be U* of r o VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., S1 UND)AY, MARCH 10, 1901. No. 121 ..Our Special Line of.... Foreign and Domestic1 FABRICS FOR SPRING has arrived and is ar- ranged for inspection]. We have the largest as- sor, nent in the city, 6. H. WILD 'CO.k io8 E. Washington St. Help a Fellow Student Our..... Salted Peanuts Are roasted by a law student who is working his way through college. Every pound you buy helps him. Received fresh every day. WILDER'S PHARMACY YOU KNOW where to get.. A GOOD LUNCH AND) SMOKE It. E. Jolly, 308 S. State Street. THE DIEMAND) FOR... Trowbridge's Chocolate Chips (THE ORIGINAL) 1i GEAER TAN EVER LUNCH IS INCOM1PLETE WITHOUT ~THEM, NAME ON EVERtY CHIP AT QUARRY'S CAMPUS DRUG STORET ++. ....... .....4...4. ~FOR I FENCERS FOILS j 34 in. Coulaux blade, {. belt guard, brown :: * handle wound with red cord, per pair... $3.00 *' White finished bell w gard, pommel, 34 is. * Solingen blade black 4 S handle wousd with red eord, per pair... $2.00 MASKS t Fine quality wire 1 mskeclose mesh with a and face guard. + per pair........... $3.00 evily padded with$12 Fa nlt ea h..... 12 WAHe' 'VARSITY MEET A WINNER Large Crowd in Attendance-Good Woik Doe-Leiblee Wins the Forty Yard Dash Perhates the larget (crol that has evers'tiraedout fol sn l inoorsliet illed] the gycnnsnius last evening at the regular 'varsity msee. Thee wer fully .sli~l ipeple present.tntheii,. - ilsissisue as 'sat lt'tots ntsdsisg tse whlesi'sset. Thei'swosrk of thnesssss wasfiis'tclasssandsipromsises swelil'or the C'hicasgo, ie xt ss'lStuday. 'Iloughssis some tosstheolder sssiss r ouit. Ithee a'r' many- to 1illtiri11(1plaes, itnsassownsisiltigt. 'The ees heisld 5its'ate'rnssoss mere pr'iinarsiess's s''slig sssssis niuli tiseig bou~st. is s ee 5slig iatchs i avery 'stubotil ilght isIte lig'tstss'ig1s5 lasisosistivi'-isSvaei'ands Dousgassbrosugshtlforth'lsmin iy cheers frthessaiudsienies'i. I lisiglas fitssly or-- cueitifalhal. aissiSsvasgieisfaults's, as heiads oenes t he s poli isl' ault isltse evening. Isltse'finial iof tes' issiise- wesight class.Boluerisssesused't'olonsi- sentive' falls fississt'iiks's. 'Ile e- hibtionswithltsf'ill li ss ery'asd l'igssei'sealsostoosk siwll 'ithi the insdi- s'si',. I tise'AnisisAiliosrHighiSliol- sisitrsisil Nos'ssa sla'.itesenoise mat isonthes'Asiss -ios' teasmsfeslstdoiwn andctseqenisst-theIsi'Ypsi. boiys iwsoi esisli. Thie It903tits vsssfroti 19law sisandsithis'110lticossfioim In tesevinsisg thesi tisisyli asisisi- hati('i'5 isitsayedsoersresitsihue iss tsrt,l ts- -estisismyssiisvein'sg their "Whiske-y! Wausgh! Wausgh- yi'L. eisi- isg isis s iths Ii '5iiigsii ''I'Ihe'is'owed cheerieds'ilthemss andi respondedli-i by ssiw- ing theIsisssy smensflothe tss\lis'itsiss ysell esounsisis.e'I rangshesi f irlst svsns -h ic iiso 55iiiiii ssest wssiseu-l terie'd. for Liile.Ins t l tisiwieiiess'sto hovi sa'sistr'igsle forfis i sst pace i lth 4i-vsrd dshe. 'tseprslimsinasie's'putl Isitlir. Ilis. ailssiiasssiBliiss il tse fisaltheast. Alttse' i-aiisofisthe psist. 4liefourmen sisgutilt.ffstogeteri and ikept prty s'ven5 Iso withistlsi yardissifthiss, 1a15e. esn ssis tt pul's d ahe it andwon5ytsrofssifromslm. sits,julst siatsit slIlsiiisbylit fesiw isisss. Ts,'tills,'riasi54:;-,s'', s is. 'ilsi' iigis t ti'brog'ht osill unc ofi goods le, slliof siomssisslistovers'u ft. tiill is lois u' sissison st ., t. '15ll sassithenssilist5 ft. 11 i. 'lihe iis'rCwa, list ipt tsI i'. 