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March 08, 1901 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-03-08

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I' o a

VOL. X1. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRtIDAY, MkARCH 8, 1001. NO. 119

* ..Onr Special Line of.... PENNSY DEBATE TONIGHT dtating and oratory. In Mnay. boitl,
y he seais a IIember of the WTeb ter d-
Oyl1elgnand Or~yile atin team which won the )etrot
andeDomestic The Contest Will Be a Close One- atnnni cop. In dtober he entered the
BthTeamus in ood Condition iein arleot the Central Leage.
FABRICS -Governor Nash Will debar tin eam isdeeatein the
Preside foreiti litee 00 the team that is to meet
FOR SPRING en ylv aiii indsiiteiiiiete-deat-
[tie tthirtt aninatltdeba~te of tte ia-t debate ws5 awardet second hosn-
Mlihian-ts-snsytranira sers oeos or aidithtte Fery Testimoniat of $5._
has arrived and ie ar- toiight. 'The fet of ttese debates%-Ihedn-te sei f1$.,adask ;SLA''iAO,~ ~h\
ranged for inspection. Michigan has teeni victorious ithe!-
We have the largest as- tprevious debaites. n earnest effort wilt Sistavos Aiotptis Otlitoer Wsa
sortient in the city , lbe madeI to make tniigttsideati-tie brtisim t Fos-tiw,- (tito, in 1577. tHe
tliil sinu-sirs- siitory. p te-iidr-tfr cle-itsg-at the isstitte
'Tise eiwoireisniihereis1c-tim uhlschosil. (lu-sfu. (tuna. hts-i-atZurich,
G. 1H" 1 CO.litisiiisirsf Pemimsy rs-as filyits--Ssitzrand. andI at the mii Arbor
6. H. ILD Ismiiisisd tiat tihe tes statltbe hum-u sistaintIts- siteredtis I nteer-
tis-urnt suidthIisusemi the ttis-- inm. ie saty of Ittimimi i " n d s0su andimut smi
toS IE. Wiashington St. Quamker-ti-minm is it stronumg mmiii-anditu g-a-tedins t891sswitiii the m-g-i-of
swousldtsieetm that tnigi t',dbt-lisl tA.B. Ie s nomus-mitimbertusiOf tie Linu
_________________________________ Prove__ mmiit mmoim eres tin a d -loe -tinas of l19i12. l't. 5)tingir a tes-m
g y} contelsted mitts-, huteaIsmusts itsem-ti-Itsin uortorysinest his-i nt neslmu
HelpQa Fe(lw Student worked itithflsly fumetilis imiio-t.est mud tottenigi. ast yar I(lisit tm--
estsmuay afte-rnoonthemimi- l sttlie folly -fm-tu teliilistr-si ti s uf Clits-sg;ndms
Our..irrismlitim esre mtappearing-mussthue ut ttthi- -insutsadsmu t it'h-tamitsbim
Salted Peanuts fit(,qutn fos-r tbatetitgtResouvu-uthofe i-tei-!1-dep t nut bt-mien n
Are roated by a law student thaat Unittedm Stttes SK-ltonmsholuildt tim ic. 19m1. lies acums mismeluthirMio,
who in working his way through elctedt y itesct soti f theueoletIil tum tiey 1t'sttitimui tintof $0at heisuIs
college. Every pound you huy- and li lifiiirnil upholdmste Itim ttiiimghtmltimreres-tmmsmmuthuslt ivst its sof
helps him.- Received fresh t - .timv. . K. Ntalsitltmt) f itusa, ttelmigusumaginst te Uit mi-stu f
