I hEfE 1 v &abIfY OF MICHIGAN DAILY $25 6 Buys here the best spring suit that can be made to order for the * money. In selecting our spring suitin4ds we tooll special care to ob-. Of tamn the best goods possible, both in quality and design to malle up 44 for the above price. x' x Don't miss seeing them before ordering. I 4 E S w ~Tailors For Young Menm * 4' 110 WASHINGTON EAST 4 * 4' 3rrE33 "i 33i3 3 3i 333E 13?i::31 :: ? Er :B:EE' 3:3333: r3$ 3. 3?: ::3a [ Micbizan Central NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE THE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON With direct connections at Clhicago for St. L-outs, Kansas City, Si. Paul and the watt. Krtinformation anotthrough titktist-cittoni owrite tott. W.HAYES, At-ntAnti Arbor. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Suniday, M11ay 21, 1899. Tratin rave Ann Arbor by Central Stand- atd Ttome. SOUTH j NORTH .No. .- 7:2t A. tI.1 No. l.- 8:50 A. n. No. S.-1t:35A. uM. 'Nou 5.-i2:3urP. M. No. 4.- 8:35 r, M. No. .- 4:t6.. *Run between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. Ai trains datly except Sunday. W. T. WILLS. Agent. W H. BENNETT. G.P. A HOCKI NG VALLEY BY. The Railroad that takes . the Business In and Out of Michigan. SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS 4 DAILY BETWEEN 4 TOLEDO, COLUMIBUS and ATHENS. W. H. Fisher, L. W. Landmnan, G. P. A. 0. Tray. Age. Coltunibts, Ohio. tDetroit. Mint. Detroit, Ypslanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Cars leave far Detroit and Ypsilanti every hour beginning at 7:13 a. m. un- til 9:15 p. m.;t After that to Detroit at 11:15 p. m. Waiting room corner Ann and Main Sts.; IDetroit,1l Griswold st Cars every half bouP Saturdays and on 'Fridays from 2:15 to 5:15 p. m. MONEY LOANED an watchea, Diamnssns,Wheein and other Per- snnul SProperty. Office at residence, 3Eli S. Liberty ntreet. All business confidential Hears. Sino 11:301 a. mn. and I to 3:30and 7tonS P. in. JOSEPH C. WATTS Ot M. MARTIN. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th &ve. Ambulance night and dlay. Res" dance 302 Fifth Ave. COLLEGIATE CAPS, . GOWNS and IJOODS. Renting at CAPS ard GOWNS, A5 SPECIAILTY. CLASS CASNES, COLLECE FLAGS. ICOLLEGE PINS, CLASS and COLLEGE HlATS and CAPS... W, C. KERN & co, ill E. ity-Seventh Si. CHIICAGO, ILL. Battle Royal Tonight. lit- til:1 f onv. rti-l1 I:1 f' e le I ltitigli sl itsnd it-th t:hiit- iit-i( i lorfitilaclnt sithiso11,111 ta s f isiei teiit' iiltte ity etso s tat hitiis lotetl is I1titi 11:1 ies. 11te 11w sixueli 1(tl11iswho sriuttuil lve 11lioe.fietiuk lHin igith to<11(Ieti.n-v.t Iit ilis rdtoe lplvictatii iung . I bit r-t itll o ut- itiliteh e tti i n ry hetil, in ts