1 .isinbt Whiinssis iii iiit doit. IsHissiork this yiris'.i v'e'ry lsiissisisse. su toIsought is' ssom' goodistjsssssis inwuenisisiteissoutoi ws Ito-Matsonissi i'i he liiht-pu'sit with Is "nosw beisigsecosnd withis t . 4 in. sits c i'ig' tstslissg. st siuw is' e salit'oi giate steshos er4s fetrwhn.t Thess'tissxi cass rs'syIsis' wosnisi i( 1903t lt= itwsi defetedtthe 190i2 life i vse',ry eciting iis. It 55a55nipfand tuckisfromssslihe'very Stall. sutisthesi pepls r e pt s'si' ufeing ai s lts wos 'woul inslly willis sit. Onts Is. lapit Iatssiistire issp Vii'thest7 a lstisiall outlt-e rss'e-fors'helsi0inii ts'fsst f tlkerof sit52-;sri-and. EIF\1S. 4Il-yardsclshsi-liii gttss, ILeile I; Habra~s, 2 Ilsisa. t3. 'ie, 43-l5 srs. 40yardt stsurle-t'isalclest,'ies- ril, 1t Tucker, 2 lBege, 3. Tine, 5335 40yasrdihigh lisrdle-Finsal 1stat. -Rohinsios, 1; luelksa.2 Tuci'ser, 3. Time, 5 4-5 sees. OItgl jump~l-White, l; Thritt, 2. (lark,-3. 'Height, 0 ft. i1 n. 440-yard run-Hayes, 1 i iiei snte i , 2; Breitenbach, 3. Time, 42.0 sees.' '( I r lile rsnil-Fisileigis. i: Sirsge sand REVISION WAS ADOPTED tisNeat Vit for seconsdi. Height, 10 ft. ctalf-misl-F'oster, 1t calve. 2; Mes, A New Constitution for the Athletic. Tmer.:09 ti ms. Association Takes Effect I milei-t'.ello gg, 11all. 2St ttsl, Apil 'lisse. 4.47 2-5 Sris.AplB Sist'pt-Rotinssos. it Siow,'.2 Iincsst. 8Distancse tillft 1in: h'rievseisedt coistitutiossof 'Vie Cini- Reslay-10lsits deti tilest 1til2S'ita iss ersity of ieligass Atletlecassoea. iss fisnasl. Timse. 552-5 sris. is.ussilder te limitations of whislet fte cpiswsill le gvess sore Ipower "THE MAGISTRATE" tisssd thestleti boardestcentralized,. was adpttediat s iseeting' of ssesssers yes- terdasy sifterinin, There iron'about 200 Will Be Prcduced By The Conmedy msembiers presenst and wene the qes- Club thus isisalput it iwass carriieiiwithotinsta sisenitisig'ote. Thism foisirfstthe pro'utionsttssosf ilsi'It ill go iti effet on Apil f. sisylthiatlssthe 'sivrs'ily ('ossedy 'lublNeil ihsnirimadeintrie sotioss for the hasi'-s b entseasinsgfr hue pa lst filur snisladop ittionft eeisions. He msade us ss's'i's,.sisidlyy rsssissg' nessr. The sort sirecs us its asslsese. He said dat, wilenotdefliitey dcidd uonit ewouldsiAhi-fist tegood of the teamsn syse. ilsiprs'l Iteabousty hels'ilt]]assassil''souldl otc'reste oies'tsastis- sithliss iish. Thsisis -ssness'-tsfY thesi' sitilisisofsrsftyiniegad earlir thn usalsntith 'sh hop sae." lHe ss isaid thatie osinly'sway s'ssruis'rlifssmaissl.le icss'Oiilate 'sissonered atiolnsic'sn te hash ii the ts' yerfis thli'eseeit stof s'si fthVls'boisrdnl of sirees sssistosredsete Vs u'slsgs'orgsanitioss. anidiiiit ti'wsibe nste"r sissi te-isMihigsansseest sone issessasry tssproucelustilue ist plysissy trss'e'hissvehamionisshipstesssss. eal s possibinsh ordersistsr Iso htis. Thessrs sassiniisfurthsersc hsussiosn. isr 'sss-s lit sit as'sonflicst osfsla'est lt'he nsJust-eeasdsijornmesnt-lScsretars oprhus h y wil ncesariy Irent siss sot this'-Aunissocunitini, have55t5 hesuiroducei s- ill]is's-sri.goferedsasesol'usstiolnsswihhis itendsie Nu~t sisels. 