2- 2 THE UNIVERSITY UT MICHIGAN DAILY. tt6 f t * r Published Dily (Mottdayt exetpted) during Colege yer, att THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MAIN OFFICE BRasset:OFFICE Aottu BldgMaitn St. 336 S. State trreet. Botht 'Photes 13. , 'New Statet 'Phtone 182. MANAGING EDITOR, 0. H. HAtNS, '01 BUSINESS MANAGER, "r. ENorEt.ttttt. '01 L, EDITORS: A't~: to P >tttct t - Civ o. titeOttAs 'it G. 1. Beosces, 01 E A..H. ldoDoroiAtm.,'0l . P Mitsk, . SAttOEO'3 W. A. Kt'IGTt,'01 L B. B. Wssttoow,'04 W. P. CosotEY, '01L W. A. tSsorEllt, '03 E. I. HOUSON, 03 Th0e t tcortipikiprier(Iftf e)At.YlisP.t5 1(0 (te o!ttpt yet. r Ntih a egotat' deth'er betl e I. . tot: ttay. Ntotet.ttfltttfltoea- ttont, and o hr' ttit. r ittet (ded for ptiblt a- lion uit ttbe tIttttedtti3 at tbe DAio f itee befot e 8p. mn., or totted to the c..itor tefore 3 Su~bsctFor m0oay Ite let oat theILYttt Of-t fitte. hoyt or etStolet's newtttatt, orth BtiiaesMttnageri'Stboeibero willtotfer'a fav or tiy reportling' trotly at. thisoffsice any failure ttt carriers ottoo'terpaer All chtioteoitt tdoerlistog matter Itott tbe in the office by 3 p.moth te day ptrevittus to thatt ott which tthey ore to appteatr. Mrs. Booth's Talk 3:'s. MtldIttllligttttt Booth 013- ptearedl intthet S. L. A. Couttse seties last itighit and :ipoke at sotte lenthoilot tier work itt prisot reformtt. Thio -lady='o life is fitl of itnterest tattt,tis slite told, -ter sttory of twht her orgatnizattiont, teVoltttnteer Pio-ott Leatguteottotry'- etttplctyedt, ttoetttdienee sented 0:o re- ttia t'lzeth ttet gtootd she is atccom~plisht- ittg. 3: B Ootlttoth tis eentor liizitig ilit'Sc Ielei anood has 'iltth csttth- tistiti Ito' ttt SillySit'g attd Athurtt, N. 1.;O'tt::rlstoloo'ttlas-oq.; Joliet, Ill; Co~lttmtbuts.(1.; TretttottN. Y..,tttttttwo in C':lifor'nial. OTtoprisoner's atelitelped tt poisitiollsttftt'r leainug thte prisotn tOat'wE v:1:rt tttttl Chticttgo. Mrs. I~otli satys tto' work shtt is do- te o vemttt tttieittlitte 0'ths ihlstituitiotoi. 1 . Itdoisot csidet'rtsthersottteris S. L. A, COURSE. MRS. BOOTH WEDNESDAYq MARCH 6 BENEFIT WOMEN'S LEAGUE Art Novelties, Decorations, Frames, Poster Mounts, and all Art Supplies. Don't be deceived. Tiade nmark tamped We visl t ure te sudets nl eot',:the 1 '1,111 w ithl1 trpc uteon sl o veys o . GE FRIES'ART STORE, I'eII-vdttt tclnrrvvIl'li. l':i M s B tth took cai on ttloietthets eoj'. ',Iji 217 S 4th AVE. ANN ARBOR bestaied tosn kete uet oior pis tte Ott t l s tottaid her'isi::' t' s t ot:tli aor 1 U(("~s Tleeatene-l(erethe fossliedloca