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March 12, 1901 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-03-12

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VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUE SDAY, MARCH 12, 1901. No. 122
.Our Special Line of.... MORE FINANCIAL'TROUBLE Minter Wti Coming Here THE SEASON'S CLIMAX
FoegFn oisi armer's Club Is Tiying to Reduce the itierS'.i' The Dual Met With Chicago Next
Apprprition forthe ucer- itililnic to ti oncitry illletur
FAs prpiationGafoSth o Uniiver--tliillt ~~Saturday t' aBrilliant nAII So- l sprbby oei
Sij o Dl it f Idoadfit pubtliciseaer t toy ( Clal as Well as Athletic
FOR Rill o e ioiatr oftheiio erii'~t~iin moe Event
hae arrived aiid is o- filltAili -lit iiiiiiuS iIn te isitory ofi ouindooriktil
rouged fr llpeiti. liitt n iii plii itit (ii iiiuliei cai t I it 'ils t-ii pi i u ies t iti. wti'i fr dal mee hi clii itt-nt t n di
We have fhe largest a- h a e ti ii' ii lito Iproperly tmart' t-\'slntiilitemadeitli' l- tit-tuiiin a.Iti 'ti
eon unientt inn thee city,, -- e ii itt ciiiitillt io irof ithe si i'e iiil nltiitand itof 1ll iiist 55' l\-n iandchidla l turtihai. i itis itma ilibtilt ititl, nailt limlorit
in ' i lls t n iri ty.'itnl-. it i n cii ith iuii. AWiitoii iit tutu t h ld )iti' iii 0irtft he itt' evet hoid- i n t li i n
wiltgt i fi ut ltytiv Itlthiuth, iot to i'- :vit iiiiiion Itonlti's in ti. Alo ut iti' na ilSci t.Nt 'ice thei' hailmct itt'the
I ii iof tthe ne ter ' neds haliiteihadnt iii nty city. iii- i in iio nina a u-it o t it uniin tacki
xo8 E. W ashington St. In', i-set i by tis beyondtI 'uit ittiut i . 'ileii' iti-iciciiltu sesiitintiec'ulin t-n ted spltutst I lii i ithliitwi r~t t
_______________________________A___ ,____ nliii I ltri i ti i tte' in iii tti nt ug i . Il, i stiionty A er nt lit o'lniva ls ithe'eiti ni. tt tlhey'will
_____________________________________ bo ilandd pedintluiutu' tiirlyu poniiiitheiisill ]is attutit ii ntiin a ci-ttuied tino. IDii- ut ; ti i'tm enu' th' i s lenid oi p
Hel a Fellow Student it iii ii r utIha ii t ie S it.thel s igithei-Chlinese r es c n'iestces fl iity is (m°cnlso.
el ai i si v it ed to i siitwthetuI'ni utf hims i ll veryin ti nit lin ltan lii, itt'hat tientitit tititt i futini- itee i
s e nnttn i li'Iii-tt it n nsetfo w t in esat o niti 5 it t I iiu t'a eskllaSit wsu ltto ni-il ttttei~tit in cretit-i ste i' tnt ii sto
I wholes working his way through nstte.i'I l i si itte nt hel grosai-tne utu}- 5it ti a itiitid n titllgive. tte ms t ieof ti i'i'uuiit i t i'va'itty
college. Every pound you buy iiitiit'tii' 'ciif Itis -iamoutitn t naed -__________ci it imiit'ni'i deertii to N ititthe
helps bis. Received fresh l tll I tititipltnc i i tilh tini iiiiiit ''iii I tint'utletithe cci-or etis, antI
te gentt a i' miiitheiii' a it toit ii' FOOTBALL NEXT C HRI STM AS snIfi 'we mtit ieti'thi tttltiit'e cc
every day. ftfit 111111utu- itWilt thin til t' tins- - 10Itt eltt tin i itirtu. ie tgre ti'siti