Conise-mted tim mut s hesii ti sb uu-iPeiinusylvaniim tonight.Reits ta tur-i
every day. of te evninsg. ,stlediii jusmsmstmumndi nn"
YOU KNOW where to get...
Ht. E. Jolly, 308 S. State Slreet.
Chocolate Chips
LU~NCH-I F.r Gi. mt 5 B.R. taxi-, .. (si ujmist
CHIP AT te icitim misisteam tlts l ito ofts- list;1millet
QU R Y I d Sb v1E vrv v sbon itI Senior Low Election lomoterow Ben-
tUR Yt im-tmni IiS17) Its-prmmmpai i-i-ur lia
CAMPUS DRUG STORE iots'e.-t thigtm--tidrtooli Ioit 5Potiaci
suit umiret heul l iii- l iitmm--s of- itItimla- il itc as say shmiic s sf time 1901ut Itiu
galait he Ciiftll f 1898 Awit Ii tilt icas as-ts mill ubus-i-ectedti-m t or t miiimu-mu -
sit1:10 -.'. Whil tth e ii Il ita ,smt u heI nu .A.5list osit uit(, inuti mm-us fori thei
.+. +..idAR~'«'iFk4l3"61 ^elu- to~thuummmI-iit tai- im-aum mgsiestty.vaiouttiiiis appearedtmlsttst mtt.but
sitRm it-tihich h luci-ti tis iliadieri i iths- sice lirsi evei limtt itiolttiti iumt
inmcamustorntitnitutictesumtts. Inithlimeshavesbeet n mi nausted by etitionus
~FEN. CERni yhis-'at oealidhiimslf I. Otle-ym- ud1 . 0.c.eys tave
0.jj 4 in. ouaux blade, campaittigitfg his'retuiried tim college- fii leiic russafuedsutssictorsiani iu-musans-s
1el _guard, brown Ocobr1)550I.]ineuredi the trstismsi t rises-this-musualiterestigatimuchisl
bae wounid with liese for him IPeninylvaiaisdseate. worsk is beisgsoic for the cndistitate
- red cord, pee pair.,-. -$3.00 I hum ktetrststsmrtssasmt ontet le sn-a snhom sre sut for thistaoffies. fte Mee-
White fnihed bell tawatrddrttelhtrtand tihetimeiVT"~e- tioiiniill outst i luss iit fthtie ta
gard, pommel, 34 h. inuiimu of $70tbutiig suit this plls sillIleoteni
Slen blade black AIONZO BhLAIRI IRVINE. from 9 t-h1:1 ia im. It -will bei hest
handle wound with AozoIsscsluir tritin-wasabomrnmi Smthiunder tie "Itesst syste-sndsiilthis
* red tord, pee pair. . $2.00 ttt~Ctlas t 81 ~-htuim mtss-igoh-l iit icsuptoitssi
*MASKS fotriicollee the -iit-itlimeholmssithat toslguselrursofIfiegeutionsm.F..
* ~ ~ ' Fieqaitctr ityItaditishru ehms alsmthu e ir. l, i-N Si .Pa I t. Mus nity. se L
1" sne aliye-with of tahm -ws-reI tegspitil(,egi. Ie ut (tisag I. AoI. -iiy .I.Bsl
i ea adfate guard. i__
+ pererpair- --.......500 wsas .gruastdsfter tres yars.Tw 'Ia-i -____-
4 ni sin year",ni was ptriusitiusof this-LotusgusOw(is-ssm es-stoiss-sl himls isnthe part
CLOVES Ipublhi-s-hloists;tushthuhen ucs-asm- a f the seniitletihmsbiilm~l itui iiFtank
her ight .hand tsssehscof thi staffihsi this-Stlt Ltase lDasies'. producsstions of This Aisdee.,
haviy padded with Itseald. aJ1ii Its - 1of 15301lte sitered hums thesdisisction of sseing Lilliani
gauntlet, each-....$1.25 thine epasrtimeit of tinUhesei.Ruhissel'smisy brsothse-isslmnsnwho is nt
sunmsdiatscsI66oull aseetine intest i le tonieId et sises.
__________________TURN OUT FOR THE PENNSYLVANIA 11E0

