THIE UNIVERSITY. O1i MICHIGAN DAILY 4 4 TH NVEST IHGA AL ONE WEEK ONLY Writing Paper By the pound at 2!5r Azure and Cream Wave, Envelopes to match 10c per package; 3 packag es 25c POSTER BOARQV--, PHOTO M, UNTS# TYPEWRITER SUPLIES. Sheehan.& Co. 320 S. STATE STREET. You can get a HOT LUNCH AT TUTTLE'S Prined ectresforall depart- ruents of the University. Type- writing and Mimeographing. EDWARDS BROS. Over Sheehan's) State Stree LEARN TO.. DANCE- MICHIGAN SUBSCRIPTION BOOK AG ENCY Steady Employmenti For Eneretic AGENTS WANTED Oyster Cocktails CALKINS'i oc For that hungry feeling IRentschtet, the P1hotograpber, I "Ann Arbor Improved" GASOLINE LAMPS. 100 students wanted to canvass during vacation. Soils on Sight. SUPERIOR MFG. COI'IPANY 329 S. Main St. TO HOT. SPRINGS, ARKANSAS THE WABASH RAILROAD is the only line operating a through sleeping car frornuhicago toHotSprings via St. Louis, Mo. Leaves Chicago daily at 11:00 a.n All ticket agents will sell you via this popular route. W rite C. S. CRANE, G P & T A, St. Louis. F. A. PALMEit, A G P A, Chicago. Rt. S. GREEiN'VCOD, Mt P A, Chicago Car. Main and Huaros Streets. Capital, $5,000. Surplus, $50005. Transacts general hankingbhsness. R, Knave, Free. C. E. Geezzms, Vice-Pree FaED. H BSR en ahier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Ann Arbor Capital, S$10,000. Sarplusan sd Framet, $30,0t Transct a general bankingbuseiness. Foreign exchange bought and told, Faois lettere of credit. H. D. KINNE, Free, HRRIIISON SOULE, vice-Free. S. W. CLARKSON Cashier, Thle Ann fArbor Savings Bank Capital Stack, 550,000. Surpls,$150,000. Resourcees, 50. {11 11 Oreganized under the Geneesl Ranting Laws af thts State, Receit-es deposite, huyt and nells exchange on the principtal ctes of the United Staten. Drafte cathed upn apeoper identification. Safety depoeit toxea to rent. OrcEna Chelation M.Race. ; v. D. Harri- man, Vice-Free.; Chat. E, Ritcock. Canhier; M0, JFritz, Assistant Cattier W. AitOL, t,ti ice-pre- it. V. SaHEtHAe, 2d 11C-iitl0 1~ JOH. . ALT, . i.5asie 1S VINGS BAINK T'raciasota a general B~ankinig Business. Wagner Program Last Night A tt ixiellitit Wag tttt itieiro-ilii cst" st-ti atndl itilst-iltsltillyrti-i-veil. lt'. at-rnt;.witlilt Alt'.Silintit's lis'etoitt- pltiltlt-lt, was otil f t' tIit-tiotlffect- ive-. Athle close -theynitwia-i-force-ito plaedtitrat lft elicits-F. Itli. At Attteit hl deAlt. e ii-tii t- FPro arrange for lesson,prtator ii cal SIl itti- Clxittii itltis t 5stk eltleti at the' offic of ORANO0IC'S ACADEMY il t ie trott ie~tt ,l 1. -k. lestI o1 Maynard teit. -ltiti-.i ili t. ~~-1 ti ta Collections ~l. ttilt BOUGHT FOR CASH lticttt flltrlsili-tdfir atat-otls. lIita LIII(.]uyour old collection stnd hital~ll,. Btord. $2.ittam 1111y tir tuirn it late ready money-. Pronipt stiati. Stutiltts eto il t it iiittiil Cash and Good;'s Iffoutrit. i ti I si4-tict' tIndi t~ttili THE MICHIGAN STAMP COMPANY oIIt~l lti~'iit: 4t tS 27 Thlti- Rtoom 3t.1t4i Woodwatrd Ave.. CDetroit ,011 street. WHY DON'T YOU ---.tlltt li~i~tI Get Yotir'Meals atid Luetrcis at Icri i 1, 1()(hi-: 'ligetitoye, . P 0 lt TL flo CAFE Art Pc'tlures far students' roams, at ..chtala R ooksatore, 1Sli' So.,AMain st. OPEN ALL NIGHT..