WiD R' H RM C r rree a ciitittit t-i-ridtheyI V"' Iit-Gaises Proposed XWith Caifonia and 11t iaige t iititdlie , tsy tuatu lo-
WILDE'S PARMAC itiemtut t tuutjpemiuitted toIt Lland Stanford Diiversities iltnfroe ,00pol ms e
______________________________ the___ (.-1111tit1ins lie lnnititin' i'tor ti-ti' Next Yer-Michigait )'ivoinch i of' spceilt ite'gyictii-
YOU KNOW where to get..... new 1 tilt in iwht lhlirei' tlmotti t tili- the Challengel-111 i ll beii i iutted. IFor' ti itireiti'thin
yut it lii. tS.liii' itigaechitt lii' liii- _Of__the tutu'cilt i -ttin itt-tim ut utip. t h the
iN .Aterfal ttl'tt i'tiitir a ben tt' liii' SOiii ttitiit'' tl iii' l'strci ved'al f- omi' t heti loneiit ilaliiat tuu' i tit 110 e optiile
S M O IE siti ale i t -tilt-tind te'.eutu' ttu 'it ti-it 'uuItiSitn tii o i 'iuii titu f ichut it l ti't''iiid s I e attive y ttu0 uuhuis itill tut
Rt. E. Jolly, 308 S. State Street. iip uur t utuom Itauintg turttu it I-ti uit-un i tutuu lirillt'li hii' tiutittn IhoidayIt itoiuti ndiant elabor'tteuutiu ytti-tofut sh u~-
- 'St~~~~~~~1()i inhouldinta'spirtid dicusins uu tt tttaon. Th'liii llti--it' f i-i' I in 'tutui lit'ettemplyed'to insureiuen t ant
O)i" ' S0e01'i'ultilhlsa a n ttttu it itt tt-iohntthtmnounit utu-u'hutut tieived utlu' e nto ll swhotitcotme that the ettnts tmy
THlE Du'EAND FOOR... byht Repj. IRtandatlit't'tluitttliwihprpss t e liii' ti gm tu uu u i thesrtiii andi thtilI it eii'ititunnese tifromt iii' mostnt tut ut-
y o ce the i ti-iity t t t iitl o m'i deatu oli thti eii ittiu'iign'uuuu t i t o plt y .inouti i-is
Trow bridge neutut-ixt iii't i tu1111urti. ntutu eii'get- boh ui vesii hunetutu' gtu pieco
bil itlmuldp s.I'tt i s I ist t a t th e ii tu '''le ttu gutt'a i ui5uuuiVespel 5 Toda
Chocolate C i7 Spslacuu uia ii iaitiu itth e " --. 'Pil niii tt-alit- of 51 uhulan
itt-it-tutu-i lutul i~tu ill ut itt egl theliii' 11 ttIt didinotuthowtittilt Vti e l t it' l i ll, as utein ilatt i-welit-u'ser tutu lsit n
(THlE ORIGINAL) t sty it utu- it ii rit veduu- ''late ar yi'tii' A tt'.ht tilit-t0 iitt t'it- n i tutuar -mvtuinut' i -Ballc iii
LaUNC H l~eil i ; I, t' htit nowtutctis .tt
In INCOSII I i SS' TII ar' -ti ti liilit-i-sn-t t uu u''uu n ut-tipe n .1 Pensy's All Right iof i'it'i'tiiiit'oatthepomhue uuuuu" iiit tuec
THP-11,utAME ON it"li'i- slitututhliii'artaut-ut'iniatten
I.S Ei N 51' tN i'I Ii 1itll t t'u't'n''uu'hu ht i T t he E iti--ftiei o A D iy a lt urcu't i c iii iitit
GRIP ATI c u of 'rom 20'to 'uu'00nuuu it ugh. ht - i--ttu-u ihhuuuiu'u it istntittitla ter hlt in of t i ltui t ctit a
U A RSRtilts utt iii ti Si-lu-itt-u'll tnd the'riutuniiliitsloe u'ntu'utulu'u hu
osUtAitReRede 'hiet dSitu ' li t u1t sr i<flos
CAMPUS DRUGI STOREL adit liti i-thu-itt'i uii ee ol lt int- sa n n Abrwihtewr
caeouit l thutbo uiuto u tyviicth ut'tuu 'tliitgut'nilowcu'' I
s td tui turyhle uu'iuu'' ht- uttimtliiShin"l
4' itttt-l uuul lii it-u-tt tuu u i i 11iiii el iilii't'it i'itt I' f U.ie'iiti) iti1113I'It Alitie(-lu-n' 5tint ci.