'Istb s i s sll t'isotnstethliIine t ltiat1th his otiss of isisissgns'sofs as I isill sis(Isuihts'siy istefre- ssitI'lii'esi'iIy ' Itsshhhi uisg'ged "A- I -' thewok f hoe ho is t atedswea-strss. It 5555 sth e eelt hit it bts it csannosttss'e hld iiithe55ma1age stasne ftl socainta netHpstsat ti('sudit s lltisu'-slslinis tsersfter sususiss lthei sele- ransg'e-thisis' timsoiststhliy isisus'lt1 iossof ithisser sntiletes'IsI'S"'s'' Int-I Is-usl slushe'-cl b s-isslil(hertsup- ilsisssireahlseisisand sttishess'w soarl of po his-hitidsises'ss. s ibeigu , e ls s's is'e es inclwti'i'pisi- ofut' lediniiig ashdsisbsstown ii 'isisib'eu isris si'thur ssfice'sifthe-associsstinis or5ganiatins.It wsusasrried Iuaimoshisius. Republican Cb Electon Failed to Elect a Valedictorian 'liss'nsiu'('iitv teptuli-suc ubi-lsts hhis-lit law s stisl s hss sait its is's'l I ig for te-eletionadt henscs ususot 'c , i itithus'el5i'iltl'uui irstlltin f ther ystrd ym is fVas sish -51111 I'ihe u'co n s Isis'thes hadsnotsaioisis st suhc i's- e rest ansu th hit155555 '5' fo 'ling s i tu-i-i ni isits-s attsitants-vtais notIsilarg'Its lats-t :ulMsss-canlssndsulr :A u it ssuuet so ith sis stiutls siIu us isi' sinhis'ss soevu.speveh l t5isisuis'i' sl silis'si sisi eadhush follos :'s i s is el us ii's.-A ithsi eltust in sslfor is'. 'Itus' usinyus i s it' rthis' ) 's-i's isi orit an's i l uibssse el usd. isIisi iii usssi isuy theVii a.tul 'sshe exeutsive si.~ ae itei'ustaehtc borr1 nlcl halb5-mpsd ,fth l umst iss i'ssil oneltis's iutsfoo'u, u-lucesh.f istlius-"csiubsafishe xeuisichofs'psiio comuritee, sall elct fir itsces his T h floiss g us Ill ni' hs-theuh. lero 'I' s us-i'-s.cisof ' st s's-u dIs ene is t t s,''ii ta''ithIsis lii'"ur u iig ess' ohviteIs's siscuutwichsreqsilts' leditu usmusiwou. t':s-i h'' -ii u i ssy f sot li'us.t hisen e futhc s d llli. 7kis's s. 1 esutti-s i's s hes'esuithess hs' o 'sff l ''sice sit thus-o t i sselluser. .9 a-ar uisu. rsesilledsbya r l uor l 5cisro'ht-s iuss us'osus'sthis-Blan esis's'si hiofss-huut si il sssssane tin ofii le I'suits essetas'th si ll's-Cls-is I u i ailt suis'sito get a qi'rumsout.tSit Suise oists' t-slito fcis'u'I- l sue' si m uin'oriVandal susntusu1 less fussndbideths' te'hs'i'is thi- epese' tifsi h sllumtt' lii'ares ectssu'su'issg inthsI sTsirencssityIofshving some1155 isis-sutosi iiiutus tsgss5 ihiss usseesusi ',iekssti iiidutyisis tme itnthe uirsitysu remedy iithese isis-ustislst iA hineinni msemssscmigsorseidn wl-bheisntwo weekiuiiisit oeuo hisdy Atepsa tivn r Theifollowinugs ths rustwereeecutedsudenVadlitiate stuae h for he esu~ilsesui ingya:Irss- s.iiC. A lin ane -fr-h uroeo sitsul551sssthus'of -ussussubel.; tsi's-p sflu,'steintis si'eests' sathdthisssi nuereos u.S. sussl iii ofSalssssineAl es':seeis iiW lsith sit v lsusecollhueins is'tset is-iliiC.his-lt us ississof'eisure, iisi'fill.buhildsci in'som ointihau stthityshosguar thi'ueia-uunst.rsr.sisithy solraoIe'ee sllleuim. Tis sioeldsisie ir hisg susl:seg s'shrt-Iia'lus's. . A. (arsrned',ivititsii fisml tuexpens, nf Calislosf Ihrssitilies. tich"'-iand Csi. havsing this'ralsssugesnts-elsthereo 0T. '.Nortun.- f la'.tlsht r-r- alls time'shIusthiseasndoeetinisoithe The'y p'rIe suni-elct fetureihightubesiadouediitoutheusesoui, presidern.F . EScottssrey spondedlstitheisbetisrsill heook . This a otuesi ho'e s-sll of "speeh," std both were greet- agitated but the difficulty has always edi swits vociferous apluse. '[ic- hocu the fact that ters" was no oie meiseting sudjournedi for two weeks. to ake charge of such an Interesting ootk and that no andalism si-s cam- (Speciali Telegram to Daily) nmittedtoi the same. The museum, with Notre Dame, Ind., March 9. its lrge collections, is not appreciated In triangular meet today score as it sold e, although the public sstat Chicago, 41; Notre Dame, "41; are notw showig mres interest in it Ihhlusosi, 26. . thans ever before.