The 'Varsity Track meet ,,Will Bring
ot Moth Good Material-Exhi-
itions With' the Fels
and Sbres
Tie amnmusa'Varsity maeet is set for
tomornow mftersnoon mnd een-~ig. Pre-i
lissimsrie n isomme of tie eents will
is- rn off in tie afternon, so tin to
mvimut ths-ussulshdelayns wih tiecom-
tasty this-insinn i it of prelimuinarsie
ini this-vnsing. Tie entries im somme of
liih-ev n t re- qiuicstimerisiusaithis
i-muisihetitiimn ithemntsnill be- as-y stat-
itdfi.lThu-,list sf wretern in very
shatull, mbtu it il illprbaiimty aitthe
madedltim by Ssaturslmy afternoon.
Thtithes mus-e nhtw ic exeitng inaim
tns 55cmt fmct. in, forine imites. teilee
stnt Ilui, a iw imi-tsin this-40-ard
tmasti timethe is-tmst times-thisas-inter.
andiii 1Imyinmami ufin willtgt it out
in the quartietr. t'hese en-nts -them-
schssmcihi-scm-ibewel wsrthethlie ptiteeof
adhmision. Si-n-rush of tim exsiet fes-
es f ultheUivesity-naitwianomappetut
mt muss mueses. Messs. lmsf ttitler-
muity saut W. Im-hmimta snittgin-a c i-
entii- ammmiiintestig stuui exthbi-
titont. adMit es-se. DIwing tunmiit. .
tigni-itu. miotti '1' itsasnitt g;ivn-mt
exiitinwmaithit his-foil, tie latter
exibtioIsm n will shth hit gh launi to
wi h t-ithis- Io- us-mumt estihodliss ovem-
:1m13-mthtim-choitolu. thulunwmmill tim-founds
timit itui-u-tntoit themities fis the1m
u1-ls fmiiitsht ~-itlm-m.lltu. tiaym-,
N mu ivi Ais m I ngtim--lsu.Saville. itiitu .t
Ren t.lin 5 mm. ["imialt, Ctme.Itm.
10-yaritlowi hu5demumuittt1 . Tsiuc.
1 -m u-t m mlmi i-y-- i-ti-t. Iiecu-
I~is1 it NIo:. 1. Itt-n B-im('cmStun-
I tt m u '' i-i --t b . tm untuu
O -mu t~ it hl. Is-tuiusl Tuic-ma
1-. him . -
\'lii m-u-atliliil tm-n lst iii il. tins-it
I-i ins tGlr.Whl, nw
sim s mmml muttn. Icli.1uttism.htyn
IPolo- s uium-Stiarcp. Stvtge. IWod-
-i11,Fsli.Udllt. Dtieuis. AM-
IFe-sncig-:Asontutsith suits:sRalphut
I uiulseiium~-ti- Vs- thima. -is I.
N.'Whems-a . . iguitmna.
its-a-i-wel-tr-w-eright.14-Ilbthi-A1. H.
Savun-ic H. Douglas.
Lu-ht a wetit. 13 ta-Sava-gie
's~o lmitDouuglai.
NI cttr-nncighmt. 140 tbs.-Savge
Fe-athe aweight 122 lb .-Lght
H-eatvy aseight 118 lb.-Shnartn.Rih-
ussoed.Tiucke, hBowler.
Widow of the Late Prof. Pamer Dies
Mis. Isove Al. IPalmnetie wife of this
Ihiteurf. A. .Palmsae. itds- eter-
fla morn ssinsg. The luter wasssns- of
thes moIdaad prominetme-sber of Ie
t inucuis tfauslty amd asi snidely
Iknon.sHle was appointed Iprofeor
of anafmistiy Iss 182 andluter.iii 180,
avwas transsfeued .to time:eiit eof
tpathology. The funeral service of
Mens.Plmser sill be held Saturday f-
ternooss at 2:30


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