda unly ait iitt'itst'ttf ftes ittr ion-isitden t t iti thIItea si'titieJ
All arains a ilyvexcept Suott . stdetistl. 'iiiis questionhuh tit i slfa" it 'i 1111 Wstitt i t
'IV. W tILLS. Ageat. IlaltersrWicnii-r lt
WP N. BENNETT. 0. P. A" n lt 11 forItill111or ote t 11 iy ~l'V S t Ia iI 111'al' 51 u
H tJaKt'NlG VALLEY BY. 2X. 2,000,stlid ()lilt
ii titele. is t i t.h ' Eititittt ll- s iii
The R ilroa thattake the lti iii5 llt. it' iiuti' hut ii at e I u'iiu'Pst t' hastsiiselt'i'i dt he11Iitrl
u siNss LandL sV s Y0 tltrti sitel tati t lil lt 11 ttt litO let'islt I tur or ttl iti-asit t iit
SOLID VESTBULE RAIN liihE.In'ii. il t uts liii i l i '111ihi
4 iitiIl . 115 hl c'i tn Ib ri e t he l It il Is Icttu t L ail-It
othrs leave forerDitroitland cYpsilanti
evryhur in Ing atn :5d n.tl-' t Ou ii it t ti sut t hle 5'itlteT h (-lli iiii'i'autn shoiw.i,;t yaea 'u ii li, i liatrs
111Ip . 'N 'iindom onr n tlt ei l littii 1 I ltsn f are 1 1j1t - il ititl i i l
O I Vrda S o :5ToIULE p T A . stiuent. aIt'etis 'niittituyis Slur Tillsl it
;,~" - 1'i Te osstt tiiu. ofit u ltaix t i a . 1 5 -iiu5 5 . It n iiitor (th 5
MONYBWEY O NED 4 itti0,0fiteac et1iitt lieinatu iin y ' IttsltiaitIi i t iidin an. i ons u t he tt ai --Eerthig ewa
O L~aE DisltsO da httO~L ajita e 1 I lfirsteowed. li'thtxis is'litil-Mlei',t illti'i 'tuu. itti r an tkeuipi, theSticty Uftnate
Hour S i ATsHoENtS. <i>Ss fttlt iiliilO tt Sti .$. ]i~. i l ti ttis olit T'alit I'lvei' ifliitioi i 07NvU ieriy v A nAro
ColubusOhio DAreoret ich n .very t d peta o te oU-BLs -ee ryO l ue tsee k soes dalipoe f otysneo 1mks secn
toethe Loins othe taNtORe solnes fr rsswer
oIa I.It i ll ' d i5 in nEas Will ssi S t r t . h ettee vallzw hr
U.er o arbenig ate aititg heNOCH ' o eJan ersaily est itd a it i woo V s hi tF:lio.Sa e
tinil p m;Afert aoDro tt 1 sat12 t. dFoert w- a mweostee.d{ kio
Sho15p.and athngrom cre n vr-I yi otetethdssuyofh 'hoe hoe h heo atee ill ines:
Rooms, ass STATE.f 5. R. Trojatle'nowo~t'':+t "" i



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