hou Iti il c ornit ni'itiiuut umul' SSu' uituttine iii 'u'iii'i tut ui utu
Onluhoc eluitin t u tolltuu-ttha i intiwldii oste ot rs It-ciahe'ttlnitt. a:t' iocitnita'
didAN"'. .'""i'""dH'"u N'5 oti. h ut-uu uut im "r o e tiuchrl a Telote aitlItut I' tutu-lntltur'ShaL itiluIt-n " ~
red esd, perpole. ,$3 00 udti ge it tould lietl-i tiit . ihe tedlo y, astheek of PrsfDai ly% cctitoi-[ a utomult hJt-tt eteTiii e 171.-.i
* 1 iii' ci Genaal
~~oiingen ~~' b tid utlmg te itipre utnt it t-inaittltulvo'the't'tlmtv it t'it i iiiii tml "it li i t Sumie ltuli
haFNdlE R Sbetuture. hchtil ot'I cd i n i t t tin ofi' l se ttun'Thu Iuui l itl-- I uuut tlem;t1imu4t,8.5a1. uuiei
M AK{± atum cu ii i u''l h t tu Ir i uuuu' li' iitl-' y'initm y i-uu-il itt 'liluitli tore tl nti i itt'l. lie ot
F I ST utu amiii, iii hut titliousedhin the ldum t itt' i-tu-u'' sm li-he un mmihuuave h ue o uum "ii lm it Iuti tuu
4'odusactrcw ihy sue Fist qualitenyr!tiwire $3 f tex y4ar
3 ellrn gand atebobaewn ' en475-54
4' pe pl ti'ltttitii tt ii-ipim utunlc s fl'noc Thar in 1,5 Tt . 'it'isiei-tuitt: ' uTin Lut Y . nt iuti u tTeod e~e
ha dl woundiw itit trs dut i betu it tu' o)i.ul. tuu td utenetaly "mut bit'"(1iu' uirom - I ie I u \itli it tt"" ugtuimuuu te
'4 reior ,p rsar. . i.0 c llegu-forth~ m e ia tutn't huu uurs. nt ues, i lt ' jLaus' i n ii i u m u t W e kIo P of.Jon sli ueu mit 1lu e'Iht uulc eiPruhtrt'e
Foe eigt t .} ieuti uei't ofi itu t h 'i'tiittrut. ltImii 'auu .lituaisuu ii I es u s s iit Iotiut l' Reumua,;
'hItanle pwtotld n-t ' lii umwtg uuliith 9m )0,000"ihue tiueltf hutIis lmt ' istorT e m umuil is t n d" E xhorain ) H. ....r

gauntlet,.eath ....$i.25 g-tcihihetuny t' illtusbei FE'',iuusleml tut lt-tlnmiii u-hlat'us slthul ntu lutithSie Stemtitshtiit. I cuttints Ot
* 4'isis' flooris hut ill-,,,aiiutt'd cost $_U,- ui~t'ihillttitflusauhtug hhim. it splendtidiegusltt fthe sititee
000c. ilen11llus ixt I seeic Me.(teente of lDetshlandu, ha'ndsoetly teasied, also
~~~~It is hastdly iteo:i'enoi' x,1t111miiiltress)-tli(,'N. Y'. Audit' (I --sil' apitetteiii cilue the deelt plunssof allIstheehs l t tit.
doll'~ tuti n S te lit er uiamniet of o our 'ei~ . [Oh'ssuibetet IIshbe ausniuled lhse.Pet'a. S.atler d'ebsrees tthes'last
tO, f~ssiet iianThird Page.] 11hull r, are of gretatlsie for the stdents.

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