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March 09, 1901 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-03-09

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Writing Paper
y he pouccciat '25C
Azuire and Gr, am Wove, Enve-lopes tia
-match lac per packagie, 3i pack ages 25c
You can get a

We have our moat W O cNSaecellent line of ananS, onableS
on, the table waiting your inspection.
We will ahow you nearly 500 different atyies of crouseringas. We offer
you the finest line in the ciit'.
Truly Youra
S. WV. Burchfield, 106 E. Huron,
I~AITIM~'Oyster Cocktails
For that hungry feeling
4 cntsctet, thbe llbotographer.

L E ' Pres. McKinley May Caine to Ann Your Badge Given You .Suffrage
TU"T SArbor
L ectures hrilMy ")ly lu.ad niInnxtstl
Printed lectures for all deplart- i ii i iini, lsa r ii an in\italicen tole 0gin ii al- ill i 'ihe iirttd tothIa eil
menta of the tUniveraity. Type- ti :I C ain C e ic,-, iilseta liiialii 1 5liitoanciin u
writing and Mimeographiing. ai"ll i1a iaiei liohig lali T iih e is i atialivii istiel d tli.,Il.
EDWARDS BROS. It Illhe liiii ths aletht te ii 1111,11 i Bil l ile roposedne1
Ove Siceta ,'s) Stati Sirce famine 1lzm-s iawilvi-nou ldt he miii iiia iliiioiin il]\ - ail l lt, I-cd oth l cvail-
LI!ARN TO.... iiiii lliilni al iiCoon iy a n eel-na ti l ill. Illian iiilaoiiitilii-ii- pit i
,nl icP 1ealiiv. tie i' 'iaiirIIitiia . hlIiS wiltea ssi i l id. thus (trill;:;a\dIi
A did p i ore 'la tetr \itllt c -iai long i ii i -
th l liit Sta i o oelili n h al fur (-,i IJ)S --,ioliiaviarl. clii liiind kti
lestDat fthe day. cC a iiiaaiiia--i lii"L I.." h' inde en
conionTLY Ii in expecteni atill ])llst aftiem snior 111iiIii Will lai i .i i n
F-Tarraaweeior lessnsa, inian or(Irisan, oill C~t iil ritiaie a iieivnii a -l itter' i ito
ci theoalice ci ORANOCt'S ACADEMY lini ~wircl}eillil ndn iiyal(_________"a--
Maynard sre__.__ _ -th Il toi i a in their h iltttec ia ts)theiiin CTIDENTS NOTICE:'
Cl itel u e cm\i. \5 .Iii toai - Theheta uniadfary is thar'ToiildaiLana
Coll ctio 'A rf- Il ;i~tiill ike ais i lislikly le i (I 111. T'r'yll. NWeek calld for and dr
.Stanip 1Col c <ectionsthie\
ai.i li--i- i-an i ii aa c dc \ivlaen : iareal Leaave your aorder ad 121
BOUGHT FOR CASH 11, eii lin ctioie Itaunitalli te sMain at,
Locik up your old collectin and iiaiilircaynT ly Beat C$jlint nattais hItetiowardl
turn t into ready nmoney. Prompt history._______ Waiiiaiin, Ryiiii &Rtuic. aoli agealca
Caala. and Good Pricesa.
THE MICHIGAN STAMP COMPANY frak illt ~iila'lv' resntilichoard s-waus (Cimpete line "taller" asuitcsIana over
Rteam 3. i46 Woodward Ave..IDetroat vaela-tei-lfraina:8 Illpplie luts. Tule ciaa dlliCtli ai
iiiii'i-n ia-as-'at i'ahuitsI Ryaini&in. Ni-mi
anaanlneaaapi a Ness Yoraein lily,tcii mlaaiel aitiaico ll l oll a vall. mimi-i. ia'ia-eiy ill
rextnCarlr I ihlI aaiii iii ' il-i i-illl. fu ct elii .h I!II IIItI'i
AlV t{ - if N i'ai llai-n iliiii slilil l a ii . ,la I L tniiill iilIL E ea
s 'la( inw auitn a-lX srl-a-st.iil c'o-m i cper a a ay. 'Tihe_____
aji~a~ i'llP' I 01Pa-1 Xl iii '' vis iiitiiii l nlmy Ilen anal Xlii F~it s vsaid bli l I R rct i'