te iiii ime 1 avdsoit stcrbC mpay 11(1itastiel ieits l st yorat frittitl vhos ome' to:.,s11lAbtriThe peaerloilgiti'. t ts nceitliil etendourtlidchat TONIGHTr pisonrs I e, i5 LL HIS EjE w11eherthey"01ome ictrs riva- :- 'Il t' . I I. isplano eoittat__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Slliel. ~ isletitllti'lryhkt' hett'itis; Ileile titoiiiuti etenbeue d f it o r D a dTesPrnk Daniels Oera aCo tit 1111 sli t' -aith itti li1t -1-tiat it't-ol'- s \okn s h sso e h w e ,ht' l yitll'.Spit tole 11tt tha y n tll c pies l IIls L testso " EA ST C L N E "ea So s 'Ii' ':'i toss ltsl'y.it'ie i oll t est s t o eunesoo ' 5 - _- - - lii: 011 flt::stitit: ]toi mi I 10)1 o1 the l ai oAN rSm y.KE he '11 itiM O1NDAY':e:lh'tt'i olihii'lI"eo'~e lgios c MAli y'IT R HB RT I li Uiti. t i 5 oil u f AtP 'ilns':tt i a de ;Ai m f he 1 .1:, 1 0 w rk0n ,bBookco ictBytslF-ilREoD IvpIoutCl i 't way w lKllis iandic llKopIRK. I LA AS -SH ELLEes nt l iitillii;i;a i' v ioie1 0s t's Si'' tilksv: o h e 1 1uAbir othe SCto. nf Sa aeStra.P sa eerp Ilh Ici: ltlildefatoli iiedi'o l iiiiii 111 iu I ill lii' illid-iteTheigantI'a1111'OpereeCo bae.an se vo te as to ehAt-, irs. Boo11 ',tsok4 eiatiJacson a stei- E ER TInGi ats nEW Ge ttCPT cTH erNaMces a tur\\ es of Vanlsy 'Irolck1Mot l n fus. '. 1.MOtI.Ps._ _A 1111: to la\-e i~t itg 110 i l \iunOhhtlbu el? a:1r' thont'so ls n k.th - i il seI i' tl:tsti I-__ST01'______________________to __I) ___________ i'ethttllnohtltiowI 'iltsi ll in 1.0011 if)bordor-o TA TEte a. otr1 11 r tl cer 1, vctoy i IPalss. -er itt C'lssgodYNOLD PICS 5o, 7C l*~lsB 312I. pl9lti' thould lllir ecie the t all - ' i ' S11Betole'il o h xett 0 O O O OA A ^ A A A AO I .bt) tter IAiO OA 'lOAO O O C O l''ltes. 'l:l i':: tt'Ojoh lll i v e ictsltcit eel'olfl te usie . 27 Wahinto Stee aeatuesaolVarityaackcoetiec".e.tR.aISAllt A'd. APresH.HOOAiP1 rae vn \ilh ntolc~ llrada Sr itac 00enpuis t. eaehaqatrsfreeytsl ti holn f lrihg o w~y of;I 0- ;t-d owMemberor oy N e Y o i tioeb ne Ie Ice llis. o ii'l u o s 11av ve: -)1 l'it ' -LMa, OLCA S BYO R C S, S A E pla11.0 ll varsIO it y s.e1wilEeW e r-O V 5101K. JAglIcandWATEPAht B SK TS o'utotis wilIU(c11) ;,\( x~(cii;t IollG I epbi-G RAD[ tiNV s. Work S[cIJIivdte.Or Pi o Aw y idtieLS t. l:rwildhe l en, Oty il& Olenle are hole 1OGrndieofan ol ea l a tath5 e PelariM RK AMSEAZ AR agtts o Ysioninuerea. psiinAo e lenPOA ce.i \o rlS s oldon0B ______il__(.1ths_________It_________ ; ub GrAHMptio&n' 1 SoHnANlTEEy.0 TAE'Pc~nn n.11A' tis TQ-rfs rIt 1efllry hest mll vil fcu aat heawesilltheBIL IAR PLOR