__ URON ST.. Twa doossvwst af Conk House. Watermana or Laughslin Fountain Peas, $1 each, at Schalers Bookstare. f) RIE A__ ____ Ickit All iit ttltt'titf tliii. li lit t li-ao-i M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, II.,toiiit. oni :,,-ottiltt iii' illtit 1t19lvW.tWatlo,,, as St. t itt ittitti r Republican Club Election fortheCii ni-tsiig y'eat'. Not a -ent alsitt (ofiiintttatot ls liti-in iltillisi- edthu itttttil. th t-lCu-tltvral ctt i- th iotit, .ks t'iti ll offces 't'il eiecio ill 5tke Citeeitte t c-t Mi '-I\ I Hati itinstdtfilewerN 11l.kt 'it It (ilt;'tt S't1t. 1101 iilaIt;llwei:t;txofte il a Sohi itl atssPiation il tbe relsat fillis 101 tlsittfor tcotcerts.ear is Pa9ie5t1Were TrnedA St. U.II-Ol t'lli ItY Ots - tttl itt- I~x l titiy Iii. 1("1c talll atot t-tuiotftIt.' -tutlw at theisil lit 5il havitei' d lls nthill . S biut ll.stitfoi ll se ite at iett- n-htyttita (t'it t tei stt' noftetittoi tatl;rigl osnie; igneettes wSc d anf theu are o satis 0ed wit3i yan rotthsicti foisr5k o you ioltieox-en lipsetost)retitalittle lesswgoedowtiean tvotlts st listiti etiArbo r oont. SPRINtOLIG, N MK SHIRatT INr,1G,;TIetS, e WfyuaGenER &tsfedwihCo romand oadR r o-ishRtASIexR Tr f~The... - NORTH SIDE Aliwhe THOS. R-OWE, Frape. ncr~l tI) co Detroit St. 457 Sell Fhoetl Tefnuest mi M. MARTIN... versity fancy 1 he city. All s FUNERAL stare. 11e So.:a DIRECOR )Embalming a opeciatty. - No. 209 S. 4th Wt' t~s an11 , Ave. Ambulance night anod day. Ratt rtS.1 -dence 302 Fifth' Ave. _____ vMakers of COLLEGIATE 'CAPS. GOWNS and $100DS. Reptlag oaS.- CAPS dod GOWNS. (4 SPECIiLTY. CLASS CtfNES. COLLECS FLAGS. COLLEGE PINS. CLASS ead COLLSOII HATS' end -CAPS .. . Wi.C. KERN & CO. 4rl E. Fifty-Seventh 5t. OTHtlitGO, ILL. HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE NOBB3Y BROWNS AIl 1.01 51tEc,*lit-a. .ESIOEy OIlt (I ElR. inagraph and other Put- letier paper -and pads in styles. Sehaller's Book- ma-in at - - - I1 (liaiiis " tt / 'f'it 14',EIIY STORE. Spald ing's " Official League Ball In the Official Ball of the National League, the leading minor league and all the college and atihletic associations. A handsome Catalogue of Base Ball and all Athletic a Sporta mailed free to any address, Spalding's Official Base Ball Guide for 1901, edited by Henry Chadwick, ready March 30, 1901; price 10 cents A. G. SPALDING & BROS. lfffCOo~tiUA)n New York Chicago Denver MI WARD THE FINEST LINE OF SCOTCH AND- ENSLISH SITINGS IN THE CITY