'daaeai iiiiil ihiller i na- . Cililik Illi isi anal his 'i-iiit, nlIlllt.yc
;anlht ia ta l o ga naid puuan iian i- ae fr neyer
liaaA giqqaa-put saaau n r' ll ipi1 'i iit will bli eCialiliii' M 1ai-l _________
qa icin ia iid d niu saqafa x
'and :i ~iaa~s;po p.ixc ul, aa1)vr, - ' ManhattaniiaiidlWilson Bros. Slileta
"UInrolpadnaisiiijpmcic~ulu ciau
- liini pir~~lis c top e11' icalurma 1.ao1; ----- - - for Sale at Na 'dl iii, Ryan &Riiile.
-isolqlit:aia aaia - m c,,-i zgrh ,BE
auaidieillainponalnuaa~a wor SA10N1 If os-niethe iiwick oathlie TWed(,
Iraas lapoupao ltlaiioiiahad pun, i l . ;i '1Tiae'. l-((: aliualuaItiav. . I Ilililhi v Co. 3011u asill ha-e nninreeJ
iaaiiaiic niaalivix aaava~i a hii yoaaiiic no 110the.Agency X521 S
;A op we~ry ji g w -n Art PIeleo restudints'roemi, ahMiain2.
1I . Idtli S iA V I h chilihac olcokatore, 116h So. Main at,
440:3 AjeX 4V A A p2l iX___________ luicil Ci tic>nsolv 1)s A IA.i- rcmi
0 , , (O W Xaernman or Laugnile Fonnsn ai lIlIi~t~(- iicii-o -le a.
~~~~ ~~Penn, $1 each, at Selinlera Booaktore, . 'ii I -ia i-a i aval al
UJI' ' A jNOIC. laiO ST lin I lli-ntsl n liiclaseinlil -h
ZUO~t ~ a) Tvlo tle4 ii'aIT a'lnC . IN) LIn c --Niday.Ackovia-in tcmi liltihe lv ih
"ig.g heri ill be a'c a -la v e a i r un l II al'e han of'aten- u i nessit cie 111oi
JT ,J . - l d; t oclc, nh on . I ii; a-lKiefe ais i I-aii v nlhlF naIiii
,,,,,,, '" Lto dn Ng foTIac hs, v tk-- ll ' - t C11 5'la R-01 Sta
A .jo 'onto~ qI~ 5P i I re ta i a ll 1rs. Isril1i D ty o o ine Af ic ,'n
f Rtl('"il St1111 '-ltt I 0tl eh s"41o e ol~
{~ Pm portin4JTailors'
S ~11214123' S. maimI~t.
Fiesin arrivala of Sping. ;.. ,
- 0 Suiting await yor tnaspection.

tATaIii i ArbalI Ilulal 05 d'
100 sticdenta waiited Co canvass
duii g vactatin. Sella aia Sig ist
329 .Main-St.
is the onily line opirlaiig
a through -sleepinag car.
fromnlhicago toflotSpringa
cia Sn. Loiuia, Mo. Leaven
Chicago daily at 11:00 a.iin.
All1 ticket agenrts will nell
s ou via lisn popular route.
WV rite
C. S. C1:s-N-, G P &, T A, St. Louis.
F. A. PAnnicau.. A GI P A. Chicago..
R. S. Gi.Eniausecota, At P A, Chicago
Cnur n and H uron Sreets
Capiiai, $50000.Surplua, $35,000. Transaict
genieral nankacngbusiness.
R, Kixr,Pres. CE. Oaaaas iceaa-Preu
Pinia. Hn act-, acshir.
Capial, aeamW. aurpnucand Piaaii I$=3.a0i
i ansact age neri al baci nauines.cider
a. D. KINNE,. ciii.iHARRISONSalUtE,
V ine-Prea
-S,. W. CLARKlSNCathier
Te Ainn.Airbor Savinos Bank
iOrgaaizuider ann Generaclankinitan'
cfltii Sae.c. aeives idipoits, buys rand snils
nxcaihion theabaiialcities oat ha tdd
Stats.nraftclnrahed ipon lpoparidentifination.
dality depsi boritoint.a
airrutna. eChritiaaiMock, lies.a C.-D0 Hanul-
can, dire-Pien Cas. E. Illicain C-kin,: IM.
F.cstNVA A., Vt.ap~hiliSAfVINGS
T'ansata a general
Canking Ilnainean.


Spald ing's Ulficial League Ball
IIs the Official Bali of Clue National
League, the leadlilgminor
helugltand ullthse college
manihcletie -auciatiena.
I A haiualarme Catalogue of
0SportCs niade I free Cli ais
addreaa. Spaldinig's c i fcl B Case
Basll Guida foe 1901. edited hp
laimcy Cinadwick, ready March 30;
jNew York -Chicago De lnver

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